Hey Sup Forums, femanon here ;D

hey Sup Forums, femanon here ;D

I'm just reminding all of the guys here that the average woman including me have difficulty cumming when we're fucking. And I strongly believe it's because the average sized penis is just too skinny and short to viably fill up an average girl's vagina. You guys should be educated to know that the vagina elongates up to 8 inches when we're horny, and there are plenty of nerve endings too deep in the vagina, not just at the opening, I hate it when average guys keep talking for us and saying that there is no feeling in the back of the vagina.

So please average boys, do us average girls a favor and just learn how to make us cum by using your tongue and fingers, because that skinny little dick which like 90 percent of you have is just too small for us.

So please fuck off, we like talking about big dicks for a reason, it's because we like cumming! ;)

And to any boys who's gonna post "girls do like small dicks", please fuck off, you don't speak for women as you don't know what having a vagina feels like you fucking retard.

Other urls found in this thread:



Average guys without diseases also dont want a skank who posts pics of herself online to try to prove a point.

Go to your kitchen.

Get a knife.


well first off bait.

Second off thankfully I have a nice girthy dick. Average length but nice and thick. Seems to do the job for most ladies.

Gake and fay

While we're on the topic of assumptions made by the opposite sex, why do females so often assume I care if they cum? Cus, like, I'm going to cum. Objective achieved. I have a 7 inch dick and idk about girth, never measured. But I've never had any complaints to my face and as far as I'm concerned it's a race to the finish line when it comes to one night stands. I'm honestly just sharing my personal point of view, I don't speak for other men here. Btw nice tits user, I'd smash.

I do big cum


Joke's on you, i'm not into girls :^)

oh no! I must reply!

My ex girlfriend was pretty happy with my dick. And I don't think every girls likes the same things...

Fake and gay

Nobody cares, cunt. Kill yourself.


What motivation does a guy have to make you cum? It does nothing for us. Go be an attention whore somewhere else.


Why should I care if you cum or not if half of you can't even suck a dick right?

get fucked

I honestly prefer the fucking than cumming. And it makes me rock fucking hard knowing that she's getting more off than me.

Set your priorities straight, cumming is overrated, the sex is way better kid.



my mom told me 4 inches is plenty, so fuck off


stop posting the same thread

fucking cunt

The shills are out in force this midday


to be fair sex in general is overated

SO u are saying we should fuck little girls?

I'm not even gonna imply that you're not an actual female. remember if you're on this board, you are on the same level as us.


You're a fucking slut


Absolutely heretical.

Fuck you

> And it makes me rock fucking hard knowing that she's getting more off than me.

I have my priorities straight, i don't enjoy being used like you do.

Wow, that's a lot of 'Please fuck off'

>implying your sexual pleasure is important to me

>the vagina elongates up to 8 inches when we're horny

In which direction?

>being used
lol, how homosexual are you?

I think anyone who has a bigger than average cock (as long as it's not too big) Has heard girls tell them how awesome it is. And how much better it is.

I remember the first few girls (not including my highschool gf (we were both virgins till eachother) were constantly telling me after who great it was and how big i was.That they actually came and it was great.

I was insecure at the time cause I saw the guys in porn and thought that i was average. I never actually measured myself. Plus guys would joke about how huge they were cause they had a 3rd leg.

So when the first few girls would basically gush over me and my cock I thought they were just putting on the average show they must give every other guy they slept with. I found it awkward and annoying that they would just basically lie to me.

So once i'm into my sophomore year this girl i had a crush on since i first saw her (but i was too beta to make a move cause she was always the life of the party and had no trouble getting guys ... yes she was kinda a slut) We finally hook up. And she tells me how big I am..How she can always deepthroat cause she was bulimic in highschool but she had so much trouble with mine cause i was so thick.

i start rolling my eyes. She stops mid sentence and says
"you do know you're fucking hung right? You've got a legit cock. I'm sure girls have told you that right?" (her and her bff would say anything under 7" was a dick, and anything over was a cock)
I tell her how i've herad it plenty of times but figured it's what girls say to every guy.

she goes on to tell me that girls DO tell that to guys and she asked me how big i was. I told her i never measured...

so this promptly ended up going into getting me hard again and her finding a ruler and measuring. 7.75 long and 6" around in circumference.

Shortly there after her BFF started complaining saying she now thinks her BF is snall explaining how he was barely 5" ( he was on the football team) She broke up with him.



You're not a girl and you don't know them very well...

out of the body.

yes, I am quite hung
thank you for noticing

Oh wow, how clever.

^ best


Cory in the house is best anime

Pics or it didn't happen

trips confirmed

I all I know is that my fuckbody is in pain when I pound her
No one likes a bruised cervix


Says the cunt with the average tits. Hang yourself, or grow a proper pair and get back to us lol


That's hot


I wasn't taking pictures of us having sex.

and if ur asking for a dick pick since i've been married for a few years now, i've stopped doing things like sending out dick pics to strangers for fun.

although i probably have an active account on a an informative forum about being larger than average somewhere that i don't think i ever canceled.

I'd wager you aren't an average girl, sweetie. In fact, I'd say you're probably a butterfaced thing with massive self-esteem issues and problems in all areas of your life. You probably have a stench between your legs as well.

And you came to Sup Forums to feel better about yourself....that would be cute if it wasn't so pathetic.

1. The problem here is... Thinking WE guys need to make you girls cum, when is the other way around. There's always gonna be some submissive whore.
2. Penetration is only "fun" or productive for us. A big dick is worthless if you dont know how to play the game. (Learned that the hard way. Thinking it was enough just having a big dick.)
3. Not having preliminaries for at least 30 minutes, its like not having sex at all... Its just fapping with another person body. The idea of thinking only in penetration as sex is the most pathetic thing ever. I start "fucking" someone 2 hours before we get home.
4. If you do not take off panties as if they were the paper of a moist cupcake, you fail.
5. Stop worrying so much about dicks girl.

Virgin detected

Lq bait

But you just mad you fell into her category of little dick guys being delusional. Lol i mean fuck dude let it roll if you like a biss and ask her to bend over. Instead you curl into fetal posution and try to make her feel bad. Lol you fucking fag.

Replying cause I live with my mum and I don't want to be homeless

No one cares if y'all cum, you make our food and clean the house. You're Vagina is for babies, no pleasure. Now get your ass back in that kitchen and clean, no one likes a women with a canal the size of the Titanic and a face of a foot.

Holy shit are you this stupid? Trying to white knight for some stupid attention whore.

I'm so dissapointed in all of you guys the writing in the pic is photoshopped the troll being it did this 3 DAYS ago., and has been doing itnfor a while now.Whoever OP is gets off on this shit.
>And everyone of you summerfags bought into it

8 inch dick here


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Implying all of us are on this stupid shit board everyday.

Jews are the real enemy!

Op has a loose, gaping pussy. Stay mad slut. Fact is "average" is average because most people have it. You're a typical American whore


Well your just a dumb cunt who fucks other retarded fuck ups

Kill yourself. I'm not even gonna bother reading your post.

Underrated post


Fuck you

classic xD

All I heard was blah blah blah, I fuck niggers.

sorry mommy

Nope my dick's to big for my girlfriend. She mostly jerks me off and I have to use smaller toys on her. When she drinks she'll try to take it but it causes tearing and I just lay there lump. Sucks but the alternative would be to find a whore like yourself, so I'm good.


What are you, fucking gay?

You got a perfect body, you should have no trouble getting any size dick you want.

Why is there a ghost sniffing her ass?

>>>>>>>>>implying that's OP

Ya can't rek copypasta.


Freedom of speech, if some girl wants to show off her body then let her. Don't like it? Too bad, go live in North Korea.


slow down your campaign dude, no one's buying your cuck bullshit.


Check'd and rekt.


Freedom of speech, if some stupid whore wants to show off her body i can call her a stupid whore. Don't like it? Too bad, go live in Best Korea.

OP, prove that this is you.

nothing on google search