Why are white people just basically passive aggressive niggers?

Why are white people just basically passive aggressive niggers?

To be fair is that's a 'white people chimpout' then we deserve some credit for it.


>white people chimp out:they build empire with high standard of living

>niggers chimp out: they demolish everything

too bad he didnt go after niggers

Whites just look like shaven monkeys, of course their thinking is completely backwards.

except we have varied facial and body features where all niggers look like monkeys

>white people chimpout
>1 random country on a single continent with a shit economy in the matter of 15 years damn near takes over half the planet

>niggers chimpout
>burn some cars

muh race

haha All of them even have monkey hair

you forget that other niggers dont try to stop them.


>high standard of living
so thats what burning alive and melting into the street is called by revisionsits? interesting

And they throw rocks at the fire dept trying to stop the fire

land apes: not even once

I don't get it.
They had it pretty good until they started losing the war.

oh the eternal-anglo strikes again

because we dont have the nigger strength to be just aggressive

>confusing jews with white people
Fuck off faggot

They are not and here is why!
> White people tend to improve the quality of life for white people.
> White people actually clean and rebuild and restore infrastructure after a chimp out.
> White people are actually people.
> Contrary to popular belief only white lives matter.
> OP is a massive faggot

>I don't get it.
eyewitness accounts from the bombing of hamburg, white phosphorus is one hell of a drug...
>They had it pretty good until they started losing the war.
they as in all people hitler didnt want to see dead but ok..
The german economy did improve after hitler took power, yes (couldnt get any worse really...)
but at the same time, it still wasnt anything too good. for your ordinary person it could depend on random factors if you personally woud get better or worse.
A relative of mine had to close his joinery and was out of work and money. he wanted a place in social-housing...he didnt get one because his relatives had a shitty hut near a wood with already 5 people living in it.

>he fell for it
crikey mate, the firebomb bait still works!

Better than being a regular asshole nigger like niggers are.

Strongest men in the world are White.
Nice try gorilla face!

That made me giggle mate.

I'm currently pretty annoyed because I asked for a soda with no ice at the drive through, but instead they gave me a drink with ice. I don't have time to turn around and correct it, and I likely would not even if I could.

I don't understand the purpose of a soda that's 90% ice, and 10% soda. I want a drink, and I want it to be soda. I don't want a 90% water/soda mix, I don't want disgusting ice to be mixing with it causing my soda to taste like shit, I just wanted a fucking soda. The soda is already cold when it comes from the fountain, literally what the fuck is the point of the ice making it 'even colder'?

So yeah, passive aggressive nigger sounds about right.

because im tired of niggers stealin all my shit.

yes but of the general populace most nigger males are incredibly strong compared to the general white counterpart

because we can only take so much niggery diggery until we nazi-out