1. What race are you?

1. What race are you?

2. Would you be ok with your future daughter dating a well dressed, well spoken black guy with a good job?

Be honest

Other urls found in this thread:




1) White
2) I believe that there are black people and there are niggers. Let's just say I have nothing against black people

1. White
2. Yes

better than tinder, plenty of hot girls of your city on dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/t5dvcdgvh5u7ny0/forchangirlz.html

You meant, what is wrong with you?

Is it your juvenile delinquency?

Is it your lack of self-control?

Is it that you hate any human who stands up, for Black people?...or...is that you hate, yourself, because you are Black??

Is it that I type words which make your flesh crawl, because they tipped over your apple cart/ripped your entire foundation to shreds, which your racist heart existed upon before reading my words?

...because...think about it...

All I did was go into the subreddit and voice my opinion on topics. I did not troll any member I did not harass any member I didn't post insults at any member. I merely stated my opinion.

No more, no less.

And my words are so powerful, so lethal, so veracious...I got banned for merely respectfully-stating my opinion.

You know I must be one terrifying, individual, if I can cause cowards to muster up enough fear to ban me over posting a respectful opinion----using words which haunt xenophobes like a ghost.



I have no problem with a daughter dating a barack obama type, whom I can accept is way better than most guys.

it's when it's a Shaun King activist type that scares me.

the only other black guys I'd feel good about are football players that get good grades and have two parents.


1. PC Master Race

2. Depends if he played games on.

I'm white and I recently realized I'm actually racist, dunno I'm kinda redneck so must've picked it up from some of my hick friends. Wasn't racist as a kid so idk lol

1) Slav

2) yes

>black football players that get good grades and have two parents

They all play for Stanford I think.

Like I'd let my future daughter date

1. Black/White

2. Yes as long as he is a good person in my eyes

1. Not black
2. No

1. White
2. Moot point cos sterile

Does anyone know who the girl in OP's pic is?
Fuck she's hot.

Anyways as long as he isn't a hood nigger than yes I'd be cool with it.

1. White
2. I'd offer him a bucket of KFC and a watermelon to leave; if he doesn't, I'd sweeten the deal with some purple drank... But seriously, my daughter would know better.

Hispanic White
I will always be disappointed in my children.

Audrey Benck

1: White
2: Depends if he's planning on murdering her or not. Well spoken people with good jobs can be serial killers too


Idk it would be kinda weird, I feel like if they had a kid the kid would try to be a little gangster twat. That's definitely not something I want for a grandchild

Thank you based user.

Who is she? Is she a model or some shit?

I see her all the time on here.

same user

1. white
2. so, you're asking me if i'd be okay with my daughter dating a mythical creature that couldn't possibly exist? no. i wouldn't.

Fuck me being okay with whoever my daughter dates. I can go fuck myself.


better than tinder, plenty of fucking hot sluts of your city on dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/t5dvcdgvh5u7ny0/forchangirlz.html

Eurasian. Yes.

1. white

2. yes

Also hnnnggg Audrey Benck is so hot.

Someone post more pics of her. I know somebody here has some.

Middle eastern - yeah I would
And my gf (white) would too

i'm not really into sports, but womens 100m or 200m, those are good looking. longer tracks make them too muscular for me.

and as long as they love each other and are not abusing each other i am not objecting.
it is her life, not mine.

1. human
2. yeah i would. not that this will ever happen, and that is not that i have no daughter, she is ten years old already. the nigger you described only exists on 4chinz, fiction and whatnot.



1.White/Native American/Africa

2.If he ditches her with a kid, then she will get some good child support(since he has a good job).


Post more Audrey ffs!

1: Human
2: yes


This. T o p k e k

Allahu snackbar sandnigger


1. Human
2. Do not approve of interspecies mating

White, French / Austrian

Fuck no, niggers need to die

Knulla dig själv i ärslet.

>the only other black guys I'd feel good about are football players that get good grades and have two parents.
Most football players aren't very smart. And a lot of them are pretty violent. Ray Rice for example

Wow this is the gayest pasta I've seen in a while


more of her!

Im sorry Sweden that there are no whites there anymore.

1. Southamerican with white skin
2. I don't give a shit im gonna probably die alone and i don't care

better than tinder, plenty of horny white girls of your city on dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/t5dvcdgvh5u7ny0/forchangirlz.html

I know a Jewish/russian girl who gets blacked. It's sad really


Not applicable to me. No one tolerates me long enough to have a kid with. Fuck, I haven't even really had all the much sex.


Contrary to popular belief there is actually a good amount of whites left. The niggs and sandpeople mostly reside in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Malmo. So the rest of us are relatively ok. Soon we will have a election and will probably get a government that shuts the borders and kicks the freeloading sandniggers out.

Any more pics of her?

You grew up and saw the light, Sup Forumsrother


>But seriously, my daughter would know better.
probably the best response yet

better than tinder, plenty of horny stunning sluts of your city on dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/t5dvcdgvh5u7ny0/forchangirlz.html

>my gf (white)
nice try, dune nigger.

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn post more

Audrey Benck hnngg

1. African American
2. No




I'd be fine, I love me some chocolate too.