Fat people thread

fat people thread

post fat people, discuss fat people

Fuck that !!


fat people are gross

Nice. Got any more?



why are all fat humans 'muricans ?

wendys, not even once.

You'd think fat people would have very well developed leg musculature, considering they lug a massive weight around all the time.

How does anyone let themselves get like this? At what point do you say to yourself, maybe I don't need to eat this whole bag of potato chips and entire pizza. Maybe I'll skip McDonald's today and go to the farmers market or health food store instead.

She's the new secret weapon designed to stop ISIS trucks


look at those who lose that weight

I am currently trolling a skinny uneducated & ugly bitch on youtube. It is laughable but I will set them free soon. Their only response is "get to the gym fat ass", and "fuck you faggot". I am guessing it is a male hiding as a female.

They have already run out of replies so I am wondering if they will post the same responses as before or come up with new ones.

they usually do, its just hidden under more rolls of flab

They do, its just under a bunch of fat, and completely mitigated by having to lug all of that around all the time.

it's not their fault, it's their genetics

And excessive food intake.

Chubby women are the best. Not obese like the op, but with a few extra pounds and some curves.

Meh. Seen worse. Atleast she is trying to lose weight, even superficially.

Its the loud and proud Ground based kenetic weapons that I hate.

muh cundishunz




dat balance

Except when they spend their entire lives lolling on a reinforced bed, eating ice cream by the gallon.

>implying that fat people move around

Well, at least she's out trying to lose it I suppose.

Satan trips :*

you can tell she'd be really hot if she wasn't that fat. id pound it as is because she's still kind of cute.








The people on the bus are visually displeased with her...
Really shows how beautiful she is huh?




Everyone over 350lbs should be euthanized to preserve resources




where do people even buy clothes, much less dresses?





>a apple



Fat shaming cringe thread... GO



oh noes his rascal
those damn things shouldn't be available to people whose legs can move

man this thread is making me feel better about my 110 kg

Does she go in for a kiss?





Those feet



What a fucking cuck. Just dump the bitch already




This is gross to look at, but I respect the fact that she's trying to get healthy. At least that's what it looks like.

Is .. is that ... the biggest pussy ever?


she is a mouse trapped in a human body


>challenging western standards of beauty

You go girl!



I hate fat people...





Yeah this

How could you possibly fall over a slope that flat and tiny.
Its miniscule, and she reacts as if she just stepped over the edge of a bottomless pit.

Every crew needs an anchor

Holy shit!

Was it a hot day, or something?


Many years ago poor people were some of the thinnest because they had to work farms to get their food to grow. Now they just grab whatever processed foods are the cheapest and easiest.

They actually do. If you've ever seen legs on a guy who bulked from being skinny from a guy who's bulked from being fat, the fat guy has god tier legs you can't achieve from being skinny.

0-4 left
5-9 right


if you're short on cash she'll give you a good deal on a flab roll.

try 270.

I think she is just an older woman who has weak ankles and doesn't walk very often.



why have you done this

I am still in disbelief.
This simply cant be real.
They look like 90s cartoon villains.
i mean, look at that smug fucking face.