I'd like a moment of your time to remember this fucking guy

I'd like a moment of your time to remember this fucking guy.


NYPA, dumbass.

I order you to stop it!

Enjoy your time in the pokey, faggot.


is he ded?

wow.. one of them actually got a job as a judge. What am l doing with my life.

Yeah E.T.s dead for a couple of years now

What the fuck is wrong with you?his was a life... this person was real, you think because you don't look like this, then you can say these things.. well you can, but at what cost? Your very soul buddy. l already know you get bullied and picked on by people more better off than you.. physically or mentally, or maybe you are just a bitch, who knows but l do know that this is very poor behaviour and not admirable, not honorable. It is just sad and not funny, l can't laugh at this.

TsimFuckis died decades ago

I miss the time when b wasnt full of faggots

It's a joke you fuck if you get easily offended by shit then I suggest you get off fucking Sup Forums. I love how you imply you know I get bullied (I don't) like you know me hahahaha gtfo Summer

you do you peasant, l would knock you the fuck out on behalf of this kid. Fuck you, make your comments to the face l dare you, there are like minded people who won't watch a peice of shit like you belittle someone like this.

what the fuck are you on? l am the leader of anonymous. You have no idea

Nobody cares he's dead you are cringe kill yourself

your life is cringe look at what you just said, l bet your family members would be ashamed of you.


Surely your trolling. Hahahaha your retarded and tsimfukus dosent care about you because he's in the process of decaying (assuming he was embalmed) he's in the process of black putrefaction. Which means in insides have turned to liquid at this point.

Stomach dick

What if these words followed you, oh wait.. they do... that is why you are a peice of shit in real life.

Stop defending him like you had some sort of friendship with him you faggot he's dead nothing you can do abt it

Damnnnnnnn tsimfuckis. Back when Sup Forums was good. Now it's closet faggots posting cocks.

is this called defending him? l honestly don't know him, this is the first time. l just see what you said about another existence and think that your words were completely fucked and if you would not dare to say this infront of anybody else, l hope you do though, so stay inside and pick on the weak on the internet you peasant.

I hate the New York Pornography Association

You lost when you said peasant. This is not a cringe thread.

>Stay inside and pick on the weak

He's not weak dipshit he's dead

ahh fuck this hahah seriously you would only let out your faggot hatred for life on the internet and pick on people weaker or less fortunate than you, you know this bitch, you did it here. You are just fuckin obnoxiously stupid and a weak asshole. l don't even want to bash you anymore because l feel bad for you

it is peasanty he is like a peasant that will find anything to boost himself with

Eh doesn't afraid of anything ;_;