Took over BvS's earnings in 10 days

>Took over BvS's earnings in 10 days



>Movie that is a part of a barely-established cinematic universe and gets mostly criticized and called a disapppointment loses to a movie that is a part of a heavily-established cinematic universe and gets highly praised.

This is not a surprise at all.

Ok but in the end, who had the better movie?

checkmate marvelfags

If you've been on Sup Forums for the past couple of months, it should be.

Of course, the requirement is for you to be delusional

Still Civil War

Marvel but neither was anything to write home about.

Oh, the movie that is quippy banter and lighthearted fun, the thing that critics hated about X-Men Apocalypse/BvS for lacking is doing well?

I'm truly shocked

These faggots hated BvS for being too "dark" but praised X-Men Days of Future Past for doing the same thing 3 years ago. Fuck Marvel and their "lighthearted" tone.

BvS would have made well over a billion if it was actually good.

How? Apocalypse was good (I saw it) and it's getting bashed by critics for not being enough like a lighthearted Marvel movie.

The DC ass devastation is incredible.

(I saw it)

I don't believe you

Shouldn't you be upset with critics?

Did Stan Lee kick your dog or something?

I don't give a shit about Marvel vs DC, I just want superhero movies to be elevated beyond "blue laser is in the sky, destroy it while learning the power of ~friendship~"

If you want elevation, you won't get it from Snyder.

Besides, Nolan and Raimi already accomplished that.

Bullshit user.

Days of Future Past was plenty dark and it was praised.

Marvel flick 8 years in the making makes more than DCs second flick
Wow lol Marvelfags on suicide watch literally



Except Days of Future Past was a great movie. And Sup Forums liked it

And that's what I'm saying, the critics changed their mind as to what a comic book movie should be because, and it sucks

spotted the friendless cuck.

>Captain America can curl thousands of lbs


Delete this

DofP wasn't a movie that came out 10 years ago. It's still a recent movie. The fuck are you trying to prove?

the edge. take it easy kiddo

>Thor 2 that high
>Age of Ultron that high
Triggered every time.


Proof that critics are paid off to give marvel good reviews and give DC shitty ones.

It wasn't that great man and it easily loses to First Class and DoFP. Apocalypse feels like a cartoon villain and there are way too many rehashed ideas like JLaw being given too much screen time and Charles and Magneto having yet ANOTHER debate on mutants' place in society.


we're living in a Marvel dynasty.

I'm sure everyone was happy with the stupid grey/green/black filter over the whole film to give off a serious tone.

I'm sure everyone was happy with literally who dream sequences and small clips of other superheros that didn't contribute to the story in any way whatsoever.

I'm sure everyone was happy with the death of superman storyline being wasted in the second fucking movie only to have him revive 20 minutes later.

I'm sure everyone was happy with the twiggy wonder woman who looks like eats 2 meals per month.

I'm sure everyone was happy with the terminal autist lex luthor.

I'm sure everyone was happy with the mexican flash.

Is Captain America the consistently best franchise in the MCU?

>terminal autist

jeez that was embarrassing for Jessie.

>small clips of other superheros that didn't contribute to the story in any way whatsoever.

Man that shit felt like I was watching a youtube video with adblock off

DC doesn't give a shit about superficial reviews and just makes movies for the fans and break the mold

For now

Ant-Man still has a shot

civil war was fucking garbage

DC fans should get Snyder ousted. Why defend his bad decisions?



>I'm sure everyone was happy with literally who dream sequences and small clips of other superheros that didn't contribute to the story in any way whatsoever.

This was absolutely disgusting, Marvel wouldn't even stoop that fucking low.

>Putting teasers for your futures movies in the MIDDLE of your current movie.

>not showing the 57% on Hulk 2

But, Man of Steel was literally about a giant world engine beam, and humans had to learn to trust an alien to defeat it.

God I love Paul Rudd.


>If you want elevation, you won't get it from Snyder.

Spoken like a true pleb.

I remember people were saying that about Spidy that he was just going to be a 5 minute cameo and it be over when he got about as fleshed out as Vision in AoU. The you have Black Panther that they out right introduce like you would see in a comic and made it work and gave him character growth.
I was so happy and mad watching CW because it just reaffirmed how much a hack Synder was. With a cast nearly double that of BvS(counting BvS cameos) the brothers made the best cape film that could be watch with a limited need to know what came before and brought it together in a way that nothing felt rush, confusing or needlessly convoluted.

If WB doesn't get Snyder out of the chair soon they are signing off on ever making a DC movie universe that anyone would even give the light of day on.

>If WB doesn't get Snyder out of the chair soon they are signing off on ever making a DC movie universe that anyone would even give the light of day on.
I'm sorry user

I doubt they're getting paid, more likely people have become conditioned to accept any piece of shit coming from Marvel ass built off the backs of a couple of genuinely good flicks (Iron Man 1, The Avengers and Winter Soldier, etc.).

For example: Thor 2 (directed by the guy that did Terminator Genysis) is considered good enough by association with the MCU. Had it been part of any other franchise it would have been torn to shreds by critics.


I'm going to laugh when Suicide Squad bombs and DCucks are all confused


People treat them like bad episodes of television shows because Marvel is so connected.

thanks in no small part to Faraci and McWeeny smear campaign and critical bias of course


This wasn't even true, it was just a rumor got spread according to the director.

no bias or paid reviews at all
no sir, no

They were reshooting SS before BvS was even released in theaters. And it was to add more action scenes according to Ayer.

Lots of movies go through reshoots. This just means it's going to be way better than it originally was.

That won't bomb. Harley Quinn is too popular.

Then it's over sadly.
here in another decade the general public will know Ant-man better than Super-man.
Bat-man will be playing second string to Captain America.
Justice League will be seen as some knock off Avengers.

It is a terrible time to be a fan of DC.

We might as well give up on this shit until they reboot the entire universe with new actors.

Sorry Ben.

Maybe it will Critically but not financially.