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I wanna get someone killed by making it look like an accident. We have access to his car. How can I effectively kill them by making it look like an accident?

Drive another car into him

Take the person hiking, push them over a cliff and say they fell. Be sure to take them by surprise so they don't leave any scratches on you.

I can't let it connect to me. Any other options?

No I don't have access to them, Just his car when it's parked at night.

this tbh

or just punch through his fucking head

read this

Find a 'death note' notebook and write the name of the person you would like to kill. Kappa

put antifreeze in his gas tank


Not ask about how to murder someone on Sup Forums. Unless you're good with hiding your ip you're not truely "anonymous". Otherwise certain posions aren't traceable in the blood stream. Food for thought ^.^

How the fuck does this kill him?

this could all be a joke
no one knows
maybe im trying to prank someone
maybe i want an idea on how to kill someone in a game
maybe i am for real
no one would have any evidence


Open the hood to his car, cut some wires and unscrew some bolts, and hope that when he starts his car, it explodes from what you did or something,

It'll cost a shit ton of money to fix and it would be funny.

Just fuck up his car, watch him srruggle to get it running, and then masturbAte. Or just make it look like a suicide. Threaten him or stuff.

>Get in his car at night
>wait in the backseat
>When he leaves for work shoot him in the back of the head with a shotgun

You will never be caught.

Im backtracing OPs address at the moment, keep him entertained.

fuck with the brakes or some shit like that, i don't know much about anything, but not being able to hit the brake to slow down in a highway could fuck you up really bad.

das too hard to program :\

Does it really have to look like an accident? Because a car bomb wont leave much behind.

>Seven Proxies
>CrimeStoppers Tip online
>Report Heroin, Guns and Cash in his house.

His car might have ABS though?

yeah the plot requires it

Taking out all the brake fluid is not that hard.

you better leave my jeep alone bitch. I will cut you.

>cut brakes

This would be better tbh.

Or just slice his throat?

yes sir •-•

Okay Steve, I was just trolling man.

What if hes wearing a steel neck brace? Then you are really fucked.

Surely he would notice his brakes not working almost instantly when he starts the car and it slowly rolls into a wall or something?

How about you tell us what this guy did buddy?

Or instead of sitting in his car like a moron just to blow your fucking eardrums, you could just shoot or stab him while hes walking to his car? Ot just shoot him while hes in the car? Durrr

Hes been talking to the girl I like

the antagonist has fucked with the protagonist's life including his family's. He wants to end the antagonist's life because the antagonist will keep bothering them and not let them live in peace.

but then you wont look as cool

who the fuck are you two trying to act like me?

i am wondering on a scale of one to deadly how deadly is a frontal at 280kmh?, also german!

cut the brake hoses

I didn't necessarily mean completely fucking up the brakes. Wouldn't minor damage to the wire make it snap entirely in a serious situation?

I'm OP you little bitch.

You're a fucking psycho tho so I'm sure the girl is better off how about you just kill yourself instead you cocksucker


Im just saying theres no way the cops will believe it was an accident. And if OP gets caught (he will) hes going to prison for first degree murder.

It'll be amazing

Fuck off faggot I am OP

im thinking that the protagonist isnt as dumb as that. Im not gonna make him do that. I need a better idea ;-;