Faces of Sup Forums thread!

Faces of Sup Forums thread!

>Post, rate, or just come chill

(copy and paste both lines above into url bar)

will you post nudes??


Pig nose

am I dead yet?

Got some shroom eyes going there


7.5/10, I think you could look good with a beard

7/10, cute with good eyebrows but that nose is freaky and your rabbit teeth are little odd

7/10, alright but kinda basicness going on

Roast me?


cute, face pic?

Do you think you could post a better pic?

My gf took this pic

Suh dude

Gay I can easily kick your ass.

Fat slut.

You're weak as hell, therefor I can beat you up in an instant.

Sexy, tits or gtfo.

Gf my ass faggot. Stop lying before I kill you.

School shooter/10

I will be doing more rates once there are more pics of you worthless cunts.

I have that same flash drive
Wanna go school shooting together?

Yes you idiot, as you can see from my trench coat I am ready to shoot up a school in an instant.

makes sense, i guess it takes one to know one

Attention seeking ugly cunt

You got some dick suckin lips boy. Don't lemme catch you in the big house, hot lips.

What the hell you gay homo, fuck your trips you fool.


It's not gay in prison.

left or right?


What up Sup Forums!?

go to work bitch

You know what to do

Its midnight user.
Too late for that.

I aint gotta do shit nigga

Posted everytime.
Also not attractive. You look 12.

Hardly everytime...ive been busy all day.

>implying looking that young isnt a major compliment

Lol insecure homophobe
No pls

Hey! its the grill who is fat yet doesn't believe she is.

Well daggum, okay then.

Tits or GTFO bitch

Yea because im chubby

Nah im good faggot

ayy i'm at the middle, i'm 20, people say i look younger.

omg u finally admit it..

pre much everyone on here is like a solid 8 or 9!! anyway here's me lmao :)

fat af ew

uh nah..u look 26 or 7 my dude. kek

You're not chubby! You're very pretty :) you look healthy.

I always said i was chubby you tard...
Not once did i ever think i was thin

woww. qt af :3

>solid 8 or 9


liked how u included op. have an upboat le sir

"Pre much"

Well thanks but realistically i know im chubby. I dont have a problem with it. I like being squishy

lmao, shieet i've been lied to.

I'm pretty bad at taking selfies fyi.
But please feel free to rate

Real party hour: Smash that like

dont u DARE make fun of Rastafarianism..

decent tbh 7 or so

Oh shit. Still want that tummy pic user. Don't be insecure!

kek, friend drew that shit on me.

Have you been doing more work outs since last time you posted?

Also me, plz rate

As i said before user
i aint gonna take anoic of that lol

Thank you so much!

Check em!
Fine I'll suit asking. Mainly a ice breaker at this point the amount of times I already asked. How's the work out coming along?

Give me your worst

Get that fake polo shit out of here

what're your pronouns?

Dude I literally got it from polo store, gtfo

You like a trap. You'd better be wearing lacy pink underwear

Eh crappy and slow haha.
I was supposed to go yesterday but i was upset so i couldnt find the energy to go.

Im literally on my feet all day at work eo its like 6 hours of me constantly walking around so by the time i get home (which i walk to and from work) im super exhausted so im usually too tired to go

Lmao dude the stitching is all types of fucked then

His and no im not a trap, you wont find any pictures of me on a trap thread

Maybe you should change up your diet. Are you eating less and working /working out more? Thats a bad combo. Your fairly young no? You really shouldn't be too tired, but then again idk what you do for occupation

hit me with your best shot

Think we can change that tonight. What do you say Alexis? Wanna show us them titays

with those lips, i'd say your father already did

Your make up sucks as much as that pic quality

Oh my God

Lmfao I'd be a better trap than half of those crossdressers.

I eat like shit to be honest.
Im lucky im not 300 pounds with the way i eat.

I dont eat a lot though..just bad stuff.

And im 26.
Constantly running arounf for 6 hours is tiring. Im not joking when i say i dont get a chance to sit in those 6 hours

LOL I'm not wearing any makeup in it

Prove it;) you 'hardcore' metal fan

not bad, fam. 7/10. Don't know why make a fish face for a selfie tho. Look at my first mistake.

If you know the problem maybe try to find a way to schedule a time to prepare your lunches that are filling and healthly. Note I didn't mention tasty. What are your goals, weight/ career wise??

I'm good & my shirt's not a band tee, it shows the emotions of Darth Vader

O so you naturally look like your ready to suck off the first guy to give you the attention your mom didn't give you.

Rate me guys

Yes? In case you didn't know makeup doesn't make your lips bigger.. lol. If you want to say something like that at least be educated? You could've used like Botox or liposuction but instead you just look like an idiot


Give us a peek user. Are you insecure with your body??

7/10 Nice smile, bright eyes

Actually yes & you're the only one that wants to see me naked bud.

I think you've got a good figure. Fits nicely in that dress.

A literal whore calling me an idiot, what a time to be alive! Also, make up can make your lips appear bigger if you new how to apply the correct colors and shadows instead of buying the Walmart tier shit you probably buy with the money you getfor 'favors'

Yea but its hard when you dont really have time to prep your meals and you just are forced to order something Cheap and fast.

I dont really have a specific goal set....id at least like to lose 30 pounds

Just a shirtless pic. But sorry your insecure user

first of all, you don't know shit about my sexual experiences, so calling me a "literal whore" again makes you look uneducated. secondly, where I live there's no Walmart. so how about you take that pent up bitterness and go pet a dog rather than pick a fight that literally makes you look like you haven't passed a second grade education

5/10 Nice eyes but quality of image and lighting makes you look pasty

lol u trap

Not the same femanon butmyiu are indeed an idiot.
Its clear she not wearing anything on her lips...now her eyes however....i cant say the same thing.

Stop being a faggot already...youre embarassing yourself

still qt. want to fug u then cuddle u like the qt u are

But you*

>inb4 "hurrr you can spell."
Typical typos