/gg/ Post guitar and gear and be judged/rated

/gg/ Post guitar and gear and be judged/rated
Strat american standard
orange 20rt amp
no pedals
Im new to playing but damn its the best thing in the wrold

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try learning some weezer, simple yet very fun to play.

nice setup.

thanks man, il look up some songs, been doign a lot of dr dog and Portugal the man

Learn classical guitar

1 cant play outside
2 the tunes leave girls moist and wanting
3 can play your favorite anime/game themes leaving the girls moist and wanting
4 lose virginity

i wish i hadnt kiked my way through 3 low end guitars and a roland micro cube instead of manning the fuck up and buying a tube amp and a guitar that stays in tune

my guitar


>tfw when you have that shitty guitar


you're a god damn lucky bastard hahah i've been playing for about 7-8 years but i've never even been close to a real strat or orange amp.

my setup includes some unknown brand of Strat. the Academy™ logo actually rubbed off, so it's replaced with a :V. mind the strap, I bought it when I was 12
yamaha RBX bass. cheap as fuck, but decent enough for performing along acoustic instruments
Kala ukulele for capturing highs in a mix.
ibanez acoustic guitar. my baby of the group
marshall MG30FX amp with a digitech RP50 guitar processor.

of course i'd forget the picture

The Les Paul is slick as fuck.


I went into the music store to buy an amp, saw the LP on the wall "used" but spotless, like half the price of a new one. Walked out with the amp and the guitar. It's literally the exact next thing I was going to buy anyway; same finish and everything.

Yamaha FG700S Folk Acoustic Guitar Natural

cheap and relatively good sounding.


Gibson LP S 16, myomorpha distortion pedal and a MG15 solid state mini stack

first act 222 guitar

poopy first guitar, still own it, dont play it as much as acoustic

So let's say I play mainly guitar but I have a friend selling his old bass, a black Squier Jazz Bass. Great condition except what looks like a little thumbnail indent in the neck at the 5th fret. How much would you buy this for if only to fuck around with it? A new bass of the same type is $200.

god dammit

Hold up, fellas. I've got two more.

Me with current bass rig with my band Audio Dose
> orange terror 1000 head
>orange 4x10 cab
>Gibson xplorer bass



fucking normie faggots go out and get a real amp and not waste your time with orange's bullshit

>no twin reverbs
>suck marshals overpriced faggot cock
>all i play are schecters
>dude have you heard of rush
>eat shit and die hang yourselves with your first act cables

god why do you retards bother posting go learn how to fucking play for a while instead of jerking each other off to the same crap once a month and then learn how to buy gear instead of literally pissing away good cash for steaming hot shit

Bassfag here, anyone know any good beginner songs for bass? preferably classic rock, i can already play pretty much any black Sabbath song & dazed and confused, but i want something that has less repetition

Fender thinline tele delux. My fave thing in the world

my amp was like 300

Rush, stone temple pilots, thin lizzy, deep purple if you're feeling real confident that dude could fucking rip on bass

Only thing worth living for, user.

Now this is guitar porn

everything i own were gifts or hand-me-downs.
most high end thing i own is the acoustic guitar

The bridge that came on it was faulty. The heavy e string would snap at the bridge easily af. After i put a new bridge on it though, its the sweetest guitar ive played


High E or low E? I've never had one of the top three strings bust on me. Had a B string just about take out my eye though.

I paid for them m8

get an mxr micro amp and a dyna comp man up

I love this amp because its smaller then all my tube amps with 4x12 cabs and the real spring reverb.

The thickest one. I thought i just wasn't used to playing teles but it got to the point i was buying a new string every 4 days. The A broke a lot too. But i took the bridge off an old shitty peavey and put it on there and never broke one since

>tfw low income household ;_;
if i had the job and income to, i'd upgrade fucking everything`


I started a few months ago, but finally got around to getting an actual Fender

Mah jeff loomis signature

have some acoustic playing

did it get kicked from Sup Forums?

no pics but,

harley benton tele with seymour duncan hot tele pickups

fender champion 20 amp

effects pedal:
fender micro compressor
marshall blues breaker ii
boss distortion ds1
mooer ninety orange (phase)
hotone delay echo

no pic.

main setup is tele into a fender twin. 5-6 pedals +tuner +wah.

worth every penny

what tele?

How is the king of tone? They're supposedly pretty damn versatile.

MFW my favorite guitar is a customized, re-cut, re-painted, re-wired low end guitar.

Gibson melody maker 2009

heavily customized

Seymour Duncan, Black winter set pickups.

>"Guitarists" believe this

Daily reminder that Gibson's guitars are God Tier

Also, PRS CU24SE.


Or you could quit being jelly that all these shredders are better than you

the body of the guitar that is a barrel is that going to be a graphic or do you actually want it made out of that wood and shit?

Gibsons make gods!

Epiohone casino coupe and i have a Fender champion 20

>Epiphone SG Cherry red
>Marshall MD100dfx
>no pedals

Don't have photo as pickups are getting changed but, Ibanez RGA7 and a Roland Cube 20gx


Also i have a rogue vb100 bass

Hey user is that guild a 00

it that a p-bass?

Matt freeman anything by matt freeman

Protip maxwell murders = panties

>Squier Jazz Bass

Sit down kids.

This is how a bass rig should be.

how you like that orange?

Can't upload a picture cuz Internet is shit but
>Chapman ML-3M
>Fender Mustang 3
Handful of effects pedals

jaco, primus, victor wooten

hope this helps

Cant take pic rn, got a jackson dinky 7 string for a guitar, got 3 amps 1 small audition 110 peavy, a fender deluxe 112 and a bigger peavy dont know model but its got 2 12 inch speakers, for pedals got some random overdrive, a morley wah, some old old old delay and chorus and a behringer phaser

Lots of shitty gear ITT. People need to get red-pilled on good cheap gear.

carry on my wayward son by kansas intricate enough to learn something but still pretty easy

there's a joke about the f hole here but i'm to tired to construct it

two bright spots in a dull galaxy.


thank anons, much apreciated

nice bro

My old set up. Wuuuut


I'm pretty happy with what I've collected over the years.

>2012 Gibson Les Paul Studio Deluxe
>Fender Blues Deluxe Reissue
>BOSS TU-3 Tuner
>EHX Pitchfork
>Earthquaker Dirt Transmitter
>Timmy by Paul Cochrane
>MXR analog chorus
>Moog MF Trem
>Moog MF Boost
>MXR Carbon Copy
>Earthquaker Sea Machine
>Neunaber Stereo Wet
>Voodoo Labs Pedal Power Mondo

I had GAS for pedals for a long time, but I've since kicked the addiction.

np bro also I would recommend learning some music theory so you can play bass when someone else is playing guitar and write lines and such. The book I learned from is at the link below but there are tons of resources online for free too.


A tuner and a nice preamp isn't unreasonable imo. I've had good results with the Aguilar Tone Hammer.


I just like that sting ray bro

here's a few of mine

ah. Some people think a bass rig should only be a bass straight into an amp. I thought thats what you meant too.

custom made 7 string



I do love this bass tho.

I've got a bass bone as part of my rig, just wasn't in the photo. Sometimes some pedals for funzies too

Here's my collection getting a banjo and sax next

Forgot pic

show us whats in all the cases

I have that same GK cab kicking around somewhere. i blew one of the speakers though.

Oh dear.

Dat PV sound.


do you have issues keeping the guitar in tune after using the trem bar,also ordinary or locking tuners

had a peavey PA once, pretty nice

I've got a bass in that flight case behind the cab but I don't want to take it out it's a fender 5 string though. I've got a few other guitars, amps and basses at another house too lol

aw man I love it. those aluminum cones are awesome for the sound I like. I also use it as a pa and it's held up great.