

I'm really sorry you had to be a nigger

I'm sorry Harambe

When she apologizes for destroying a classic monumental series then we will talk


I'm sorry Sup Forums is too stupid to gently troll all four of them before the big hit.

I'm sorry Sup Forums thinks 'trolling' Twitter is anything to be proud of.

I'm sorry we didn't pretend we were Tumblrites and attack the RNC or Muslim/Christians attacking the DNC.



Eh. The first Ghostbusters was decent. Not as great as what everyone pretended it to be.

The new one still sucked.

lol ootko oikein varustelekan sivuilta pöllinyt kuvan

Actually, she has a history of anti white tweets. Can dish it out but can't take it? Fuck you.

>or Muslim/Christians attacking the DNC
Wait this is actually not bad, and it's not too late are you up for it Sup Forums?
Are you, no ok.

>le elite minded gentleman appears to teach us of our wrongs

Fuck off we are full.

Yes, yes it should apologize. Sure, Milo is a fag. But he's an ok fag like Freddy Mercury or Rob Halford. I honestly have no problem with his faggishness. Plus he does some pretty lulzy shit. So he amuses me. But OP actually expects this nignog to apologize?

Sheeeeeeeeeit. Also, no homo

i dindu nuffin

I'm sorry that little kid fell in your enclosure and you had to die. If I could turn back time I'd shoot the kid and his Mum.


>No, apologiiiiiize..


Id be down

I'm sorry they used your face as a mold when they were making Gorilla Cookies

Ghostbusters two sucked. So I don't think this new one ruined anything. Still haven't seen it but who cares.

>Sure, Milo is a fag. But he's an ok fag like Freddy Mercury or Rob Halford
fags are bad unless they make music


She sucks at her job. She isn't funny and she is ugly. She isn't entertaining. Why can black people suck at things and get rewarded for just trying? It is pathetic. Stupid fucking niggers.

nigga ruined ghostbusters 2

Sorry ms jones,
But do remember, we are not the ones that made you a nigger

affirmative action is a helluva drug


I'm a wizard known for granting dubs to the chosen ones.

A-are you saying I'm important?

But why? I dindu nuffin.



Not that guy, but if you ever use le in here like a prissy 9gag faggot again I'll drive a car into your tiny summerfag body and crush you.

Can you elaborate on this plz?


Yes. Your destiny lies in Sup Forums.


What is my destiny on here? I'm confused and need an answer!

Im not racist to skin, I fucking love rockwell, KC & The Sunshine Band (Its mostly they act like human and produce anything different than Low IQ shit)

however most of the blacks doesn't act intelligent at all ex.
>this womans role in the movie

ook. ook ook?


I'm sorry i compared chimpanzees to a nigger

That's right nigger. Apologize to the entire human race for all the niggers crimes


race baiting for the upcoming race war


Kill yourself ugly ass big lipped untalented narcissistic fat ass sheboon. Your life doesn't matter.

is she the spook buster in the new ghost busters movie?

The same people who spread racist shit and call afrian american people for ''niggers'' are the same people that browse my little ponies and trap threads, faggots.

Grow the fuck up you overweight little shits. You would never even dare to look a black man in the eye in real life, because you would look down in your phone in shame.

You feel bad about yourself and your lifes so you say racist shit to make you feel better about your worthless pathetic lifes and makes you think you are edy when in reality you are just a pathetic little looser. If you ever even dared to look weird at me or by some none existent chance decide to call me a racial slur, i would fucking knock you out and drop you like a sack of potatoes.

i don't hide behind screens and being anonymous either, me

You must enter indian grounds and speak to the chief. Tell him your destiny awaits. He will point you to the nearest casino and you will talk to his brother, fucksmanyelks.He will point you to the slot machine behind the red bushes. You must play for 12 hours straight, no breaks. After that, you will sit at a computer and enter a get thread. You will achieve more than 75% of the gets. After that, when you are tired, dehydrated and dizzy, you will enter a arabian gas station humming the isis theme song. They will give you the 'ticket'. You will win the lottery and an all expense paid trip to arabia. You will become the leader of isis. You are ISIS.


>I'm sorry, Leslie

that face screams
"im going to ask for the world and then some, but not tip you"
being a waiter has ruined me, I hate niggers now

I'm not up on what's happening. Did she die or something? Have been seeing a lot of threads about her.

>long thread...not reading

>don't want anonymity
Why come here negroid???
I don't go in faggot threads

>Grow the fuck up you overweight little shits. You would never even dare to look a black man in the eye in real life

you're right Skippy. I would never look a nigger in the eye in real life because I've never been to prison

Check out Milo @nero

Some troll and his trollettes went after her hard for the crime of being black and unattractive.
She left twitter over it.
The troll got his account permanently suspended.

ha! yeah back when I was in highschool and delivered pizza I developed a hatred for niggers as well.

they're just the worst. It's not like my quality of service is any different with white people, because I can turn around and get a $20 tip on the same ticket price as a nigger that just stiffed me.

is this real?

How is that not a compliment?


did you ever wait on a table of niggers and ask them 'what's that smell?'

Not even then.

well for reasons i don't understand, women often don't take the fact that you jack it to them as a compliment, much less appreciate seeing a stranger's semen on a picture of them.
Anyway, it's against the terms of service for twitter

Not for nothing, but for someone whose whole comedic pathos is that she's from Compton, that's a pretty white response

>two shitty scifi movies
>classic monumental series

lol fuck this cracks me up.
Ghostbusters was a mediocre movie with 1 dimensional characters and a few good laughs.

>as if ghostbusters 2 didn't already fuck the "classic monumental series"

No, but you haven't seen disappointment until you tell a nigger that they can't get free refills on strawberry lemonade

I don't speak for everyone else, but I don't think all black people are niggers. Niggers are niggers, and normal black people are black people.

You might be a nigger and not even realize it.

Not sure if bait or just sane

Is KFC the only place that has grape soda?

True words. Nigger is a description of behavior, not race

the fuck

you're right

Ben Carson - Black

Kanye - nigger

Not sure, we have these watermelon sangria drinks that niggers lose their minds over though

The truest words Ever spoken on Sup Forums


thats not really very racist


This is

Nah that's just an excuse you tell yourself at night to make you think you are some kind of good person.

You try to hide your racism behind that even though we both know that you are a racist.

Why don't you put some time in making fun/calling negative thing about hillbillies and rednecks? Oh wait, that is because they are white. And you are a racist.

Nice shop, you can tell by the pixels


What do you mean? Rednecks and hillbillies aren't hurting anybody.

NO fucking way. Am i being bamboozled??

lol projecting much?

Also, who DOESN'T make fun of hillbilles and rednecks?
Feeble argument is feeble


Gay ass muthafuckas at Twitter banned Milo... my life is over without his fabulous posts

Such a fag.........You act like she green lighted the fucking project. Go back to stroking off to Trump campaign vids and fuck off

not even a shop, she was hacked and that's legit.

That nigger you posted is the quintessential nigger. The platonic world of forms nigger.


Because people get hacked and immediately regain control of their account and whine about it when it's NOT some sort of planned ruse

