Ask a guy who has 2 "doges" anything

Ask a guy who has 2 "doges" anything.

>in b4 stupid questions like "what's your favorite color?" or "what time is it?"

Are Shiba Inu's as bossy and difficult as they are Said to be?

What is your favorite color?

What time is it?

What time is it?

Although mine are not bossy at all, they tend to be stubborn. But proper training does a lot (and treats).


>fak off

What's your favourite Carl's JR menu item?

what is your favourite color ?
also what time is it ?

>Carl's JR menu item

I only went there once, and I took BBQ Chicken combo.

What's your favorite time?

what time is it?

Have you had other dogs before, if so how do they differ

My favorite time is 9:30

Do you bow to the superior meme pic related?

They dont look like the memes, they look mad

What time is your favourite color?

Always had Shibas and/or Akitas. Akitas are a bit more to handle but they always listened. Or mostly, anyways, both are stubborn races, they basically tend to act like 2yo children if they don't get their way.

Your maymay is shit.

Thanks. What country/climate you in? How do they deal with it?

What is the plural of dog?

What is the half-life of Strontium 90?

Western Europe.
They can handle it fine, we get pretty "normal temperatures here, although at the moment it's pretty hot outside, but I got a pool for them and airconditioning inside.


About 30 years if my memory is still right...

Can you please explain the Albigensenist Heresy to me?

Would you recommend Shibas?

Who promoted Peress?

Do they have fat cheeks? If yes, do they mind you cuddling their cheeks? :D

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?

cut or uncut?



Who's on first?

No I can not.

Not to someone who doesn't have experience with dogs, they're not a beginner's race.

No idea

They have puffy cheeks yes, and they don't care what I do to them, they're very mellow.




Who's first on whatnow?

How much did it cost for one doge.

I've always wanted one, do your puppers
Play well with each other?

Both adopted when they were almost a year old.
Adoption costs were about 400 dollars.

They get along fine, they're brother and sister.
If you socialize them well enough when they're puppies, there won't be much problems.

What time is it?

>puffy cheeks
That's very lovely to hear

Do they need a lot of time to be taken care of?

Not a lot of maintenance, brushing when they change coats. With Shibas the time goes more into training them.

Are they good with kids and other doggos or do they need to be brought up with such?

Why do they prance?

They'd best be brought up with such.
Although my 2 pups never had problems with both kids and dogs, but I've known a lot of Shibas who can't tolerate either other dogs or small kids (let's say under age of 12).

Have you raped them yet?

are they derpy?


They're dogs, not deer.

Raped? No.

The male is a derp.

how to train shibe i herd they can be dicks?

What are their names

Learn how dog language works and be the dominant "alpha". And don't give in, ever.
They tend to see how far they can go until you get pissed off.

What country are you from? I live in Sweden, dunno if our climate is good for doges or not.

Male is Mizu
Female is Yoshi

(I didn't name them)

Belgium. Sweden climate is fine, they can handle cold pretty well, my Shibas love snow.

(I'm a shiba owner too, and mine DOES prance, not sure what kind of shibes this guy has got his han on)

are they huggable or do they react like
> Hooman touch me
>Bark bark

how many borks a day are they allowed to have ? Mine gets never more than two

They love cuddles.

About treefiddy

I don't got questions to ask, just post more photos of those adorable doggos

How similar are the temperaments of the Akitas and Shibas? You ever consider getting a Kai?

I'd say pretty similar, although many people say Akitas are harder to train and a bit more "agressive" than Shibas, but in my experience I've seen not much of a difference between the two.

And yes, I considered getting a Kai Ken, but there are no breeders around here who has them, that breed is SUPER rare, even in Japan.

Agreed, more doge pics

bumping for this,

adding question did you get a Japanese Shiba?

Do you ever dress them up with like a lil scarf or somehintg? do they like it or hate it?

If you mean if I ever had a Shiba that came from Japan, then no.
They're all from breeders around here, although some breeders do have Shibas coming from Japan. But all my dogs I had were born in EU.

I did. Once. It's hard enough already to have them keep on their collars, they don't like it.
Strangely enough, their leash is fine if we go take a walk.

How much do you need to go out with them?

No borking

When I'm at work.
I take them with me where ever I go, if I can.

Oh wait woops I read your question wrong.

I go out on walks with them every day, they also have the garden out back to play in.

As a fellow Belgian that wants to get a DOGE aswell what kinda tips do you have for DOGES?

Get them from a well known breeder. there are Shiba/Akita fanclubs if you search on Google with info on certified breeders.
Also be sure to have enough time to properly train and socialize them, at least for the first year (they go into "puberty" at 9-12 months and they tend to get like an actual teenager, being stubborn as hell). Never give in to their "cute looks", do it once and you've lost the game forever.
Also treat them right and you'll be surprised how well they treat you back.

Thanks man

What language do you talk to them in? Flemish? French? Nihongo?


>Also be sure to have enough time to properly train and socialize them
I heard "socializing" means making them deal with stranger dogs (ie in the dog park). So having more than one dog at home doesn't cut it?

Will I ever find true love?

What time do you like to color at?

Not really. Going to dog parks is perfect, but taking walks and letting other people pet them is also a good thing. Just so they get used to "other people" and not only the people/animals "at home".

Maybe on day, keep trying buddy.

When they spout their own memes do they annoy you? Do the dogs speak normally or only in "doge" speak?

No. They bork.

Fedoras on a leash


>Implying that's not a pug

If pic related are your pups then I feel bad for you. They are genetically inferior to my perfect shib

aaaaaaaaaaaw shit this nigga just rekt yo doggos

Whatever floats his boat.

Nah your doggos are such cute, don't mind him :)