Me and my GF had sex with protection for months. Since we knew that without is much better...

Me and my GF had sex with protection for months. Since we knew that without is much better, we tried it day before her period. I havent even jizzed inside her, but we had 3 rounds. Since than shes late with her period like 3 days. Were getting paranoind as well. Is it possible shes pregnant? How late can period be? Picture not relatable.

Looks like she got herself a real man

Thanks, but any advice?

Wait another week or two
If nothing you throw her ass down some stairs on a daily basis
If period then fuck her hard and cum in her immediately

>any advice?
Not really, I always practiced that age old technique of dump and run

Buy a pregnancy test already you fuckwit

Also if preggo and your white man up and be responsible it'll be awesome for your self grow


>used condom
>haven't cum inside her
>could she be pregnant

You must be 18 and older to be on here

Is it rare to girl have late period?

Of course she might be pregnant you idiot

Well I can't do that in long-term relationship

Well, fuck

Actually 17


Yes you can

next time u better fuck some girl that aint allready gets her period. u need to stay under that age.
for now, well. wait a couple of days and it will be fine eventually.

people worried about pregnancy act like abortion doesn't exist.

I mean have it and move on.

Be more careful next time.

Is it really that hard?

Some of us don't believe in killing children of our own blood so...

I'm just asking if there are possibilities, we have no problem with abortion.

Extremely rare pikachu

You sad piece of shit

I'm sure your kid will be lucky to have you as a parent.



Not really. My wife is often late. Stress, illness, poor diet etc... can cause a change in cycle.

That's radical.

What he say user

get her the day after pill user.

yes. it is possible, ignore these fucks

you probably precame in her, and not all men have sperm in their precum, but those who do always do

be careful user, you don't need to spunk to funk.

get her the day after pill & put her ass on birth control, why the fuck is she not?

inb5 ooh the pill kills. get the surgical insert, my girls lasts up to 4 years, and we use a condom on top of that. always pee before you have sex (it will burn any traces of sperm out of your urethra) & have her give you the succ, that way your precum will be gone pre fuck

How late can period be? Can it skip, like not to have period at all? I know athletes can skip but how about ordinary women.

Right before the period is the best time to get pregnant.

The egg is in prime position to be fertilized.

I didnt even cum in my wife and she got pregant

Hope you know how to operate a coat hanger, user.

Oh wow, finally great responses. Thanks m8.

Not reading this shit thread, but you can thank me later

Please tell me you're joking

Insert and sweep the insides.

If she ends up pregnant she has cheated on you and tricked you into thinking it is yours.

Is your child of a darker complexion?

absolutely, ive had pregnancy scares before and that shit is not fucking funny user. gods speed user. gods speed.

She's very picky about men, so I doubt it


I had one before but we used pill. Now we didn't so I'm worried a lot more

Thank you fellow swooper.

We spend literally every second of everyday together.

There is 0 chance she cheated.

My kid looks just like me and no not joking.

The real kicker was i never cum. The one time i did she got pregnant

if its been less than 3 days it will work, the day after pill works up to 96 hours after impregnation. see your doctor, if the baby hasn't formed yet, there are ways to stop the egg from forming. if you can't afford an doctor, look online for the pills, i can't remember their name but some work up to like 2 months after impregnation if im not mistaken

mifepristone and misoprostol is the name, that shit works up to 70 days after impregnation. go to unplanned parenthood, or order them hoes. gods speed user.

3 days late is nothing, my wife was 2 weeks late once, relax man.

stressing can cause it to be later, just relax and have 'er take a prego test to rest ya'lls minds.