So, ive always wanted to go and live in japan, any reasons why i shouldnt follow my dream...

So, ive always wanted to go and live in japan, any reasons why i shouldnt follow my dream? Id aprecciate real facts of why its shit to go there

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It's nothing like the anime's you love so much. Give up on your dreams and accept your place in society as a faceless cog that will fade into obscurity.

Only job is English teacher and work hours arw awful it's just as depressing as everywhere else

Do it. Learn the language, get some culture.

They're a good bunch and the girls love a westener..... Or Restener... Or Round Eye as they'd say

"Hey eryrone, rook at that fat wright man!, ahahahahhahahha"

Its honestly a great country however i would avoid places that are popular you run into more westernized people like Tokyo. So if you are to live there i would go somewhere more towards the south. But the poeple at least where I went for 2 moths (Fukuoka) are super nice and much better than people in america ESP if you stand out ie: blonde/red hair, tall

fuck off, weeaboo

If you think it's any different than any other developed first world country then you should stop

long story short:
visiting Japan: ayy alright!
actually living in Japan: oh fuck no

Average work hours? Online says 46, doesn't seem so bad.

Plus aren't those English teacher jobs not even full time?

As it was said, only job is English teacher but its competitive depending on where you go, you'll be discriminated against even if they "love" whites, the girls love the stigma, but you'll be like a nigger in the west.

Also, still dependant on where you go, if you get a job as a teacher, they may pay for your room and board, albeit it'll be a one room apartment, if they don't pay, that'll be roughly 700 USD a month

it's certainly possible maybe look into a working holiday or English teaching program. But whatever you do you're going to need to speak the language and read kanji which takes about 2000 hours of hard work. Definitely look at the daily Japanese thread on Sup Forums also Japan general on /trv/

There's an eternal nip-speak on Sup Forums too.

fuckn' weebs

Yeah i know it isnt and i really dont care about that, what i do care and want is getting gaijin lover bitches, know japan and live the night life there

extremely expensive taxis, high taxes, expensive as fuck if you want a good sized apartment or house(comparing to average usa apartments in size), if you are black or arab you have to stay in the big cities like tokyo or you will find its common to be treated like a literal animal, and if you work for a japanese company you will be working at least 14+ hours a day with very little overtime pay for only 1 week off per year.

Isnt factory work there popular among foreigners? And i heard they pay good overall so, thats good enough for me

yellow radioactives niggers with blurred genitals

I dont like anime that much and i dont wanna get japanese nationality so fuck off

Im arround 90 kilos compared to some users here i bet i suffer from anorexia

depends on where you work
you have schools where full time(60+hours)
adult tutors where you teach adults such as housewives who want a hobby which is then appointment based(40-60 avg but highly flexible)
company work where you get hired to train the staff in english so they can be sent overseas or to fill positions that require it(depends on what you are hired for)

Unless you already know Japanese or plan to major in it at uni, you won't be able to live there. Don't bullshit yourself because it'll never happen otherwise unless you luck out and work for a company that does business in Japan, but then you'll only visit for business. And just because you can quote anime lines or read kana doesn't mean you know Japanese. You should have at least limited working proficiency and know 1000 kanji.

>any reasons why i should "not" follow my dream?
Japanese language is fuckin difficult mate


On average how much kanji is the same as Chinese, if you know?

I've noticed some words have the exact same symbols

Fuck being a gaijin! You will never fit in.

Kanji is chinese characters...

Taxes, small space and work hours are no good i give you that however im white and male so i should be good (i heard males receive better income) and i dont need to deal with racist shit, i Also know people have nice salaries so it might balance it off what regards cost of life

If you want to fit in go to Korea

Well holy fuck this'll be easier than I thought

>So, ive always wanted to go and become a nigger, any reason why I shoudnt follow my dream?

why no, op, go right ahead.

Easy. Enroll in japanese university and take language diploma or degree then you can live there and find job.

You're going to wake up in a bathtub of ice one morning with your kidneys missing and a note in Japanese saying "go to the hospital now" then you're going to remember those "gaijin lover bitches" that were all up on you last night

a ton of stuff has english on the signs and shit. ive visited for work in prep for possible assignment there before without knowing japanese and had very little issue getting around as long as you dont go into rural areas.
hell there are menus at restaurants that have full english menus
males do get more income and if you are white oull be fine except in rare cases. cost of living is different depending on where you live and how you live. if you live further away from city it gets cheaper and depending on how far you'll have to take in travel expenses which is not much(woo awesome public transit)
also japs are fun people to drink with

Speaking it doesnt seem soo hard but reading,understanding, and writting almost kills the dream, the positive side is that i already know english,spanish and portuguese so i might have a thing for languages

not her but it's the same characters but slightly different. each kanji has several different readings it all depends on the word they are used in

dude he's talking about japan, not cambodia

Not op.

Is it bad to learn from apps and audios?

I figure the hardest part is kanji and manners, kana and structure is easy as fuck to me, nothing like Chinese.

I figure once I can watch tv and read their subtitles I'm practically set.

When I visit I want to know what the country is like not just Tokyo etc so, I'll know if I want actually to stay or not.

Learning the language is pretty easy tbh

This actually made me back off a bit.. Im starting to think its a bad idea LOL, what are the chances tho

japs are racist faggots , their culture is full of backwards delusions and ignorance. its expensive to live there , seen many reports how its getting harder to live there becouse of economy.
theyre are just lucky they live on a isle becouse of that they dont get flooded with muslims , africans and gypsis or anything else

Okay then I have to find a way to differentiate between them and not get confused.

Question. Crime compared to Europe/USA?

Then you better start learning the language now. You have to leard those hiragana, katakana and kanji characters then go with the grammar.

Here is complete Japanese language lesson:

you are going to be in for a bad time if you think learning Japanese will be easy


Regional differences like Spanish?

Learn Japanese To Survive! Hiragana Battle
if you like learning games that's a cheap one that teaches you how to read and write basic japanese which you can then build from.
less noticeable crime. i would say less overall but its more just not as major such as murders and stuff.
i also forgot to mention about garbage and recycle rules. they are a massive pain

No they kicked out the yellow-peril euros around ww1 to ww2 and didn't islamify like south Asia. Good thing too, some really neat places like the Buddhist temple where wild deer walk in and bow and play with regular people would have been destroyed by the Christian shoguns if they had been allowed to stay.

>Is it bad to learn from apps and audios?
Not really. Go ahead and do it. That's how we learn a language if we aren't in the country that speak the language that we want to learn.
btw try tae kim's guide on japanese language.

Very good. Think about it, kidneys gone, all contents of your wallet gone, you're a stranger in a foreign land. And if you don't make it to the hospital in time you'll die. No name or anything, they'll just toss you in a pile of other nameless corpses and move on with their day

Japan one of the most racist country's in the world with areas that have signs please no foreigners.

again this is japan, you're talking like it was some 3rd world country..

I know it takes so long to be fluent that idont even know where to start the only language i learned from scratch its english and i started in school with "to be" verb, can i really learn it without having a sense on where to Start grammatic wise?

Kek'd and checked

no it's more the fact that is not just a different language it's a whole other way of communication that you have never used/experienced before. and you can't learn it unless you really go all in for about 4 years non stop.

this isnt even remotely true unless you go to yakuza home territory and cause a scene.
its the same as going to the ghetto in detroit and yelling NIGGERS ARE MONKEYS. you're gonna get killed but if you avoid that area and if have to go through it keep your head down and move fast

I might as well post the guide from Sup Forums while im at it, it's really helpful for noobs

When it comes to foreigners all countries treat them like their a third world country. Nobody cares.

>implying the yakuza doesn't run Japan.


They literally have mutated plants growing there like in Fallout.

Don't do it OP! They all have pixelated pussy. It's hard to aim when you can't see, they are really tight tho. Asian peepz are known for their micro penisses, so you might have an advantage in getting pussy.

awesome thanks! I know hiragana and katakana now by memory, it's just a matter of letting it sink in now. Stuff like that game helps a lot with quick recall/identification. I guess kanji is my mountain to climb.

And alright.

Alright then. I'm going to keep asking around to get a better idea. Rn all I was 'told'was they communicate a lot through silence and I know their language is really contextual. But wtf do I know I'll find out eventually, hopefully not the hard waylol.

You guys are awesome thanks a lot

You can go and youre gonna make money but dont count on getting a fucking asian wife and having much of a social life. Youre gonna be a worker and youre certainly not going to be respected. Youre basically gonna be the japanes equivalent of an indian tech support working in america. Like an user said, visiting japan is great but actually living and working there is far worse than living and working in the usa.

>Well holy fuck this'll be easier than I thought
right. enjoy your on- vs kun-yomi confusion. Its not easy.

that's bullshit. as long as you're not black you will be perfectly fine in japan

You must learn the basic characters hiragana and katakana at least. You'll learn kanji from watching japanese movie or anime with japanese/english subtitles, read japanese newspaper and listen japanese podcast. You need to memorize 5-10 words per day. Learn one grammar topic per day as well because it will help you to understand how they use the verbs. It's important.

>Japan isn't anime
>Japanese hate foreigners
>You want to move to japan because you want to be a praised special snowflake but this won't happens, instead you'll be a lonely loser with a shit job.
>If you can't speak japanese you shouldn't even consider moving there
>Learning japanese from your animu cartoons does not quaitfy as knnowing japanese, you should know Kanji.
>Japan doesn't like fat people
>Japan is a homophobic country, you wouldn't fit in there.

Now get back to watching you animu cartoons and hoping one ay you hav ehte gut to live your life like a cartoon.

You're a faggot

The japanese do not give a fuck about what you say or what you think. Their society is based on keeping up appearances.
You'll get sick of everyone pretending soon enough, and at that point realize that you're alone and have no real friends in a foreign country.

On the other hand you're probably a sperglord anyway so you won't notice the difference you sad fuck

how tall are you faggot ?
90Kg is pretty heavy

Okay I'll try to enjoy that too.

What kind of work though?

I'll be traveling the world a bit after I finish me science degree and, I read the best way to get in in a foreign country that doesn't have the same language is to get hired by a corp here that has a stay over there and bend over for transfer.

I'd prefer to not have my degree go to waste or, be totally confined to my hobbies

you are so fucking negative lol
how's your life?

Japanese will stare at you all the time, not because they worship you, but because you don't fit in.

The first few days you'll find it funny and complementary, then you'll realise they hate you.
ther aians such as chinese or Koreans have toruble fitting in there, what makes you think some white piggu will do it better ?

Nonetheless. good luck faggot

Great cause I don't live in japan

>Like a nigger in the west.

better go to south korea OP, much more tolerant when it comes to foreigners

I'm sure op will fit in perfectly he's going to get many gaijin bitches and is fat enough to be a citizen

Just watch theUwagaPies, user:

These are very high-quality vlogs made by gaijins living in Japan.

Then how do you know about japan if you don't live there? Media? lol

Especially foreigners who want to live the night life and fuck Asian bitches all day

Dont project your own insecurities on me, have a good day faggot

> keeping up with the joneses

Different how

1,80 meters


I've been there often enough to not view the country through rose-tinted glasses. I'd recommend going there on vacation first, that's long enough to start seeing the downsides

That's true.

Racist tiny short chinks who rly rly hate whitr ppl

but only if you're not black OP

korean people don't like negro people

Sounds like heaven

Travelling to another country is not the same thing like you're living in another country.

i) Japanese is a shitty language
ii) You will always be considered as an lowly gaijin
iii) No japanese will become true freinds

I want to fight you but I also want op to suffer

Yeah yeah Im sure you americans are thinner


1. It is different to live there than just visit. You are exciting person as visiter, but "western nigger" when living there.
2. You will be an outsider - always.
3. You need to learn the language BEFORE moving there.
4. To be able to move there, you need to have a wife/child OR a job in Japan. Their VERY stricy immigration policy is also good thing. There sure ain't single motherfucker shouting allahu akbar, never fucking ever.
5. It really is nothing like the fucking anime and manga -world.
6. Be prepared to live in crappy small apartment in an area which is 40-60min from city centrum.
7. Everything is expensive...

I actually have been thinking about this same shit too, but damn... I think it is better to just visit there once in a while.

language sounds like shit and is boring af to learn, except that you don't have any reason to not moving to big cities like tokyo.

imma fuckin rape them

taking a single vacation there is only good if you stay minimum 3 weeks. otherwise you dont get to experience it as if living there

Try your best

Find a better place to live in Japan. Why do you have to pick a big city tho? I agree with you that it's necessary to learn the language before moving there.

I) better than Spanish fuck that language
Ii) no problemo
Iii) srsly have you ever had a social life here? Acquaintances galore

Nobody cares about you if you're foreign in a foreign land. And why should they? You're not anyone important. Hell people don't care about the people in their own country. You're fucked whether you go anywhere or stay where you're at.

Japan is the best country in the world, but it still has its disadvantages, especially if you're a foreigner

They are really racist, not that that's a bad thing in itself, it is in fact one of the better traits of the Japanese, but if you're the one they're being racist towards it can obviously be troublesome

The work culture is also ridiculous, if you want to work there expect to be burnt out before very long at all, everything revolves around career there, and it's very unforgiving

Other than that though, nothing but good things to say really, however I couldn't really endorse you living there, one of the main reasons why Japan is such a great country is because of the lack of migration, go on holiday there all you want, but can't say living there would be the best idea for you or for them