How would you adapt this into a movie?

how would you adapt this into a movie?

Other urls found in this thread:

Step one, bathe in one of the governments public showers.


>ftw American brown person
Yay free white pussy! Where do I sign up fämaläm?


>Go to Germany
>throw away your passport


Would that be a manual for online sex or a sex manual available online?
In any case, it's a very strange thing to come up with.

>birthday motherfucker flick
>no tits

That's a dad hug, what the fuck.

Oh look they're fucking white women. She also looks drugged.


There's enough white women around for everyone.

It already exists you dumb fucking shit


>Getting fucked by cute brown guys is genocide

When will we suffer this horrible tragedy?


I'd make the german girl Asuka and the immigrats would look like MP Evas.

Give it to Disney to handle it

Interracial Cinematic Universe when?

Today, on a neighborhood near you.

wat does ficki ficki means

Is there any European countries who didnt take any asylum seekers?

to love tenderly

this is Sup Forums tier shitposting at its finest. quality tv/film discussion going on in this thread.

Sup Forums was a mistake

t. moot

>t. moot
what does that mean?

No because they can't but doesn't matter anyway because they only want to go to the richest countries.

>t. mood
t. a literal cuck?

he really does have girls dancing in front of him all the time in his movies

This shit can't be real

oh it's real alright

>literally importing millions of niggers to fuck your women because of the great cucking of '45

I suppose its what you deserve for putting an autistic woman in charge of your country

literally delete this right now



It's basically a manual to depict what consensual sex with an appropriately aged woman looks like. Cuz muslim sex is usually raping child brides.

jesus christ this has honestly made me change my vote to trump.


though they wont state so explictly, the aim is to prevent a rise in sexual assaults due to the influx of immigrants. It's too politically incorrect to simply tell refugees that rape is not tolerated in their society, so they have to make passive aggressive "this is how we have sex" manuals

kind of fucked

imagine being her...

Are we sure this isn't them trying to teach the Syrians that rape is wrong?

I mean, I'm pretty sure they don't know consensual sex is.

German here
How is this a bad thing? Refugees (especially the female ones) are often sexually repressed and have no idea about their own sexuality

Europe has gone completely insane. Don't look any further into what is going on there because at this point it's just depressing.

They are repressed because of their religion which encourages and expects this repression. This won't change anything.

Why does the image depict a white woman and a brown man?
Wouldn't that encourage rapes?

Holy shit your countrymen are more cucked than I thought.

so dont you think it is a good thing to give them some lessons in sexual education?

It's not a question of sexual education you retard.

well, thats what that site is all about

for some reason i cant imagine that knowing how to have sex the way the 1st world does it will stop a group of nogs from raping someone

hes gay right?

that site is also for female refugees, many of whome have no idea how sex or pregnancy works

MTE i want a cute brown boy in my boipucci

>female ones

k e k rarer than the unicorn desu fame

>female refugees


There are hardly any and the ones around are already married and wouldn't be allowed to look it up.

>that pic

Not if I can help it

Because your government is literally encouraging immigrants to fuck your women. God, you people disgust me.

that's obviously what it is

Put this in your German government manual on immigrants

Jesus leftists are insane.

No, famicom, that obviously belongs in the manual for dealing with white boys at school

The fact this would have to be made in the first place is troubling. Let's be honest here.

Hahaha. Are you serious? The fact that there is even a potential need for the govt to teach people things as basic as "don't rape" indicates a massive social failure.

Although anyone with a brain realized this was all a massive tragic failure the moment the "refugee " plan was announced.

Also, you're autistic and frighteningly naive for not figuring out why it's disturbing that agovt has to publish this material.

I dont know whether to feel sorry for euros or hope their downfall isn't too painful

Lol black lives really dont matter leave boy

so you think it is wrong explaining to immigrants how sex works?

Sure, it is troubling that people in muslim countries recieve no sex education whatsoever

>indicates a massive social failure.
Yeah obviously, are you retarded or something? What do you think has been happening in the Middle East for the past 100 years?

>Also, you're autistic and frighteningly naive for not figuring out why it's disturbing that agovt has to publish this material.
gouvernment publishing sex education material is disturbing?

Tell that to Eagles Of Death Metal fans

>tfw born in argentina
Thank god I'm a brown bull. Imagine having one chance at life and you end up being a pasty white beta cuck

Germany is basically bribing countries to fuck over their citizenry with Snackbar.

At least the Eastern European countries have the balls to put up fences and patrols.

The social failure here is letting swarms of third worlders into a country of laws where women have rights, creating a situation where you have to attempt to prevent rapes with fucking pamphlets.

I can't recall the last time a govt has done something so vile a backwards as Merkel/germany/eu


Yep. Totally autistic

>Europe has gone completely insane. Don't look any further into what is going on there because at this point it's just depressing.

My favorite is the story of the family that took in the "14 year old" migrant that raped their 10 year old daughter and are now being forced to keep him anyway as if nothing happened.

I like the one about the migrant that slit the throat of his host family's seven year old daughter. So progressive. Probably raped her before that of course

>into a country of laws where women have rights
>where women have rights

My favorite is the German teen who lived close to a refugee camp, started dating a 30-something year old, then dated his friend, then along with him killed her mother who found out about and tried to stop the relationship.

One could say this is a patronizing gesture symptomatic of the lefts treatment of minorities, in that they need to be taught how to be respectful, yet at the same time, assuming the mantle of enlightened good will, how to properly enjoy German women. In this context, and considering the recent spate of sexual assaults (which is why this was made), your country really is assuming the role of a cuckold, which I tentatively deem anything as.

how can german men even compete?

>especially the female ones
all five of them!?

So is the German media covering up lots of migrant crime?

Well, maybe the women used to have rights before they got into the way of this trendy immigrant agenda

Pretty much all of it. Most of the stories come from non-associated sources.

What we know is just the tip of the icebergs, there's likely child sex clubs being run in the cities by now.

If Western Europe loves being secular so much, you should probably stop importing the most fanatically religious group of people on the planet

>the hot girl in the german government asserts that all the rape is happening because immigrants don't know proper courtship
>no one wants to tell funbags shes wrong

Poland hates muslims

>Sure, it is troubling that people in muslim countries recieve no sex education whatsoever

No, it is troubling when people like you sweep under the rug that which is the reason for this being made. I'll give a hint. It occurred in the most heavily migrant populated city in Germany, starts with a C, and is curiously absent from the most recently published crime statistics.


But most of you are paler than my country of Australia

Kill, marry, fuck

you mean honour kill, groom, rape

what the fuck am I looking at? He's wearing like three layers of clothing and hover-handing her entire body kek

They sure seem to have a pretty good handle on "rape" for knowing nothing about sex.

Has Sup Forums infested every board in Sup Forums, or does the site simply attract the insecure, emotionally repressed people taking intellectual refuge in the fearmongering right that eventually grow into Sup Forumsacks?

> muh white race
> cuck cuck cuck
> Islam encourages rape!!!1! UKIP told me!!!!

Surely you can all appreciate that xenophobia and racism can never be justified politically.

> but muh white race!! muh economy!!!


fuck, kill, marry

Brendan Fraser stars as Germany

0/10 m8 not even trying

>muh xenophobia
>muh racism

Importing hundreds of thousands of single adult men from cultures that have no recognition for women's rights is dangerous. Why you faggots refuse to accept that is beyond me.

Xenophobia can be justifies when the xenos are hostile and you have polling data that suggest their beliefs aren't inline with those of your nation.

Keep in mind, these are pew polls, the Gold standard. And they weren't allowed into Iran or Syria or Saudi Arabia.

If you think you can reach these people and that they will act like civilized humans if only they could hear what you have to say, then your country is already gone.

On the bright side, there's a sizable portion of Sup Forums that are referred to as "Lib's" and "SJW's".
I think they mostly stick around to trigger the rednecks