Why do people dislike Trump?

Why do people dislike Trump?

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Because he molested Macaulay Culkin's butthole.

Being under the age of 18.

Literally the only two reasons anone would dislike him.

you wouldn't?

Never had an opportunity.

with facebook and twitter censorship they wouldn't know any better

>Doesn't know shit about how the world works
>Wannabe Dictator
>Liar and con man

Because most people are trash.

Yeah, Hillary is saint compared to him

The fucker isn't even president yet and he is already destabilizing the world. Fucking idiot is questioning whether we would honor our NATO commitments.

"renegotiating" our debt?

This guy is so clueless it literally makes me afraid.

Literally retarded 12 year old detected.

So you're saying that Hillary is the best option or what?

Because most people watch Fox news.

Is your name Juan?

butthurt trumpfag or troll detected. Anyone stupid enough to vote for Trump has no idea how government or international politics works. Shit, or even how things work in the US. He can't bring jobs back to the rust belt. He can't build a fucking wall across the southern US.

Dude is a habitual liar, complete conman.

Yes, Juan Afuq Melania

I'm British and I want Trump to win.

I said this to my gf and she said it would be awful if he wins because muh racism or something.

Any links to a good, clear logical breakdown of Trump and his polices I can show her? I'm not very good at articulating my opinions...

Alternatively I can call her a nigger faggot.

I really don't know.

I never realized how many people are completely delusional and brainwashed. It's sad. I feel really alienated.

>Any links to a good, clear logical breakdown of Trump and his polices

No, because he doesn't have any fucking policies - just broad sweeping bull shit. If you really want to read it though, go read the republican platform or his website.

name 1 good candidate that supports the middle and lower wage classes (the 99%) besides maybe sanders

protip: you cant

>literally makes me afraid

Angry poor people, and people who fucking hate Hillary.

And loyal republicans who vote the party line.

At least he isn't a pro-BLM shill though...right?

or british

He is a wallstreet shill. He wants to undo all the 2008 regulations.

There are worse things than standing behind black people who are getting shot by cops for no fucking reason. But whatever, enjoy your facist regime, where it is a crime to criticize your president. Look at what happens to anyone who criticizes trump - he goes after them legally. And he has said he wants to expand his power to do that once he is president.

How do you know if he's a liar when he's not even a president yet?

"Trump is going to win" ~ Michael Moore.

Let the salt flow.

And don't forget cutting taxes for the rich (himself), cutting business taxes (himself).

Is this a serious question? Listen to his speeches, or better yet read that stupid fucking book he "wrote" Art of the Deal. He brags about how smart he is and tricking people into giving him money.

Typical example - Trump said that he got to know Putin very well when they were on 60 minutes together. Reality was that they didn't meet - their segments were filmed in different countries. I mean this is one of 100 constant bullshit lies he says.

Here is a good read: npr.org/2016/07/21/486924253/art-of-the-deal-ghostwriter-on-why-trump-should-not-be-president

because he's authoritarian and jackass as well

He has no plans to execute any of the changes he has proposed.

He has literally told the world that he would eventually run for president as a joke on the republican ticket because he can feed them bullshit and he'll still get votes.

He's racist.

He wants to fuck his children.

M-muh safe space!


Typical example.. saying he was against the Iraq war when he in on record saying that he was ok with invading.

It is crazy isn't it? Did you see him defending Putin about killing journalists? "Well, at least he is leading his country..."

sorry fag, you used that in the wrong way.

Eurofag here, i hope he wins so i can watch the world burn

'Murican here. I secretly wish he'll win. I haven't been alive for a presidential assassination.

You think he would get assassinated?

Just call her a nigger faggot, you don't have to explain shit to a bitch.

Assassinated or impeached before the 2 year mark

I hate my generation

>You can only chose between two shit options

This is the reason the world laughs at american voters

it won't happen except as a false flag. If he wins expect some kind of "Crisis" so he can start restricting rights.

"Trump also defended Putin, saying, "If he has killed reporters, I think that's terrible. But this isn't like somebody that's stood with a gun and he's, you know, taken the blame or he's admitted that he's killed. He's always denied it." "

There are 4 parties with candidates


I'm not a millennial. I am literally afraid. I fear it. I think it would be a national crisis. I've used the word correctly, and you like most Trump supporters are fucking stupid.


Go to "Isidewith.com" and make her take the test. More than likely she will also agree with some of Trump's policies, even if not all of them.

i don't hate him, he's an interesting guy and good with business. I don't like how he behaves like a social media drama-monger and his proposed solutions to national problems are the stuff a 12 year old would come up with. He's just saying things to shore up numbers and not meaning any of it, probably thinking he'll figure out what to do later on.

He's not the devil, he just doesn't believe in bad publicity and he's very single minded. A government needs to operate with compromise or it becomes a suffocation jar like north korea.

>There are worse things than standing behind black people who are getting shot by cops for no fucking reason.
Dindu nuffin, right? And you people dare call others ignorant and stupid..


Get back to sucking police cock little nazi

You sound like a typical millennial.

none of that is true

You mean educated, thoughtful, and able to debate my point of view as well as understanding others?

Why thank you.

>I'm 32
>I worked on republican campaigns this year
>I have friends and family at the RNC
>I'm not the most informed, but it is clear the Trump is a conman without any of the skills necessary to be commander in chief.

Because the next president determines who destroys america beyond repair. With Trump you have a wildcard. He'll fuck it into the ground like anyone who'll take lead after Obama but theres the possibility of actually fixing it.

Like I said no matter who takes the mantle next will destroy America. But with Trump there is the sliver of a possibility he may do something right which infuriates the left who want it gone.

Weeeell if that fat fuck said it then by all means..

t. Fernando Rodriguez Da Silva

Why do leftists call everyone nazis and fascists if they don't agree with their opinions. Aren't they supposed to be tolerant?

It's the beginning of the concessions. The closer we get to November, the more of these will come.

"Trump is going to win and it's all your fault!"

Yeah becuase you can do better. That's why you running for President??

Which is exactly how you came to that opinion, oddly enough.

Tolerance doesn't mean what you think it does. You have the right to say your stupid shit, but I don't have to let you carry it out. Nazi's can march on the street, same as BLM. But that doesn't mean I have to support dumb ass shit.

Is this a serious argument you are making? I feel like I'm talking to a highschool kid.

i had the same mentality when i was your age little guy

She actually is, amazingly enough. Compare how many law suits have been brought against both.

And the truth is?


You're not wise and thoughtful if you're braging about it.

Stop projecting.

Yes. Overwhelmingly so.


because he is running for president but has yet to discuss policy detail ...

wants to build a wall ---impossible
wants to re negotiate the American economy by letting it go backrupt----impossible
wants to kill the families of terrorists---impossible
wants to open up liable laws to make it possible to sue people who disagree with you--- plausible but anti democratic
wants to elimintate the american national debt---impossible
wants to ban muslims coming to the u.s----impossible

etc etc etc

This a million times. Don't forget there already is a wall across a large part of the southern border.

Regardless, you can never stop illegal immigration entirely.

>wants to kill the families of terrorists---impossible
when did he say that?

Fuck you man I'm twice your size i'll kick your fucking ass meet me at the McDonalds in 3 hours on 2873 JF Kennedy blvd! Bitch!

That's not a rebuttle retard. This isn't YouTube or fifth grade

Haha. That's the problem. Not even Drumpf has access to a clear list of his policies. Because they don't exist. He just spews nonsense to rile the idiots and plans to basically hand his presidency over to the VP (who is now the American Taliban in training) while he "makes America great again".

He is a worthless fool.


Didn't say I was wise, please learn to read. I am thoughtful, and acknowledging it might be bragging, but it doesn't make me less thoughtful. Take a few logic classes kid.

What kills me is people believe this crap. Look, I can understand republicans toeing the party line. They have supreme court nominations coming up, they want their guy in the white house, fine. I get it.

“We’re fighting a very politically correct war,” he said in response to a question about avoiding civilian causalities. “And the other thing is with the terrorists, you have to take out their families. They, they care about their lives. Don’t kid yourself. But they say they don’t care about their lives. You have to take out their families.”

Good, you should feel alienated. You are a disgrace to this country, just like your orange leader.

Shut up, cracker.

Hope you get rounded up by Trumps police in 8 years for criticizing his policies and declared a terrorist.

False. They've been published in every major newspaper, including USA TODAY. Try a news source beside Facebook you magnificent moron.

look it up.. he said he wanted to go after the families of terrorists a bunch of times.... when it was pointed out to him that the u.s army would be obliged to disobey an order that constitutes a warcrime, he said he'd force them...

he also said that people shouldt be upset at the use of "a little gas".... the guy is an idiot

Will you have a red rose with you?
Just to make sure we know we found each other.

>anyone taking you seriously

massive kek

Because they are fools

Those two concepts are mutually exclusive. He speaks, we can check facts. He is either incredibly stupid, or a liar, on many points.

shush child, adults are talking why don't you go play with your magic donkey friends ok?

Well he just had a big speech outlining his policies if you're interested.


yeah get at me bro!

Amusingly, its the cowering conservative religious nutwads that actually want safe spaces. Look at Russia. An atheist just got a year in jail for saying god doesn't exist in an online chat.

I find it really interesting he watered down the GOP position on opposing Russian expansion.


Thank you kind sir.
I wish you all the best.

Adults don't talk like that.

Only two that have any chance to win though.

I agree, and our 2 party system is fucked up. I just didn't want anyone to think there were literally only 2 choices.

I like to cuddle after.
If that's alright with you?

outlining a policy isnt good enough.

i want him to detail exactly how he'd build a wall, who he's going to use, how much it would cost to build , the support structures needed, exactly how it would be built ,... exactly how much it would cost per year to maintain... how exactly it would stop illegal immigration most of which occurs through airports...how much territory would be lost to mexico by building a wall etc etc

details motherfucker do you speak it, they can be boring for children i know but they are important if you actually intend to do a thing

When someone is creating a fascist movement, we call it what it is.

How would you know, do you get to sit at the big boy table at thanksgiving yet?

As Sam Harris said it; despite her personal flaws and being just terrible... at least she is a grown up. You can like her or not, but you can't say she is not qualified.

i feel like you know why.

>You can like her or not, but you can't say she is not qualified.
>you can't say she is not qualified.