Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

Im not a faggot like you

Snes and n64 are better

Because I actually want to have fun, kick back and relax while playing games.

Jacking it to pic related

I got bored with it

I don't know, why do you make this fucking retarded thread every day?

League is a shit game, with a shit community, a shit moderation team and shit developers.

In all fairness, at least it's not HOTS level retarded. Blizzard's always one upping everyone who tries to make things casual.

because I like playing games that are actually good

Pretty much this. I played solo and it was the same thing every game. Top and middle want to fight, over extending and dying is the jungle's fault, there are no noticed good plays, new champions keep being released rather than focus on balance, etc.

>That's because you were Bronze
Nope, Plat I

For anyone who thinks the troll and jackassery stops when you get out of Silver, it doesn't. It only gets worse.

Because they made it near impossible to solo carry and need to rely on your team being relatively not autistic. You can push a lead and shit but if some retard gets caught at 40 mins it's over

bcuz Sc2 nigga

Because CS:GO exists. VALVE > RIOT any-day.

Just play Tryn then.

>Go 0-20
>Do nothing but push towers
>Late game with no kills and barely any gold but can still take a tower with ult before you're dead thanks to ridiculous crit

Fun game.

Because I decided that the toxic atmosphere isn't an enjoyable environment to play games in. I can understand people raging in ranked but even in casual play people would get mad at you for wiffing abilities, and the fucking mia ping being used for salt pissed me off, so I quit.

Oh and remember when games were 30-45 minutes long at the max, and there was only 1 tank per game half of the time?

because im not 12 years old anymore and got shit to do

Because I like games where the outcome doesn't depend on chance.

>Most similar game to league is fucking Yahtzee

I got a bit bored of playing it. Not watching it, though. I'll probably go back later this year

>raging in ranked
And then all it takes is a duo queue to get you a warning. Even if the duo queue is fucking trash.

>I like games where the outcome doesn't depend on chance.
You've never played Hearthstone have you?

Especially since CRIT affects Towers doesnt it?

fucking retarded game
cant climb because of dense cunts

the fuck does that have to with anything?

I sucked your dad's dick you fucking queer.

Because Overwatch exists.

I actually started playing league for the first time last week. I've come to the conclusion that it is not a good experience. I've itemized my grievances below:

1. Hostile community. In a beginner bot server trying a different champ for the first time? There's at least two people on your team going "stop feeding on bot you faggot"

2. Huge learning curve. Haven't played all 131 champs and memorized all of their QWERs yet? Then you have fuck all idea whether that tiny pixie is AP, ADC, tank, bruiser, whatever. Then you're dead and #1 kicks in again. I understand the "git gud" mentality but this is ridiculous.

3. Smurfing fuckwads who are part of #1

4. No voice chat client, wtf Riot that's just sad.

5. Same boring fucking maps over and over and over again.

6. People surrender way too easily. Barely losing? We surrender. Barely winning? They surrender.

7. Even "good" matches take for GD ever to complete because it's just a slow fucking grind doing the same thing over and over.

8. Shameless on microtransactions; it's basically a game for poor people with shitty computers who make bad financial decisions and spend stupid amounts of money on cosmetics. Hell at least DOTA has a trading community and I know that without ever having played it!

Already uninstalled. This genre of game doesn't appeal to me at all.