Who's the bigger Mary Sue?

Who's the bigger Mary Sue?

Kaloreesi obviously


It's really a toss up.

I think Rey is more likable,
but I can't deny Dany's well rounded character.

>game of shit


left isn't even a mary sue. John Snow is more of a mary sue considering he literally came back from the dead for fanservice and is a total moralfag.

Daenerys is useless on her own, can't accomplish anything, fails consistently and is hated by many. She's the opposite of a mary sue... like.. a hairy jew.

>implying somebody that kill her child can be a Mary Sue.

Dany fucks up and is actually kind of well-rounded as far as morals go. Hence why she had to learn that crucifying people in masses was a bad thing, and why she'll probably get progressively "worse".

Rey is a terrible character with no moral failures or flaws at all.

Rey's definitively the bigger Sue.

>Daenerys isn't a mary sue
>Takes over Meereena within 2 episodes
>Commands the Unsullied within 2 episodes
>Has fully grown dragons within 2 episodes
>Frees HERSELF from the Dothraki and NOT ONLY does she free herself but she now commands the doth raki without anybody even questioning her slaughtering the men in the house
>Commands Dragons
>Assassin of the Second Sons kills his brothers in arms for her after meeting her once, now serves her loyally
>Joruh falls in love with her like the beta cuck that he is despite being tasked with killing her

Game of Thrones treats EVERY OTHER character like shit except her


top kek

>fucks up ruling Meereen
>is pretty much hated by everyone there
>dragons aren't worth shit, only good for PR
>white saviour and foreign conqueror(tm)
>has grown those dragons for 5 freaking seasons
>Daario is an ambitious jackass that could easily betray her as well and uses her to advance himself in rank/life

And Jorah wasn't supposed to kill her, simply to inform Varys of her movements.

why did not they kill danny for killing the khals, they believe in witches and shit so why not kill her as witch?

>having the khal falling in love with her then his command somehow trickle down to her despite their "the strong rule" mentality

ayy lmao. As soon as that dude was dead someone shoulve slayed her in true dothraki fashion

>came back from the dead for fanservice and is a total moralfag.
you are a retard if you think he came back for fanservice
constantly breaking his promises. true moral fag would not go back to Winterfell

How can a woman be this beautiful?

>implying that cant be reasonizled away

the fact that dany is a got major character is so fucking laughable.

it's the literal most out of place cunt in all of fantasy

they did not trickle down, the strong ones took everything that was worth taking and left her with drags of their society.remember that girl she promised to protect ,she was raped to death


Daenery's can't be by definition, because she's an original character and not an add on or an obvious self-insert for GRRM. She's also hated and constantly fucks everything up

Dany isn't a Mary Sue. She's not perfect, in fact she's a collosal fuck up and an idiot and everything she does goes wrong. It's just that the plot continuously rewards her for her countless mistakes and errors.

>Make husband get into stupid fight
>He gets an infected wound
>Trust a witch whose village her husband burned and raped to the ground to treat the wound
>Husband dies
>Well ill just burn myself to death then
>huh im completely immune to fire and wow I just got three dragons out of the whole thing

etc, etc, over and over

Rey on the other hand is a classic Mary Sue, in fact she may be the greatest single example of a Mary Sue in a mainstream film;

>Incredible pilot
>Incredible mechanic
>Incredibly brave
>crack shot with a blaster after just picking one up for the first time
>better at servicing and fixing the Falcon than chewie and han who have lived on her most of their lives
>Incredible hand to hand fighter
>better at using the force a couple of hours after learning she had powers than a man who has literally trained in using the force his entire life from childhood and trained under one of the greatest jedi masters who ever lived, turns around a mind probe and reads his mind, wins a tug-of-war for a lightsaber
>better lightsaber fighter seconds after picking one up than a man who has trained to use one his entire life and learned to fight at the Skywalker academy as well as physically overpowering him at the climax of the duel

Shes literally a fanfic self-insert come to life.

she would fit fine in a YA book for girls but tone was she has no place in ice and fire.

Cause she ain't showing her horse teeth

>laid the foundations for Dany's dothraki army in season 1
>five seasons later she finally has her dothraki army
Wow that was worth the wait

>It's just that the plot continuously rewards her for her countless mistakes
that is the most anoying part,that and no one calling her out.

>rob trapped, back against the wall.
>half his family died in front of his eyes. Beheaded and paraded

>dany back against the wall
>dragons came in to save the day

>dany back against the wall
>step into the fire and come out with 3 dragons

Is there a single other character in GoT that is so blatantly a fap doll for GRRM?

hey can someone answer this for me, because i don't fucking watch game of thrones anymore:

is there some reason the dothraki guys don't run out of the house after dany sets it on fire? or like... break dany's neck, then run out of the house after dany sets it on fire?


you gotta get through the martin first before you touch his pure waifu

why do they bow to her?

do the dothraki have some kind of prophecy about a fire-resistant, white-haired woman to lead them to glory?

Her accomplices barred the door, and Dany was in the middle of the flames the entire time.

i wish there was SFM porn of Dany getting fucked by horses

Feminist power fantasy the show.

Every episode we will remind you how evil men are.
>The khals wanting to rape a strong powerful women(Kelly C).
Every episode this season we will remind you white men have small cocks or none.
>Varys has no cock joke every episode this season.
>Jon snows small pecker joke last episode.
Every episode we will remind you how evil white men are.
>Ramsay being evil, killing white women and sending evil rape letter.
>The WHITE masters owning BLACK slaves.
Every episode we will remind you how weak white men are.
>Jaime,Jon,Kevan,Loras,Theon and Tommen all being weak little bitches until a strong powerfull woman tell them otherwise.
Every episode we will remind you that men are nothing but BETA whiteknights.
>GreyWorm, Jaime, Jorah and Sam.
Every episode we will remind you how powerful woman are.
>Brienee talking shit about executing evil white man Stannis.
>Kelly C killing evil men, being portrayed as a goddess while being The smuggest of cunts.
>Sansa demanding Jon to take back WinterFell or she will take back WinterFell by herself, while Jon was being a little bitch.
>Yara going to rule the Iron Islands while saying how worthless white men are.


Well she just killed all the leaders of the Dothraki

They do honor that

This is 100% a SJW propaganda series now.

>Tyrion Lannister-
disabled white male, reddit meme-man, good guy!
>Jaime Lannister-
crippled and unthreatening (good), rapist male (bad) thus grey character!
>Cersei Lannister-
stronk female character, brave mother
>Daenerys Targaryen-
super stronk independent female leader, true queen!
>Jon Snow-
illegitimate male character, but has to die because strong white male. opened the globalist wall and sold out own people so good guy now, brought back
>Davos Seaworth-
powerless and comes from poverty, unthreatening so good guy!
wise intelligent stronk female character
>Margaery Tyrell-
punished independent stronk female character
>Ellaria Sand-
super cunning independent stronk female character
>Sansa Stark-
stronk female survivor character
>Arya Stark-
stronk punished female heroine
>Lord Varys-
unthreatening and mutilated male character, so good guy!
>Theon Greyjoy-
unthreatening mutilated male character with PTSD, good guy
>Brienne of Tarth
stronkest and most independent woman in the realm
>High Sparrow
strong white religious man? threatening AND with power? evil guy. homophobic and sexist too
>Daario Naharis
white male boy toy, not allowed power so unthreatening, good guy
>Roose Bolton
strong white male with power? threatening. murderer and rapist. bad guy
>Ramsay Bolton
strong white male thus illegitimacy, rapist, torturer, murderer
>Jorah Mormont
cuck. powerless. stone AIDS. so super good guy!
>Alliser Thorne
strong white male, so threatening bad guy
>Eddison Tollett
white male but quippy side character without power, so good guy
>Doran Martell
male character with power? weakness means death
>Podrick Payne
meek powerless white male, loyal ally to women! unthreatening good guy!
noble white man, does what’s right for the realm regardless of how it looks, thus killed by stronk woman after character vilification.
hillary of the iron islands!

Dany is not a Mary Sue since she faces adversity such as the challenge of obesity.

>Dothraki value the strongest by combat
>witch who outsmarted khal drogo got punished
>witch that conspired against all other khals are bowed to

nice nice.

Two retarded nitpicks here
Why did the sandy floor burn?
Why did the people who were behind the hut entrance and had no idea what was going on bow too?

>Takes over Meereena within 2 episodes
And fails at ruling it ever since
>Commands the Unsullied within 2 episodes
And can't even manage to keep herself safe from a bunch of rich ladyboys
>Has fully grown dragons within 2 episodes
How does this have anything to do with her?
>Frees HERSELF from the Dothraki and NOT ONLY does she free herself but she now commands the doth raki without anybody even questioning her slaughtering the men in the house
Without the help of 2 men, she would've never been able to do this.
>Assassin of the Second Sons kills his brothers in arms for her after meeting her once, now serves her loyally
Not an ability of hers, just silly plot device
>Joruh falls in love with her like the beta cuck that he is despite being tasked with killing her
This is a reflectiom on joruh not her

She's been raped, sold off, a failure ruler, unable to control her weight, bad at raising dragons, and ended her military campaign early not even close to reaching her goals. FFS she hasn't even jedi mind tricked anyone within 20 seconds of learning the force exists. She's no mary sue, she's pretty weak all around honestly.


They couldn't run out because Jorah and Daaario barred the doors from the outside.

As for breaking Dany's neck they really should have. The main Khal or anyone of them had plenty of time to run up to Dany and grab her and just fucking piledrive her into the stone floor and burst her fucking smug head open like a rotten coconut. Or just tear our her throat or snap her chubby neck like a chicken. They were going to burn to death anyway so might as well go out killing her instead of just standing there all scared and peeing themselves like they had never seen flames before while Dany just stood there all smug saying WHATS THE MATTER BOYS AFRAID OF A LITTLE FIRE

why didn't they honor the witch that fucked drogo up?

she was obviously strong af

U wot?


>it's a strong independent women defeating evil men episode

BRAVO dabid

I feel like if they made Rey just slightly more autistic I would have been fine with her Mary Sue tendencies

Also star wars was always a super basic Good Guys vs Bad Guys Destiny plot, whereas GOT was aiming for the ultra edge super realism angle

I think I felt the fedora tipping from here.

>hillary of the iron islands!

she is immune against fire and the patriarchy