Somehow I managed to get a job at a restaurant

Somehow I managed to get a job at a restaurant
what should I expect?

>pic unrelated

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You should expect working at a restaurant.



I'm going to the kitchen but I'm at my first year in gastronomy school

0 tip


What role will you be filling in the kitchen, user?

Post pic

Wanna buy some knives?

No idea, I talked to the manager and the chef today but both of them were in a hurry and told me to go back tomorrow with my dolman and knives

Those are some mighty big melons u got there

Checked, but I'm good thanks

any experience in professional kitchen?

Cute, timestamp? Whats your level of ability?
Expect men to bend over backwards to help during the first month then once you prove yourself expect long hours but rewarding career. I live my job

So have you actually gotten a job or is it a sort of "audition"?

I was in a similar situation last summer, but I had worked in a much smaller restaurant before applying to a larger one. Still didn't know what I was doing when I started but honestly unless you're on flat top or grill working in a restaurant is easy as fuck to pick up, and even then grill/flat top is pretty simple.

Yeah, isaacs on the quay in ipswich, suffolk is where i work. Grill chef of about 3 years.

Im working at a restaurant and bar. I'm not sure what you're really asking. Might be a good idea to brush up on french culinary terms i guess. If it's an actually good kitchen you'll look stupid for not knowing something like "en papillote"

This is true. The grill chef before me was a black american dude from the south and because of my passion my km told me i was better than him when my experience was 10 months at the time. He was grilling from day

By the way, if you wanna impress them op, use the word "stagiaire" instead of audition.

French culinary shit again.

Who is this semen demon?

Whos this fake bitch

Thank you guys, feel a lot calmer now

little context
>father's friend own a restaurant
>not super classy but not simple either
>"you're in gastronomy school, user? show up at the restaurant someday"

Then I went there talked for about 5 min with the manager and chef and they told me to start tomorrow, but yeah I don't know if I'm going to be employed or something like just to get experience

Job trial more than likrly, this is where you set your bar. Up to you how high but remember to impress but not do too much. Stick to one or two sections
Whos the chick?

Give me the sauce on those melons

I worked at a chain restaurant. Think something akin to T.J.I. Friday's or whatever.

The way I started was on fry, which some people might look down on but honestly I enjoyed. It was easy while also being fast paced, and from there I was able to learn other positions until I was eventually able to be assigned on whatever station on any given night.

Which brings me to another point. I worked 40 hours a week, but the hours were all over the place. Some weeks I would have 10hr days back to back and then two days off right after. Other days were pretty routine 8-5. It all depends but expect some inconsistencies in your work schedule.

Yo user give meh da sauce

Work hard, don't overdo it, listen to senior staff and always be polite. Do this and you'll have an ok time.


I always liked fry section too, chipa chips fish and chips, calamari and onion rings 1 minute chef.

customers asking for something to eat

Really helping me Sup Forumsros, thanks

Don't know m8, will post the rest I have of her

btw for those asking for sauce I have no idea, just findings from some thread

Fucking pussy ass bitch if you want help go to another page this is Sup Forums the home of degenerates so give us the sauce or fuck off



I came here because titties. I am not disappointed, can't help you tho, good luck Op

Lol, not OP here, but I think /r/ /s/ and /hc/ is more for you if you only care for that shit.


Oh shit another faggot. Why the fuck are you going to post a pic of some big ass tits and not give the sauce if he wanted help he could have gone to reddit

She is beautiful for real. Waitresses here are sexy as fuck too.

>trying this hard

For a fellow chef anytime. Join muh brigade

i've been working restaurants for going on 9 years, every one is different, every one has a different vibe, a different pace, a different group of coworkers. Things that tend to not change: during the rush, the pace is fast and intense and you'd better come correct, especially in back of house. you will probably develop friction with the front of house, but find a couple that arent assholes and communicate with them. its easy in the back to get mixed up with drinking/drugs at work, if you don't drink much you will probably drink more, just from the people you're around. if you're in back of house get ready for a grind, a hot,fast-paced job with little gratification. so just find your level and your balance and learn what you can, it's just another job.

Learn the ins and outs of the job. Befriend all workers on your job level. Organize a local union. Negotiate a fair and honest contract with your labor team. Enforce the guidelines of said contract. Rinse and repeat.

big tits i mean tips.

I know who it is give me other titts and il give her name

Because I'm not on /r/. U mad, bro?

instagram is /briannaramaa

happy fapping Sup Forumsros

>U mad, bro?
no need to try to fight you, you've already proved to be a young cuck

Not a chicken just not gunna fight a 12 year old faggot that doesn't want the sauce on some tits

you're quite honestly a cuck

Yeah I've been warned that it is a fast paced work space with a lot of yelling and complaining, already preparing myself for that

>so just find your level and your balance and learn what you can, it's just another job.

god-tier tip, user

The chicken is repeating that word you don't know how to use. If I want sauce I can use imagesource.

Your obviously one of those kids that grew up playing with dolls *sighs* get off /b


Get good shoes.


probably good things to be honest. used to work in a restaurant, it really forces you to be social. if you end up lasting there too most restaurants the staff is pretty close knit. i started out a pretty socially awkward guy when i went in, but by the time i had left i was pretty god damn open, i worked up from driver to host to kitchen to wait staff. being a waiter is the best especially for developing yourself socially and just developing good communication and multitasking in general. tl; dr
have fun user, working in a restaurant changed my life for the better, but don't let yourself get sucked in for too long either, some people never make it out.

Expect to catch people having sex in the freezer

Bitch with big tits name is briannaramma boys

Communicate well with the wait staff. They can fuck you just as easily as you can fuck them and it can get stressful as fuck

Shoes for crews op. Google it. Currently a bar back at a restaurant/night club and I used to cook. Spend money on a good pair of shoes, you'll thank yourself.


this fuck head was right
you are 12


Kek you just get worse by the minute


I am a Sous Chef at a mid to high tier restaurant in a decently sized city on the West Coast.

The best thing you can do is remember what your superiors tell you. On your first day, do your ABSOLUTE best at remembering how to make a food item. They should be relatively understanding your first couple of days but the more times you make someone repeat himself the more that guy won't like you. Next you need to be neat. This goes for your food on the plate and the station you are working at. Anytime you are not making something you should be cleaning up. Wipe down coolers.
If something you do is wrong, do not pass blame, DO NOT MAKE EXCUSES, Admit your fault and say
>Yes, sir. I will fix that.
>I apologize, and I will fix it.
Again. Don't make excuses. Never say "but I am busy." or "its not my problem"
>NEVER leave a mess for someone else to clean up.
And EVENTUALLY be fast. I advise you to be methodical and take pride in your presentation of the food. But each time you make something, make it faster than before.

I don't know what kind of ticket time they shoot for but you should ask what their preferred time to cook a dish. Obviously the times vary depending on what the dish is but typically they have standards. IE 10 minutes for hot food, 5 minutes for salad.

>Have a good memory
>Be clean and organized
>Develop speed and a sense of urgency
>Do not make excuses.

If you want to really impress them, whenever they ask if you are willing to work extra or cover someone else's shift, say yes. Not only do you need the experience but they will value you more.

Burns, lots of burns

It still talks. Go off Sup Forums.