Hi Sup Forums. I am 20 and my gf is 24...

Hi Sup Forums. I am 20 and my gf is 24. She is amazing and beautiful and I love her and we've been together for a year and a half. However, she wants to get married and have kids ASAP. The fuck should I do? I dont wanna lose her but fuck i am too young for even thinking of kids

if you're so selfish and immature maybe you shouldn't be with an older woman.

commit dumbfuck

i am not denying that

>i am too young

marry her and have kids you pussy.

do you know what 20 year olds have accomplished in the past? you are acting like a baby. man up and become a dad.

Your gf is not a special snowflake. Go find a new one like her, but 16 years old. You can thank me later.

Do it, faggot.

You're American, you can always divorce her later and be a statistic. 50% of all marriages in the US end in divorce.

I knew an American who was on his third wife at 27.

Marry anime.

if you have kids now, you will be under 30 when they are 18, still plenty of life left to enjoy

Roughly 50 % of the marriages ends in divorce. Flip a coin, faggot. It's only your life on the stake.

>kids are 18
>under 30
I think you're a grade A math retard

The fuck are you saying?

What you do is get married, have one kid, Live poor as fuck till she cheats on you, divorce, and Repeat with another girl.

When first girl comes looking for child support, (If you are smart,) your wife will be the provider of the house, and she can't collect shit from you.


What are you scared of? Do it, don't be a pussy for fuck sake.

Either break up with her, or marry her and have kids. Dont string her along and have her ovaries rot. Dont be selfish user, if she wants this and you dont,let her go.

Look dude, don't ask this place about marriage.
This is where MGTOWs and misogynists come to hang out.

they used to die at 40, in the past

>4 years older
>older woman
He's not being selfish he just doesn't want to start a family just yet.

the only solid advice so far


Nigga you just went full retard

The brain isn't fully developed until age 25, so that's why she is prepared for kids and you're not.

Man up faggot.
On a serious note if you aren't ready and she pushes you then you need to put your line in the sand and stick with it. If she leaves she leaves because you bend over for her now then you are a giant pussy and she will know this which will not go well for marriage or kids.


> Be Me, 21 yr old beta fag. Fat fuck, 330lbs at 6'1" Want girlfriend bad so lose weight
> Two years later I dropped to a clean 230lbs at 15% bodyfat and turn my life around
> Pussy left n right, I was 23 banging a 48yr old milf
> Finally my long term crush falls for me, shit was great. 1 yr into the relationship, back up to 270lbs
> She ends up leaving me for a new guy, im left alone at 280lbs and back to being beta, wanted to marry her.. I was hurt
> Focus on myself and decide to start training to be in the Border Patrol
> Back down to 242lbs at 17% Bodyfat
> Fall in love w/ a Philippino women I worked with.
> Back to 260lbs and engaged (but in love), not border patrol, not a cop, still training, but not as hard as I used to. My diet is shit because all she eats is fucking white rice and pork fat.
>Im in too deep, our finances are intertwined, we have an apartment together, a dog together, insurance fucking nearly everything is tied. Her parents adore me
>I hate it, I just want to pack my shit and move into the woods alone
>Come here to vent, have to figure out a way to go to a local strip club w/ my mates
> Forgot to tell you to focus on yourself and never lose sight before its too late

Wait a few months, propose, takes at least 12 months to get the wedding all done. Spend a couple years together alone, bang, have kid 9 months later you will be almost 25. Perfect age for kids. If she won't accept that as a compromise, then she doesn't know what "marriage" is.

Dude If I were a fucking billionaire, maybe. I am just being realistic when she is not. We both are still at school, I have a full-time job but she does not. We do not own a fucking thing and she thinks we can manage to pay everything that parents need for growing kids the decent way. I am keeping up with this bc I love her, wanted to hear some opinions not a "man up" from faggost who havent left mom's basement yet

Move on then. She should be able to have kids and you shouldn't be forced to before you're ready.

get married, have kids. If you aren't mature enough for it now then the answer is to grow the fuck up, not let go of a perfectly good thing.

If you don't want to get married and have kids then don't. You will end up resenting her and if you get divorced you will be broke as shit forever because of child support/alimony. Enjoy your life FFS.

>mfw all your story proves is you have no will power

>I dont wanna lose her
I think you do

You're 20 man, when I was your age I was still in my second year of college, didn't have any money saved up, and was still figuring out my career. How in the fuck does this selfish bitch think you're ready for kids? Does she even understand that raising kids is serious business?

Don't get me wrong, it could work out, I don't know you, and my grandparents had kids as early as 17, but those were different times.

ask her why it is more important that she wants kids right now then you not wanting kids right now.
Tell her if she loves you she will wait till you are ready.
And if she gets pissed off and leaves you then she is a crazy bitch. it's a win win bro.
She will try to guilt trip you and try to turn shit round on you but you gotta meet that shit up with a stone cold face and a i'm not fucking changing my mind no matter what attitude.
Think about it as a test for your relationship. Test her to she what she values more. You or just having kids.
I mean you kinda have the upper hand anyways user. She knows that if she leaves you she aint gonna find some other guy to have kids with anytime soon. She would have to date him for years before she said she wanted kids unless she was nutty as fuck. so if she leaves you it's a lose lose for her.
the odds are obviously more in your favor user you are just to much of a bitch to realize the leverage you have right now.

25 is around the best moment in life to have babies for a woman, physiologically, trust me there is never a good time, once studies are done you want to get this 1st job, then that promotion, then you are moving etc.... If you do plan long term relationship with someone you probably want to have kids, if so, do you think it is her?

About divorces, a lot occur after 1st kid, couples are tired, less time together etc..long story short, dont expect a baby to solve your problems if you already have a lot, chances are it will kill what's left of the relationship

dude i am in the same situation as you just described

I waited til I was in my 30th to have kids. Dont' ruin your 20s dude.

Thaaaaaaats true

Least I have a gf faggot

>doesnt understand women
Dude. Women have more to lose by waiting. Op should just leave her so she can go get preggers by a dude who has his shit figured out. If he doesnt want to lose her, he would at least get engaged. No one says you cant be engaged for years. But op just wants easy access poon, and his girl wants more. He is 20 he shouldnt have kids, but he should string his gf along like this.

>one you h8
Damn you showed me

Don't be a fucking idiot.

Marriage and kids are a business plan for American women, it's how they steal your hard work and get you to pay for 18 years of whore welfare. Don't be a pussywhipped jellyfish.

If she loves you, she doesn't need any anti-male business arrangements. If she demands them, kick the replaceable cunt to the curb.

Don't be stupid or weak.


omg don't do that you're gonna regret it later just live faggot

Check mate

literally what the fuck does a women have more to lose for waiting then a man?
explain to me in detail and then tell me why it is a big enough deal to leave somebody who you love.
When you do that instead of just ad homing me and not even attempting to help OP i'll consider you slightly less retarded

>Benjamin Franklin and G. Wash smokin weed.jpg

You understand women cant have babies forever correct? You understand that a longer a woman waits to have children the higher % of complications during pregnancy? Women are putting their lives and their children's lives at risk if they wait to longer to have kids and then try to. Also who is op to say his girl must wait to have children? What kind of authoritative prick is he? Op should either comprimise with his gf, or let her go. If he loves her he will work with her, but it sounds like he just wants poon.

You don't know shit. I've been with my grill for four years, and lived together for 3. Unless you've lived with her for like a solid year, you don't really know each other.

I have a baby with grill, and she's like fucking crazy 24/7 now. I think about leaving often, but then remember that my ass will get child support. For better or for worse motherfucker, they get your ass for 18 years.

That's all cunts are good for.

If youre referring to the prehistoric times then yeah but only the stupid and unhygenic havr ever had an average lifespan that low

Than respect her and let some other asshole knock her up. Plenty of poon in the sea, but no op "loves" her. But i think op has the nigger definition of love, which is usually lust.

Don't do it user, IT'S A TRAP!

even in historic times man. Aboriginals in australia have a life expectancy of 69 today.

But yes I'd agree that it's stupid and/or unhygienic people who have a lifespan that short. Just that that was very common, much more recently than u think.

>Selfish for not wanting kids
Enjoy a life of misery user

>This girl is 24 years old
>24 years old
>24 years old
>24 years old
She isn't 42 you stupid fuck.
>" Also who is op to say his girl must wait to have children? What kind of authoritative prick is he?"
> Also who is op's girlfriend to say he must have children right now? What kind of authoritative prick is she?
>24 years old
she has plenty of time sarah. Just because nobody ever wanted to have kids with you because you are a fat nasty smelly bitch doesn't mean OP has to suffer for it.
Fuck off

If you have children when you aren't ready or don't want them, you're likely to end up resenting her when in 5 years you realize you haven't even lived your own life yet.

I'm guessing this is your first long term relationship

>Doesnt realize the chance of having an autistic child like you increases once you hit 30
You think op will change his mind in 6 years, i doubt it. You think getting older will make it easier? I doubt it

>wanting to have kids
Dump her.

When are people going to realize it's not selfish or authoritative if you are having second thoughts about commuting to raising a child for the next 18 years?

You are not in love

This This

Just another institution implemented by the ruling class to keep us worried about life and not about how fucked up our country has become.

The world has an overcrowding problem right now

The 20s are your only enjoyable years... don't waste it on rearing children.

Earning a lot of capital in your 20s is crucial to a truly successful life. Children greatly inhibit this.

Babies really do suck. So does marriage.

that means this bitch still has 6 years. infact i'd say she still has 11 years to have children just fine. But lets go by your number. If OP waits 6 years then he will be older than she is now by that time.
You are literally retarded.

Yeah, and be a child support debt slave for kids you weren't ready to have. Have fun eating tuna out of a can because that's all you can afford.

The math is strong with this one.

This OP

Tuna out of a can was a special treat dinner when subjugated to having 2/3 or your check stolen for whore welfare.

Try half servings of bagged ramen as the only food you can afford.

You're getting a ton of shit advice. A year and a half is nothing, NOTHING, in the span of decades to tell if your partner is the right person to be with.

Even worse, divorce is stacked against the man, and the current legal system will rape you raw with complete disregard to the well being of your children. In over 70% of divorce cases, custody goes to the female.

In other others, don't get married until you're at least 5 years and can decide not if the person is simply right for you now, but if she is someone you can grow with, because people change over the years, and sometimes the way they change will be for the worse.

Until you establish where she might go as a human being, DO NOT GET MARRIED, DO NOT HAVE KIDS.

Full blown retard.

Get ready to spend your life being the realistic one. That's what being a man is. Women, no matter who they are, are never going to be as pragmatic as a man.

The kid is 20. The fuck are you talking about.

>However, she wants to get married and have kids ASAP
Enjoy child support shekels goyim

This. Women live in there own little universe where logic doesnt exist.

20 is young af for kids lol

OP, this is quite literally exactly how marriage works. The odds of finding a relationship that doesn't end up like this is extremely low. I'm sorry but it's true. Wait until you are over 30. By the time you hit 30, you become a serious commodity and can be a fuck of a lot more picky about who you end up with.

>I know I'm being irrational right now, but I'm still right.

Yep... Used to be married by 18 kids by 20. Now kids come til 30-40 and marriage maybe never.

We dont know much about the girl, if they are in love, she only ever been with him, healthy never heavily abused drugs and a good person then it is very hard to find and would be a waste to let her go if you plan to ever have kids, even if OP is not ready he should try to work out something.

On the other hand if she just got out of rehab and he is her 10th try, well you are most likely right.

Half serving? I'd be pushed into cannibalism.

just tell her you arent ready, if she truly loves you she will wait. if she wants to rush, then she is too concerned with her own needs


To be fair, maybe she is a true catch, but at 20, OP doesn't know shit about himself or life yet. It's never a good idea anymore to marry/have kids so young, especially if a person does so just to lock their SO down in case they are a catch.