I think we can all agree this is the worst Ghibli film

I think we can all agree this is the worst Ghibli film.

I can't agree because i haven't seen it. Sorry

Porco Rosso is the best

Porco Rosso is worse

Never go full furry.

get out


I've seen most but not all of them. I really liked this one. But yeah.

don't you ever say that again

That's not Tales From Earthsea

No it wasn't.
Fuck you Porco Rosso was so fucking good
I'm gonna watch it again just because you said that

Dubs beat singles





I was pretty good tbqh, more memorable than Kiki or Laputa

>uninteresting conflict
>uninteresting MC
>nonsensical plot in the bad way (King Cat suddenly wants to marry Haru?)
>barely any Baron
It could've been a lot better considering the cat animation was pretty nice, though the animation in general got progressively worse as it went on.

>more memorable than Kiki or Laputa
Nigga that's fucking sacrilege

yikes, no

I honestly couldn't tell you right now what happened in either, at least I remember the plot of Cat Returns

that isn't princess Pokemon.

it was cute, but we all know from up on poppy hill was fucking trash

I'm gonna have to go with the person who said Kiki. Bland movie. Boring relationship.

No, but it's the worst one which people like.

fuck you


As opposed to the absolute nothing that happens in A Cat Returns?
Kiki at least has a message, and at the very least is s imple tearjerker

bad taste sempai

This is a good distinction.

Do people who enjoy Earthsea even exist?

>Holding out on The Wind Rises because there'll never be another Miyazaki film I haven't watched
At least Satoshi Kon was kind enough to leave Dreaming Machine hanging over our heads. The dream will never die.

You obviously never seen tales of earth sea. This was delightful and whimsical.

Didn't Miyazaki un-retire again? Isn't he making another movie?

Fucking retarded. Tales of earthsea was a huge mess

>Fucking retarded
Woah man calm down, how exactly is that "retarded."
I haven't seen Tales of Earthsea.

Google says he only directed a 10 minute CGI short for their museum.

The plot is hugely incoherent. The pace is slower than btfo v superquip and just nothing happens untill the last minutes


i LOVED that movie. is just so unpretentious, sincere, and fun.

What are the dubs like on these Disney released Ghibli films? I see some pretty big names are attached.

Nah, it's comfy as fuck

Plus it's about cats

There is literally nothing wrong with being a furry.

>Don't ever talk to me or my wife's son ever again.

Generally pretty good.

Ponyo dub is annoying, Kiki dub is good but deviates from the script too much.

Patrician taste detected.

The Cat Returns is one of the c o m f i e s t Ghibli film, and only plebs like complain about """"plot"""". And Porco Rosso is Miyazaki's masterpiece. Live-action animation kino.

It's also one of Ghibli's shortest movies.
A quick adventurous little romp and then you're out again in now time.

It has very little substance but a lot of charm.

And that's really it.
I see no point in judging it too harshly.

"Eulogy For A Trip-Faggot Nigger Fucktard"

By user,

OP was a stupid nigger

But now that bitch finally

Pulled the fucking trigger

You shouldn't watch dubbed, though

Sup Forums meme. There's nothing wrong with a good dub.

That has nothing to do with the pathetic Sup Forums. You shouldn't watch anything dubbed, period.

Plenty of superior anime dubs.


Come on. It was produced originally in a certain language and that language is the one in which it must be watched. Dubs are a slaying against a good part of the original material.

Some dubs are produced simultaneously.

And there's how many of those? Five? Even then, it doesn't necessarily mean the dub has any relation to original production team's creative vision.

Wish he'd come back and do a Nausica trilogy.

Best Ghibli film coming through. Whisper of the Heart eat shit.

The Cat Returns is also one of my fav. Hate when people shit on it.

I didn't care for Ocean Waves. I love Only Yesterday though.

that isnt spirited away

Why? Ocean Waves was great. Only Yesterday sucked balls.

Only Yesterday was great. Ocean Waves sucked balls.


This guy has to be the most butthurt faggot in the history of Sup Forums.

A lot of Italian genre films were shot silent and various dubs were done after, some with the original actors, some without. Technically the English language version of The Good The Bad and the Ugly is not the "original" language, the Italian version is. But would you really watch it in Italian with subtitles?

Epic bait, dude ;^)

All dubs have to get greenlit by Miyazaki and he advises to watch them in your native tongue

He knows how stupid the weebs are and is trying to help them by taking out the reading demand.

It's bad advice though.

Graveyard of the Fireflies was fucking boring. I was expecting some American action shooting fucking gooks and shit, or some Trump fucking action. All I got was a fucking snorefest, good thing I had some cans of bubba to get me sleeping good!

>People liking Whisper of the heart
>People liking Only yesterday

What of it?

The main character literally murders his dad for no reason and is still presented as the good guy.


Whisper of the Heart has the greatest Ghibli intro sequence in the history of Ghibli intro sequences.

>As opposed to the absolute nothing that happens in A Cat Returns?
That's how I felt about Totoro. I can only see myself watching that again if I have kids. Sorry senpai

Only Yesterday is the best ghibli imo better than any miyazaki

>nothing happens
Those are the best.
>b-but muh plot!

Did anybody enjoy "When Marnie was there"? I never see anyone mention it.

Those feels though.

I didn't enjoy it, but it was goodish