Hey Sup Forums check out my collection so far! What do you guys think? Show me yours

Hey Sup Forums check out my collection so far! What do you guys think? Show me yours

>Retro Game Discussion thread

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I really liked Lagoon.



I liked lagoon too, underrated in my opinion. I guess a lot of people didn't have the patience for it

I particularly enjoy how the Secret of Mana manual included little to no art, but rather pictures of clay figures of the characters





very nice


What are people playing through right now? What are some favorites?



wat is this

FF9 and an Amiga platformer called Woody's World.

A Chinese reproduction of the fan made 8-bit final fantasy 7. I'll post a link

Found it m8
wikid sik

Good shit. I come lent get into FF9. I got past the tutorial and dropped it, I wasn't feeling it. I'm a huge fan of Both SNES ones and 7 and 8. I don't know, 9 just didn't grab me like those game did

FF9 is pretty cool guy. I'd also recommend Wild ARMs.

Here is an NES catridge of it

Very nice start. Jealous of the boxes for the 3 SNES games. The only SNES Boxes I have left are Harvest Moon, DKC2, Super Mario Kart, Yoshis Island and Super Street Fighter 2.
Now get a CRT for maximum nostalgia.

pic related isn't mine, stole it from a /vr/-battlestation thread.

I've heard great things, I'll have to try it again. But first I gotta clean up my backlog

>no contra
c'mon OP

I wanna show of my collection, too, but because of PAL fuckery my SNES carts don't have a side label, so you can't see which game is which. And that's the biggest part of my collection...

Thanks, I actually do play on a CRT. My biggest problem right now is space, I don't have enough shelf space for all my stuff.

Let's see some pics

The bulk of my NES games are on my nightstand

Lagoon was my jam when I was a kid. Tried playing it again as an adult and I couldn't do it. His sword has zero range, he might as well be a dwarf swinging a butter knife around. Loved the spells though.

Favorite final fantasy?

Just a sec

I've given up retro collecting.
Buy this instead: skunx7.wixsite.com/bliss-box ,and run them on your computer...

Tried to prop some special games up but all the must have games are there aswell


trips, nice

Nice stuff dude. How do you find collecting? From my experience some of the PAL stuff is easier to get than its NTSC counter parts. Any thoughts on this? Is some stuff harder to find?

Favorite is probably 5 but I've liked just about all of them except 13. Triple Triad from 8 was my favorite mini game.

Playing Dimensions currently, to get my fix of that sweet job system. Story is pretty meh though.

There are much more games, modern and retro, but SNES and Mega Drive are my favorites. I would show the whole room but it's too narroch to get a good angle.

Shit dude I'm jealous, so many of my games and systems are regulated to drawers where no one can see them.

I'm currently playing through 5. It reminds more of FF1 than anything

I'm currently playing I Am Setsuna and am loving it

Thanks. Collecting itself has become kind of an obsession of mine, but as you can see I just do not have the money to go full out collecting. The prices here (germany) are rather high, too. I haven't really looked into NTSC (US) stuff cause I just recently got a converter, but I found that japanese NTSC games are mostly dirt cheap, even when importing. But yeah It seems that many rare-ish games are even more hard to come by these days.

Also the NES Advantage looks fuckin sexy

I moved into a new appartment a few months ago, so I have a whole room only for my games. But I'm not quite sure, to me simple setups like yours seem much more comfy to what I currently have.

>pic related



I have a boxed SMB3

dat super mario world label tho

Nice collection. Missing Legend of Zelda A Link to The Past

top drawer

middle drawer

I wanted to have pics of my stuff for a while. That's it, my blog entry is over.

I just wish I could play my systems without having to constantly unravel and store wires and systems, I'm jealous of yours to be honest

I am at work but I have around 100 turbo grafx games, around 50 nes games, 30 n64, a few atari games, and a bunch of consoles, accessories, and boxes

Haha, it was my first game, if I could go back I would stop myself from buying from Digital Press in Clifton and just look online

Nice, pics?

Just use emulators

So mad they removed his accent in the Nintendo DS version. Totally blasphemy.

I can understand that, but managing the cables in my setup was a nightmare. I sitll don't really know what cable connects to what.

Share pics over at /vr/ when you're home. Also are the turbografx games hucard ones or CD?


FF5 or FF Tactics Advance, basically those with the most costumization options.

Fortunately, that was a launch title. There should be plenty of other copies to find. I would look for a defective cart and swap out the front half.

not too much of an NES collection going. A lot of those old school sports games haha.

They are both. Nothing I have is in that great of shape because most of it is stuff I have been packing around since I was a kid, but it all works and I think it is pretty cool.

Decent games there. Get some Super Metroid though.

Nice that you have Secret of Mana in-box.

Awesome, I wish I had a PC Engine CD so I could play all those japan only games

Final Fantasy peaked at VI in my opinion.

I just like 2D JRPGs though.

I also have one of those adapter cards for playing Japanese cards in America.

Nah, not for me.

I'm not too crazy about Mario platformers so I'll get around to it someday

That was actually next on my list of games to get!

Lucky you, here in germany even finding turbografx stuff is a nightmare, especially CD stuff

retro artwork, anyone?


Yes please!


I also have some moderate to high value PS games I don't get to play all that often. Shadow Tower, Clock Tower, Kingsfield 2, I can't find time, it really sucks...

this pic always cracks me up

man I wanted to buy Clock Tower a while ago when it cost 20€. now it' goes for at least twice as much...
Kings Field is awesome, too





Anyone still around?


Not artwork, but the most badass pic ever

last pic, a nice comparison of output quality

Hey , got alot of snes games , i was looking for along time the mario kart an harvest moon will lik 2 trade them ?

nope sorry, I almost always regretted trading stuff. Also my mario kart is the all stars version, eg the red box

I've been thoroughly enjoying these images

Hmm? A trade? I don't have Mario kart but I do have Harvest Moon as you can see in the pic. Do you have pics? Offers?

Manga names on the right side, please

There are
A.I. Love You
Legend of Mana
and one of the Ocarina of Time mangas


fucking Faxanadu was the shit

i recently found my old mega drive and somebody has stolen my fantastic dizzy

i'm well pissed off now

Here is mine OP, I haven't updated pictures in a while, I've gotten more stuff and moved the room around a bit, but this is still the jist of it.

Nice dude, looking good! I hope to have a room akin to this when I move out and get a real job one day

nice setup, your desk sucks though.