Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

NYPA, dumbass.

>LoL is a game worth playing

I'm not gay

Because I don't want to be yelled at by NEETs while I'm trying to learn how to play the damn thing

Dafuq? He just asked politely why all of you guys not play League, and browse Sup Forums instead. What it has to do "not being his private army" user?

Anyone who feels the need to yell at you has nothing useful to say AT ALL.
Mute them.

Bah! missclick.

Because Pokemon GO is better fag

Coz dota.

OP keeps posting this thread, I'll keep copying my reply:

I actually started playing league for the first time last week. I've come to the conclusion that it is not a good experience. I've itemized my grievances below:

1. Hostile community. In a beginner bot server trying a different champ for the first time? There's at least two people on your team going "stop feeding on bot you faggot"

2. Huge learning curve. Haven't played all 131 champs and memorized all of their QWERs yet? Then you have fuck all idea whether that tiny pixie is AP, ADC, tank, bruiser, whatever. Then you're dead and #1 kicks in again. I understand the "git gud" mentality but this is ridiculous.

3. Smurfing fuckwads who are part of #1

4. No voice chat client, wtf Riot that's just sad.

5. Same boring fucking maps over and over and over again.

6. People surrender way too easily. Barely losing? We surrender. Barely winning? They surrender.

7. Even "good" matches take for GD ever to complete because it's just a slow fucking grind doing the same thing over and over.

8. Shameless on microtransactions; it's basically a game for poor people with shitty computers who make bad financial decisions and spend stupid amounts of money on cosmetics. Hell at least DOTA has a trading community and I know that without ever having played it!

Already uninstalled. This genre of game doesn't appeal to me at all.

forced meta

boom, adding that as #9 to my list, thank you

I do hate this. Watching pro games it's the same 15 champs picked and banned.

I play a decent amount and everyone feeds, no one understands their counter, constantly picking into counters not playing their lane champ and just buying items in a preset order because that's what they do every time with whatever champ.

No concept of push with wards or not pushing at all. Farm for late game to win.

It's a far more complex game and faggots don't get it.

because Dota is better

>Hostile community
Mute ragers.

>Huge learning curve
Compared to Dota 2 it's a cake walk, but still requires skill with certain champions. (e.g. Azir, Yasuo)

>Smurfing fuckwads
They are few and far between.

>No voice chat client
Valid point, but there's nothing stopping you from using Teamspeak.

>Same boring fucking maps
What? ARAM, Twisted Treeline, and their new gameplay rotation.

>People surrender way too easily
Just click no.

>Even "good" matches take for GD ever
Split. Push.

>Shameless on microtransactions
It's a free to play game. At no point does Riot ask for your credit card information as a requirement to play the game.

>forced meta
The meta changes every patch and a half. This does not mean non-meta champs aren't viable.

Cuz Dota

Because I don't have the patience to carry myself out of gold 1. I just dropped to g3 because all I get is retards on bot that constantly push into enemy tower, die from ganks and blame me, the jungler. I can predict anywhere from 50% to 100% of enemy jungler ganks but there's just no point. The greatest power you have as a jungler is info, but it is useless in soloq. If I take green smite I can literally predict any and all ganks, but nobody does anything with the info I gave them. I've warned people of ganks only to get prompted with "It's not my problem if they can tower dive me". I'm not playing this game again until they add voice comms.

it's too hard.

Played 2010-2014. Game turned to trash.

I burned myself out on the entire "moba" genre in general. I think the only reason they are excused from being laughed at for their god awful game design is because they have been around for so long. Can you imagine if a game came out in any other genre that was complicated, had a huge burden of knowledge, few in-game resources to learn how to play, a very narrow meta that only changes when the devs force it to, and balance that has little to do with skill and entirely to do with team composition?

I don't understand how these games are still not only popular, but literally the most popular games around. I can't wait for this genre to die.

These aren't even counter points. You're literally just invalidating his opinion, which coming from a new player has every right to be valid.

what do you mean when the devs force it to?

Other than the instances where champion balance changes directly impact their pick rate by large margins (getting nerfed into the ground/buffed into viability), how many changes do you think are arbitrary?

How many times have they "reworked" a champion that wasn't necessary?
How many times have they "reworked" the jungle that wasn't necessary?
How many times have they added or removed items that weren't necessary?

On the surface these all look like balance changes but when you really look at these big historic changes they've made... was anything actually brokenly OP/UP? Were they just changing them to mix things up and change the game to make it interesting? Does that mean the game inherently isn't interesting at its core and they have to make drastic sweeping changes every season to keep people playing? This is what I mean by a forced meta, and it is evidence of bad game design, to no fault of League specifically, but of the entire "moba" genre.


Got bored, started playing Monster Hunter again instead.

Got bored of it, now I usually play with my russian comrades on CS:GO, I'm almost fluent in Russian at this point.


Because I've been sucked into the world of emulators and I've been replaying minish cap on my phone

Mah nigga

It got boring long ago. Waiting for no man's sky.

Because League is for faggots.

Because every MOBA is the exact same boring cancerous community load of shit.

The few reasons I play it are:
1) I can run it on my shitty pc
2) There isn't a pay to win mechanism.
3) I've played it for a long time (read: I can't be bothered to learn a new moba)

Overall I actually hate league. Enjoyable to frustrating matches ratio is like 1:50. Every new champ that they release has too much passives. They're altering the way that item modifiers, well, modify the champion (e.g. Ashe gets increased slow from crit. strike %). I like playing "high skillcap" champions, but it gets frustrating when you get matched with someone like Katarina because she does qewr and gets the triple kill like it's nothing. The community is shit; from the raging idiots and quitters to those who don't bother doing any objectives and with Stevie Wonder-tier map awareness.
Also, they force this "champion uniqueness", but in reality, all champions are similar.

wow those are a lot of quibbling. Many are stupid. Like "click no" to surrender. If the other 4 vote yes, it fucking surrenders you dumbshit.

It's like you didn't even think before responding.

Oh, and I'm still mad because of the Karma rework.

>isn't a pay to win mechanism


Where is it?


>implying LoL is superior to Smite


Hard CC counters Katarina.
I'd argue, that if you and your team can't lock her down you need some serious practice.
Same with Master Yi.

Dota >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LOL