Yesterday I was walking around at an apartment complex I used to live at, looking for something to steal...

Yesterday I was walking around at an apartment complex I used to live at, looking for something to steal. I spot a chick, black hair, fit, attractive walking to her car. She opens the door, grabs a box and walks back to her appartment which is well out of sight of the car. Then she repeats the process. I realize she must be moving in and bringing her shit up one load at a time. She's leaving the doors unlocked and sometimes even wide open. So I wait for her to turn the corner on one of her trips back to her apartment and I peek into the car. Jackpot, this purse is sitting in the passengers seat. I open the door, grab it, shove it under my shirt and take off to my car on the other side of the complex. She never saw me and I was probably pretty far away by the time she even realized it was gone. So now what should I do Sup Forums?

How fat can you be where a purse is not visible through your shirt

How about giving it back?
You simple pleb... How can you possibly sink any lower?

so jealous right now, op.

i'm finishing up a tuna salad sandwich then i'm gunna go out and "make some money" myself. all i need is $20 then i can get a sack of black.

op, go buy some her'on.

I'm not fat I'm 6'2" 160lbs. There was a visible bulge under my shirt but there wasn't that many people out and about so I don't think many people even noticed.

Give it back, degenerate nigger

>what should I do Sup Forums?

Kill yourself leaving an apology note for being a little beta parasite

Not gonna give it back. It's too risky plus I already chewed all her gum

So what did you find inside?

I like how 24 hours a day this place is filled with degenerate shit stains sharing nudes they shouldn't have, glorifying rape and violence, throwing around racial slurs... but the second anyone mentions theft suddenly the place is crawling with moral fags. Please explain how theft is even a bad thing.

too many normalfags. i was originally attracted to this site because of all the scumbags that i could relate to. we could share our stories not only without judgement but with praise.

Not much honestly. I've gotten MUCH better hauls before. This one has her checkbook, drivers license, credit and debit cards, social security card, a bunch of random receipts and coupons, tweezers, nail clippers, a file book full of coupons, 3 unopened packs of gum, and a Starbucks card with $16 on it. No cash whatsoever, not even loose change. Oh well fuck it I do it more for the adrenaline rush anyway.

Exactly. I used to come here and say I stole some bitch's purse and people were like "awesome fuck that bitch she shoulda locked her doors how much money did you get?" Now all I hear is "kys nigger you're what's wrong with society today how dare you take an innocent person's shit?"

Which country are you from and have ever been caught by someone?

USA and yes I've been caught a couple of times mostly pickpocketing but once riffling through some purses in a car. I'll be happy to give the stories.

I would like to hear more stories! Sadly I am from Lithuania. Would be fun to steal together sometimes hehe :D

At this apartment complex near the college I went to I could walk around at night and see if the lock on the back doors was engaged. If not I would sneak in while everyone was sleeping and steal whatever I could. One night it was about 4 am and I guess the girl heard me from her room. She came out in her bra and underwear and saw me standing there with her purse in my hands. She just started screaming and screaming and I jetted out but held onto her purse so it was worth it lol. Never got busted for that one lol

Well, that did end up good. What are most valuable things that you found ?


Stealing a wallet or a purse is just looked down upon in a criminal view its low but shoplifting from Walmart or some shit is fine
Kinda like how most potheads hate junkies they're both wrong but ones worse

I've taken purses with cash in the hundreds of dollars. One time I got into an apartment that 3 girls lived in but none of them were home. I took all 3 of their laptops and jewelry boxes.

Yea that makes sense.

Also if you don't watch your shit and it gets robbed that's on you

What did you do with laptops and jewelery? Who did you sell them to?

stealing a fake coach purse, if course she didn't have anything good in it, go do it back by her car with her stuff, she probably worked hard to earn it.

Once I got into a girls car and got her purse with like 300 in cash. Just for kicks I also grabbed her tom tom, dumped out a bottle of really expensive perfume and cut her seats open.