Ask a pizza delivery driver anything

Ask a pizza delivery driver anything

what career would you have now if you'd paid attention in school?

do black ppl tip?

Are those Domino sign things bolted onto your car or what? Always wondered if those were permanent or not.

My old contractor job. Im only 21, still deciding what i want to do in life.

Theyre magnets that scratch the shit out of your roof.

Sometimes. Just depends on their welfare check

Thanks man. That question has been bugging me for a long time.

I work in a pizzeria too waiter/deliver I get this asshole who orders regularly and tips 25-80 cents in change i refuse to deliver there everytime he orders has something like this ever happen to you?

Yes. Its called the week after welfare checks get cashed. I refuse to take some deliveries because of this but mostly if they tip change i tell them keep it because you obviously need it more than i do.

What city/state you work out of?

North carolina. Will not disclose city.

I just got hired as a delivery driver today. Any advice?

Shit the company as much as you can. Learn the secrets to hold more money at the end of the night.

Dont race papa johns drivers down main st past the sheriffs station. You will be pulled over for winning.

Also dont forget the damn 2 liter drinks. And make sure youre dicking off so someone else has to answer the phone

Also conrats? Who you delivering for?

One last thing, use google maps for a gps. It shows you exactly where the house is.

Thanks for the advice. I'm delivering for Hungry Howie's.

What are the secrets to holding more money at the end of the night?
>delivery driver for local Indian takeout joint in the UK here

you better not be using the EP3 as a pizza delivery car

Nice car man. I'm looking at getting a EG si, but they're like 1000$ less than a ep3. so might just save for one. How you like it?

Why not?

listen carefully OP.
at the end of each night you have your receipts and the cooks receipts that match with each other to add up all the deliveries youve made. somehow steal some of the cooks receipts but make sure you match it with the same one you have and burn them. therefor that delivery was "never made" do this a few times a night and you'll end up with 50-100$ more in your pocket.

Getting away with writing in tips and tricking people in to writing in tips
Pocketing extra money
Learning how to take away money from what you have so you claim less tips on taxes

Occasionally. My daily is a 99 civic ex

Do you guys mess with the food ?
Im always terrified so i always tip 20% and higher

my friend rubbed his nuts on chicken wings cause the person never tipped.

Vx hatch is ideal. Ive had my fair share of eg chassis cars.

Dominos doesnt work the same way. Drivers are checked out individually when they leave and insiders dont get tips.

Yes drivers do touch the food but very rarely. Im the only one that can make the food, but all drivers work the cut table on the other side of the over


In other words never dick the drivers. They can handle basically every aspect of the job from taking orders to fucking your shit up

a pizza driver only makes 5-7$ on hour, so tipping them does help them out a lot. when i used to deliver no matter how many orders i had with me i'd always take the highest tippers first even if it was across town.

Fortunately i always online order and usually my tip is shown on the reciept before hand

Nice car. Type r?

Same here. I usually leave with $50 on the average night. One time a took a quad delivery and the one i was supposed to take last was a $10 tipper every delivery. Needless to say he got his food first

Also should i feel bad if i tip 3-6 dollars if my order total was only 10-15

Nope. Si cuz americuck. But ive almost got the money put back for the swap. And i already have a garret 60 trim turbo ready to slap on it.

Not at all. Thats actually generous compared to the bs i get. $1 tip on a $60 order.

Nice. I always figured my car was modeled after yours

The ep3s are actually smaller than a honda fit. But the fit is a closet civic hatch and honda refuses to call it that.

Do You like the french movie TAXI? :D

Do you send cp to people?

Cant say that ive seen it.

No but i have drawn thing on the pizza boxes by request.

Let me rephrase. Do you give people cp?

Not yet. Maybe when im about to quit

What would you do if somebody attached an explosive collare to your neck an told you to rob a bank?

Either rob the bank or just die cuz life.

How often are you you exposed to naked people answering the door, men or women?

Often. Ive had big black women try to seduce me and skinny white crack heads. Ive seen a fair share of people covering their dicks tho.

Is there some notes you put on the computer "like nude fattie"? Does the company want you to report them or call the cops?

Why do pizza delivery people always drive Hondas?

>dat mpg
>dat honda reliability
>dat age group.

Na. We just tollerate it. I deliver weekly to a woman who has an ad for an escort service on back page. Ugly bitch.

>I get this asshole who orders regularly and tips 25-80 cents in change

I don't tip at all. The driver earns at least 8.50€ though. Minimum wage. So the delivery should be included in the price.

No. We make minimum wage in store and less on the road. Always tip your driver asshole. The boxes even say:
>the delivery charge is not a tip to your driver.

>We make minimum wage in store and less on the road

Not where I live. And if I have to pay 5-6€ for 30 cm Pizza (12 inches) and have to order for at least 10€ I can expect them to deliver it without tipp.

anyone attractive?

Just one. As i went to get in my car she was poking her ass out the door.
Gonna try next time i deliver to her.

How often do you smell weed when you deliver it to someone?

Enough to get a contact high every day i work and get smoked out for tips.

Well its been a decent thread but my phones about to die and i require sleep. Goodnight Sup Forums be sure to order plenty of pizza and tip well.

as a previous delivery driver, i can attest to all of this, well done op. Do these things and you will win at delivering zah's

:( goodbye not-fag op i hope u have cheesey dreams

Also a pie slinger. I drive a 99 accord with 226k miles on it. Dat honda life