I'm a mute and am bored. AMA, fags

I'm a mute and am bored. AMA, fags.

are you a mute?


are you bored?

How do I turn the volume back up?


I'll bite.
Were you always mute?

You stick your hand up my ass and move my mouth like a ventriloquist.

For the most part I communicate by texting or writing. You'd be surprised how patient people are even when they don't know you can't speak.

You might just be autistic.

Nah, Autism and Asperger's are known to affect communication, but mine is physical.

So you're autistic?

This isnt reddit, fuck off.

Original and witty.

If you're a mute how come I can hear what you are saying

Thanks, but that doesn't answer my question. Then again, maybe it does.

who invented liquid soap?

So you were born a mute then? Alright, next question. I'll try and phrase this in the best way. What's your inner-voice like? When you're thinking to yourself, does it have a particular voice or is it just what you'd imagine your voice would sound like?

Hopefully that makes sense.

Do you have a distinct voice in your head of how your voice would sound if you could unmute yourself? Tried to word this the best I could.

Get put of my head, nigger. Also check my dubs.

William Shepphard.

Usually it sounds like the last voice I heard. But I guess you'd say it sounds like an average male voice.

Why cant you speak?

Lack of vocal cords. Just a birth defect, that's all.

Yo, I think we're in tune with each other, are you by any chance in NYC, want to meet up? Kek wills it.

How is life like as a mute?

Last question, if you could have the voice of anyone, who would it be and why?

When remote controls mock you does it piss you off?

Sorry mate, I'm a Florida fag.

is your name Ahren?

Does that makes you unable to make any sound? Like, can you cry or make some kind of moan?

I want to know this too?

Remember that big black dude from Green Mile? Him.
Just the idea of having that booming voice is pretty funny since I'm not a big guy.

Pretty normal. People judge you less when you can't talk. You get in a lot less trouble when you can't give your opinion immediately. Writing it down gives you time to think about how to tactfully put things. Dating is a bit of a bitch, but women love a man who can only listen.
It's difficult as dicks to be assertive without getting physical, but like I said earlier, people are usually very patient.

Crying I can do, but zero sound obviously. Moaning, screaming, and a few other things can be done, but the finer points of sound can't be.


We'll meet again, the universe wills it.

I lied, one more. If you could switch being mute for a different handicap (blind, deaf, can't walk, etc) would you? If so, which?

No, I don't think I would swap if I could. Being mute affords me a lot of opportunities in my social life. I've seen people practically put their feet in their mouths because they don't know when to shut up or what not to say, and I'm pretty happy that I'll never have that problem.

What part of florida?
Flordia fag as well here (SW)

What do you think is the best way to approach a mute person?
To be their friend^

Wise response user, thanks for the answers and time. Good luck with the not talking thing.

Central Florida, right in the middle of all the tourist scum. Sucks dick living here,especially in the summer.

How's your sex life? Do you have a gf? How many girls have been interested in you despite being mute? Funniest thing that's happened to you as a consequence of being mute?

Same way you approach anyone, man.
First thing I wish most folks would do is give me their number first, though. It's easier just to text rather than try to mouth shit out or write everything down.

Thanks, man.

Have you seen the movie hush

Why are u mute

How Can You Be Real If Your Voice Isnt

how tf are you typing if you are mute idiot

what's your favorite drake and josh episode

what's your favorite tv show

what's your favorite color

Sex life is alright, no I'm currently single.
Somewhere in the realm of 13-18 women. I don't usually count the two week trials.

Funniest thing? I'll green text it.

>21st birthday
>Friend and I go to a bar
>I keep a little black book on me at all times to communicate
>Sit down with friend, about two beers in
>I notice this dyke chick with short hair eyeballing me
>Nod at her as if to say 'What's up?'
>I guess she took that as an invite and comes over
>Yanks the black book out of my front shirt pocket and starts yanking out pages
>I grab it back and throw my hands up in the air, palms up
>She tells me "You're fucking disgusting. Fuck you and your little black book, perv." and storms off.
>My friend is in tears laughing at me.

,kill yrf fa7ot

The one where Drake convinced Josh to soak his hands and feet in Iguana piss.

Ed Edd & Eddy.


Ty for answering my question :)
Glad that youre happy about who you are

No worries, man. Thanks for asking.

>little black book
like the movie

Lol nah. I buy these crappy three packs from the dollar store. Really cheap, small, and disposable.

Do you work, what's your job?

why do you use a black book instead of a phone/tablet?

I do, I just alternate between them depending on what's most convenient. If someone initiates a conversation with me without realizing I'm mute, and I immediately go to my phone, it seems like a dick move.

Just a low-end government job with good benefits. Nothing special.

My girlfriend is mute. Know anyone that can read your lips? Or do you strictly write/ text?

I've met a few people who can read lips accurately. When I do, it's so much faster to mouth stuff out.
Anyone else though? Gotta write/text.

I've been told that it's a bit difficult to read my lips. I think that's due heavily to the fact that I'm mute and am not used to those movements, so I end up exaggerating them or not doing them correctly at all.

>If someone initiates a conversation with me without realizing I'm mute, and I immediately go to my phone, it seems like a dick move
Have you considered getting a tatoo or something to point at in order to make people understand you can't talk?

Yeah, I've thought about it.
I usually do a hand motion or two like putting my finger over my lips and then fanning my fingers across my throat in the 'stop' motion.
Most people get the idea.

Floridafag here too, Pensacola

oh well that's pretty clever aswell

one last question for you mang :
If science was able to produce artifical vocal cords, would you want to use it?

Yeah, I think I'd give it a shot for shits and giggles.
It'd probably be invasive as fuck, the scarring would be noticeably bad, but at the very least I'd be willing to bet they'd find a way for me to tune the voice in a way I'd like. That'd be pretty cool.

Nice dubs. Whats the worst thing thats come from being mute? Like have you ever needed to yell for help and couldnt? Etc

Nice fam thanks for your answers

Can't say there's ever been any really bad situations.
I imagine calling 911 would be pretty damn ineffective, but aside from that I was taught from a pretty young age to defend myself. I think my parents were worried about me being ostracized and bullied. Never happened.

No worries, man. Thanks for asking.

what is your favorite song?

What's it like to read? Are you able to learn how to pronounce new words? Learn new languages?

Pronounce new words while being mute.....

Is your name Dan?

Yeah, I'm about to learn how to mouth new words. Still struggle with forming certain things from time to time if I don't practice.

I love reading. I usually apply voices to each character.

Learning new languages is ridiculously easy when you don't have to speak them. There's no dialect to get on the way. All you've got to do is read and write them.


Did you ever try learning sign language? Also have a free comfy pic for no reason.

I mean like, when op reads, he hears a voice in his head reading those words.
Are you able to get hooked on them phonics and learn the correct pronunciations of new words? like have you ever been presented with a word, and wrote pronunciations of that word to a friend using sounds you know?

also, op, when did you go mute? Any reason why?

He was born mute if i'm right

He probably knows sign language but it's not really useful with people that dont use it

Best thing you ever got away with because of being mute, go.

Can your sing?

I know it, it's just not the most common thing people learn unfortunately. It's easier to write something down rather than try to figure out if someone knows sign language and look like a deaf man.

Born mute. Just a birth defect.
From time to time I'll write a word out phonetically just to check with a friend if I'm saying it right in my head. I'm usually pretty spot on, but from time to time I'll fuck a word up.

Nope, but I can whistle.

>16, fuck buddy is a kleptomaniac
>Go to the mall and be the distraction
>In shitty Hot Topic knock off, because Wynaut.
>Grab the only employee I can see and start playing giving charades with this poor bastard
>15 minutes of charades later and my friend has stolen everything she feasibly can ($86 in crap iirc)
>I walk out with a business card for a tattoo artist the guy recommended.

Tons of shit like that.

Probably wasn't actually 15 minutes, but when you're distracting a guy with charades while your friend steals shit, it sure feels like it.

This is why i need handicapped friends.

Do you like my lava lamp?

Also, have you ever used your muteness in some malicious way? Like pranks and such?

Does it have certain advantages?

Do you cook your own food? I'd imaging trying to order food at a restaurant is a pain...

Also, thank you for sharing your wisdom and humbleness. You're a truly wise and noble user indeed.

You'd be genuinely surprised how often using a handicapped friend as the distraction can get you out of hot water.

Plus we're pretty easy to convince.

What do you usually do in your leisure time?


Malicious? Not really. I've never used it in a way that would really hurt anyone. I think the worst I've done is make someone feel guilty for trying to start shit when they found out I was mute and wasn't hurt ignoring them.

Tons of advantages. Scroll up.

I actually love to cook, so yeah. It's not at ask difficult when ordering from a sit down restaurant, because I can just point at the menu and show them. With fast food restaurants though, it's significantly harder unless they have a menu I can physically touch.

No worries, man.

Game and exercise.

What Country do you live in, and what was school like?

School was pretty easy. Got a free ride from a lot of my teachers and was given a ton of slack when it came to discipline.
I was pretty popular and got the 'handicapped but not unfortunate' attention a lot of the time. Borderline pity, but usually genuine interest.

Good reason too, really interesting to see things from anyone else's point of view, regardless of handicap or not. Muteness only amplifies that interest tenfold. Glad you're happy with it, he'll at this point it'd be too. Got my foot in my mouth too many times, probably the only way out were to be mute. It's really true that those with the most to say speak the least. A wise wizard you are.

Peace, mute user.

Peace, man.



sorry i jmeant do you use american sign language

You wanna be my roommate? Last one wouldn't shut the fuck up so I kicked her out.

I bet there's porn of that

sorry i needed a tldr

cheers user smoke some weed

Kek. Yes, but I never initiate it. It's not the most commonly known language.

Nah. I'm good, man. I appreciate the offer, though.

Thats a good question.

Do you smoke weed, muteanon?

Nah. Never had the chance, unfortunately. I'd give it a shot if someone offered though.

Can't you text 911 these days?

Last thing is a comment.

You have the most interesting and least disgusting disability out of all of them. Thanks for the answers fam