Im addicted to porn and masturbating

Im addicted to porn and masturbating

How can I stop

Other urls found in this thread: non-nude

cut your dick off

Seriously, its the only way

Be a man
Just ignore porn.

Always be in the company of people, engage yourself in something else, Keep yourself busy, start a new hobby. So many things you can do right now instead of asking advice here where half the threads are porn related.

do it op

fpbp and dubs of truth!

By first revealing who this beautifully assed bitch is

Ignore porn or just quit coming on the adult sectional of Sup Forums completely. Once you stop fapping for a few days you should just be able to fap without porn.

destroy your hands

everyones given u advice that just makes it worse or turns u into a serial killer

the only way is to cut your dick off.

Meth usually does the trick


Get out of the house
tired yourself out so you don't have energy to fap.
or get depression, that helps alot

Agreed who is this got as shit

Record it timestamp and post the video afterwards.



Why stop?

who's that hottie

I'll stop if you stop op. I really need to. It's affecting my life negatively at this point.

Not OP, but I've seen her before. I think this is the only one I've saved.

I once masturbated for 6 hours after some t

get old and lose sex drive sorta. have a gf you dont want to fuck anymore with no new interesting encounters. thatll do it for ya bud


If youre serious the best way is to keep yourself busy. Dont give yourself time to masturbate. Get a job or a second job that takes up all your extra time when you would be fapping and watching porn. Go do yard work, work out, or clean something. Its how i quit smoking. I didnt have time to smoke anymore.

nofap is just bullshit

Why? It is basically what is being discussed here

name negros?

Also mastrubating isnt necessarily a bad thing. It only a problem if it gets to the point where it prevents you from doing the things you should. Like you'd rather watch porn than do something important

I'm with OP... shit sucks, I need to stop. I'll jack it in my office bathroom during the day, at desk after hours, get home stay up late just so everyone is asleep and jack it some more, sleepy at work next day, can't concentrate, might as well go jacket. Run on sentence ftw

I have erectile dysfunction, my benis doesn't work at all.

I wish I had your problem, mate. Life without porn/sex is meaningless.

I hear theres a pill for that. Maybe you just haven't found what gets you sexually stimulated. Maybe you like bbc and you just haven't realized it yet

>Im addicted to porn and masturbating
>How can I stop

I'm addicted to food & eating it
How can I stop

probably ellie, nelly, zoe, chloe or charley

not OP, i have more

heidi harper

Who is she?

jerk on



Do what I more than you can ever watch, fill up all hard drives till you get sick of it

tl:dr Download more




Get off Sup Forums


Cut your hands off


become a christian and think god hates you for doing it


more pls


All I got, names Heidi Harper though

OP get a gf

im a 30 yr old basment complete virgin who never left his mommy's left

who cant drive or has friends

i rather be on Sup Forums and collect porn to masturbate than change my life

i got my hand on my 4inch shitskin dick right now ready to jerk off

Jeremy, get of Sup Forums you fucking faggot

Don't be so hard on yourself, user.

Do LSD everyday
Couldn't have a boner to save my life while tripping on acid...

Don't be stupid OP, find a friendly pervert to suck your dick and get dick sucked. It's the only win-win option.

You's ain't giving up fapping.


get a job loser

For those wanting sauce: non-nude
The whole set.

This, pervert friend is gold.


The sauce is in the title. I obviously didn't need sauce...

every day? what ug u been on man?

>be me
>sprained ankle
>gf isnt home
>want to fap
>want to have full semen for her to suck out of me later
>she probably wont
>still deciding to not fap
>edging while gaming

supreme life


why thank you user

Move to an isolated community with no internet, engage with the community, always have something happening, take up a sport or hibby that can tire you out


My bad. Just though I'd help.

I haven't wanked for last 9 days now.
Here's how I made it:
1. Find something to keep yourself occupied with.
2. Don't visit any porn sites or porn.webm threads.
3. Don't stroke or touch your dick. (trust me, if you start stroking your dick, you won't stop before ejaculating.)

you'll get over it eventually.

52-year-old fag here

trusst me you'll get over it

have you tried having sex with a real girl ?

i knew some 50 to 60 yr old guys who still wank

i caught my 90 yr old grandpa stroking it on the toilet once


39yo user here.
Banged a dozen chicks overall
Still fap almost daily. Sometimes twice.
You don't get over it.

[SexuallyBroken] Penny Pax

Cringiest porn I've ever seen.


Why would you want to stop???

yeah, when i was watching it i lost my erection because i was laughing


You should buy a chastity cage and throw away the cage you fag

So he'll just have a key?


Jerking off is a life hack you lose all motivation to continue life after you jacked.

have a mother that plaays mind games with you
also surround yourself with people who want you to commit suicide

sooner or later you will lose your interest in sexual thoughts all together
possibly trading them for thoughts or murdering them all
not actually doing it of course more like just a fantasy that will never actually see the light of day
but still you think its a pleasant thought
at least as a way of relieving some of the tention thats caused by having to exist around people that want to make life as unbearable as possible for your mind

as someone who faps 3 to 4 times a day i can confirm that this image is bullshit

>bohoo im so sad.

Kill a nigger, you'll never need to look at porn to get off after that!

>increased stress
>nervous system disease development
>tremors in fingers
>memory loss
>fuzzy vision
>sleeping difficulties
citation fucking needed

>reduced blood pressure
>frequent urination

Wait till you get older


don't worry, once you get to the point where it barely feels like anything you'll stop

Here's a thing that worked for me, just look at something so disgusting (scat or throw up porn) and fap to it. After that you won't have any need of fapping. If you become horny just repeat looking at disgusting porn.

I was too, until I fucked so hard and so good a girl that I'm in love with, now I can only get it on while thinking of her and no porn or masturbation can make feel something