Is this a joke or has America gone full retard?

Is this a joke or has America gone full retard?

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Go home Shillary

Donald Trump will die in his sleep unless 20 people reply to this post.

I think we went full retard like a decade ago

i want to smash


>implying Trump will beat her
As much as I loathe the idea of either candidate being in office, there are more than enough people in this country who hate trump a lot more than Hillary.

Either way, this whole election process has been nothing but an absolute shit-show

This is definitely not a joke. America HAS gone full retard and the lot of us are fucked , including those of us who aren't retarded but simply watching in horror.

The only thing that can save us is an unforeseen miracle of informational availability by the internet itself.

eight years actually

Go post somewhere else libtard

little wrong there sparky.

you mean the lies and slander

Cause you're making the mistake every elitist is right now. Manhattan, Boston, and Southern California are the places that for sure hate him more then Hillary. That entire middle section and southern area of the country hates Hillary more. Keep misunderestimating him, seems to be working well for the anti-trump movement

Who claimed he was self made? He didn't

Not just because trump.

The fact that it's between the wife of a former president (who a majority of the population think should be in jail) and a billionaire real estate caricature (who previously funded shillary in her campaigns btw) is fucking batshit crazy.

Hell, the idea that we should have two choices in the first place is downright retarted. Then you have most of the population who thinks of it like they are picking sports teams. It's fucking ridiculous.

I said what I meant. Not what you interpreted it to be.

Maybe read it again there bud.

The thing is. The left just makes shit up, and hope that others believe it.

When in the meantime , our tax dollars are funding hellfire missiles that blow babies up and there are trillions that are unnaccounted for.

Oh not to mention we're 20 trillion dollars in debt. Whether anyone actually has the capability to call us on that is a different debate entirely though.

I think you underestimate how stupid the average person is. Have you ever met anyone with the average US IQ of 98? You meet someone with an IQ of 98 chances are you will walk away with a headache from the stupidity.

Unfortunately for me, this is most of the people I interact with on a daily basis. Despite having a 156 IQ, I am incredibly lazy and have no drive, so I work with "average americans".

this x1000

those first three areas you named out number the populace of the entirety of the middle fly-over faggots easily.

You may want to accept that you will be saying Mrs President to that bitch.

I smell bullshit.

Someone that intelligent wouldn't allow themselves to become that. Not to mention someone that intelligent would understand that IQ is an outdated form of quantifying intelligence, not that it doesn't have merit.

I've been saying this from the beginning. I despise the idea of either of them becoming president. But when it comes down to it, hillary will win. Whether that's by peoples' votes or superdelegates or whatever the fuck.

Hillary will win. And the shit show will keep on rolling, to our(population's) disadvantage.

And if you don't understand that neither one of them is one of us, you are already too far gone.

Somehow I don't mind our tax dollars doing that. Fuck the middle east.