How VATS worked in Fallout 3/NV

How VATS worked in Fallout 3/NV
>time stops, pick a target, pick limbs, confirm, shots are shown in a slow motion cinematic format
How VATS is done in fallout 4:
>time slows down
>pick a target's limbs, confirm, shots are shown in a slow motion cinematic format
How VATS should be:
>time stops
>select a target, select limbs
>shots are shown consecutively in real time from whatever view you were in upon activating VATS

Bethesda cannot game mechanics.

What? Explain why.

fallout 4 VATS is cancer

>using vats


Learn to fucking play an fps, OP.

VATS is suppose to be an assisted targeting system. Using VATS is extremely annoying because stopping half way through combat and slowly watching a bullet fly through the air kills the mood.

Having it stop time and then instantly having your character take the shots in real time keeps the pace of combat fast while still utilizing the "Assisted Targeting".

In short, VATS should not interrupt combat like it currently does. It should blend well into combat.

Mod it yourself then

Why would Bethesda care? Modders will fix everything and add way more options than Bethesda ever could. Just get a mod for VATs and don't buy Fallout 5 unless they hire Obsidian to make it.

I don't use VATS because it's annoying and feels slow. I prefer to play in real time, but if implemented correctly and balanced better by slowing action point regeneration it would be a very nice feature to use.

Tbh OP, Fallout 4 feels more like a transition to something new, I think we can expect the next fallout (and Elder Scrolls) to use a new engine and game mechanics.


>playing fallout 4

If they would have used the doom engine fallout would have been vastly improved.

>current year
>still no cars
Bethesda pls, don't give me that shit about how the game engine doesn't support it. Modders have already added cars to Fallout New Vegas.

Bethesda really needs to get their shit together before it forms into a DLC that mimics one of the worst features in the game.

>implying I play fallout 4

use the classic vats mod

>It has been like this for generations, and it will stay like this till the end of time!

Bethesda, pls

Best game of its generation.

>Best Fallout of 2015

0/10 clutch game would not play

Better than Skyrim.

Why am I not deeply involved, addicted, and loving Fallout 4?

The way I was with Fallout 3 & New Vegas. I don't understand. It feels very different.

It was supposed to be

that's a low bar. At least Skyrim had some decent mechanics until Dragonborn's failed attempt at dragon flying.


>classic vats
>fallout 3 is "classic" to modern fallout fans

Fallout 4? When was that?


>amazing game
>literally ripped scripts from modders without even consulting them at all
>ripped ideas from modders
>plot holes
>shit mechanics
>shit quests
>shit AI after years of developing games
>game breaking glitches, save files corrupted for seemingly no reason at all
>so many essential NPCs
>still can't kill children

All the previous ones were shit, though.

>deeply involved, addicted, and loving
>fallout 3
You have to be over 18 years of age to post on this site

First person fallout 1 maybe?

I love fallout 3 but this could not get any more accurate.

Learn to read, ignorant.

F1, 2, arguably tactics and new Vegas, we're all great games. They are literally the only games I can say for sure that I like.

Is that an insult? Is it towards me or Fallout 3?


I love the hell out of New Vegas and 3 is pretty good. 4 is trash in almost every way compared to every previous Beth game. The one and only improvement from older Fallouts in 4 is gunplay, which is greatly improved.

But I'd still rather play New Vegas. Which I'm coincidentally doing right now.

(tho personally i love 2 the most)

I can't play the Original fallout anymore. It aged horribly. Fun game and I could waste hundreds of hours on it if it weren't for the damn mutants, but it just looks terrible and feels like I'm driving a car from the 1800s with an engine from the future.

Full house doesn't lie

What exactly am I misreading here? We're you not implying that you were deeply involved in, addicted to, and loved fallout 3? If so you probably should have written your comment differently, were you saying you weren't those things for any of the three games?

I wish they would remaster the original fallouts to be first person and not fuck it up like fallout 4.

Went to friends house hyped to play fallout 4 . turned out its was a pile of shit and so boring .

I disagree, though I guess the difference in opinion there is much vaguer. Something that's too old to play for me is something like wasteland, but I actually love the way f1 plays, is there anything you particularly don't like about it?

Does anyone here find the next gen boring as fuck . they brought notting new to the table all they did was update it

There's almost know way they wouldn't fuck it up, I can't see them getting the same amount of interaction with the environment to work (not that it's impossible, but this is Bethesda we're talking about) let alone the tone that was offered from things like the hand crafted talking heads.

I love the game I just hate how it looks. Same with games like civ3. Games like that just weren't meant to be played on a high-end system and they show it.

I don't know how I accidentally typed out "know" honestly

idk who or what that "ignorant" reply was. I didn't write it.

I'm a Fallout 3 & New Vegas fan. I was significantly involved and addicted to both. I don't nearly have the same feeling toward FO4.

And I'm over 18... whatever that meant.

Wow, thanks guys, it's good to see someone appreciates all our hard work!

I hate what they did with the dlcs 3 and nv had great dlcs, but most of 4's were all settlement enhancers nuka world better be a masterpiece.

I guess fallout 3 had enough good things to warrant liking it. The post was rude and inappropriate. We would like you to know the employee behind this unprofessional action has been terminated.


Of course nuka world will be a masterpeice how can anything not that includes:
A brand new nuka cola lamp made using a lightbulb and an empty nuka cola bottle for decorating your settlements, an all new vending machine item including 4 variations for decorating your settlements, new nuka cola varieties of all water creating items that despense nuka cola instead of water for decorating your settlements, various new nuka cola posters for decorating your settlements, a nuka cola car (non-drive able) for decorating your settlements, a giant nuka cola sign for decorating your settlements, and a shirt.

Wow! That's a lot of content! Thanks, unnamed Bethesda employee, I'll take it from here. Buy my game.

I felt like far harbor was lacking content considering how big a deal they made out of it.


I have little hopes for nuke world

God Howard why have you forsaken us?