I just love this

I just love this

Because it's 8bit? Or because you fantasize about degrading women?

we dont care

What the fuck.

All of Sup Forums isn't you man
OP is 8 bit your fetish or something?
If so you're weird as fuck I've never heard of this
It's like low quality cartoon porn

What are you a fag?

No because I fantasize about Being a degraded woman

Both, fuck women, am i right?

kys u fgt

fuck off



Is there anymore like this?

You are a degraded woman, you faggot.

hey guys is this wwhhere i meme???


I take a poopie on the left, and a poopie on the right.

I stick it in my ass and then i turn off all the light.

Call me mr. Stinky then we poopie in her sight.

Funny story.
I actually know the artist.
He does some 8bit shit, but he's also really fucking good at drawing.
Even if he draws weird fucking shit.


Could I have his name?

Thanks user

yeah why dont you mention who the artist is instead of making us ask you god damn faggot




I take a poop i take a peep. Dont forget to beep. I stick it in my ass and then i sell it to u cheap.

I come from calcutta and my name is purdeep.

Lewd-zko on tumblr

Kill yourself too faggot.

Because his fucking name is in the gif you ignorant Jew.
I found him on tumblr awhile back.

His name makes me cringing.

im in the thread too arent i?


Fucking triggered.
I hate Indians more than anything in the world.
I don't consider myself a racist, except to those rude smelly ass shitskins


Cuz i will fuck u in ur ass HO.
Poopie pass HO.
Bitch dont be krass, HO.

I go kacka on yo blocka.
Call me mr. Stinky while i call you mr. Stakka.
Bitch been gettin blakka.

What are you, a British? Still butthurt? :^)



The fuck.

U want to buy, i know a guy.
He poopie in your eye.
His name is chakra from Dubai.

He think ge gotta poopie but ge really gonna die.

/agree. Am married. Fuck women in general.

dont talk to me please, im anonymous for a reason

Be my waifu


Waifus are the shit.


My penis thanks you.

and what about when a waifu takes a dump?

I go poopoo you go scoopoo what the fuck u gonna doopoo.
How u gonna be when i poopie in your pee?
Whatchu gonna do, when i poopie on your poo?
Call me mr. Stinky and ill cook a dirty stew.
Saurab from sri lanka gonna share it all with U!

Waifus don't poop.

That's clearly 16 bits.

Waifus aren't real you fucktard.

do i get paid?


My name is raj from raqqa.
I eat up on your kacka.

Keep a piece of poopie meat and store it in yo locka.

Only if dickings are a preferred style of payment.


I give you 20 rupees when u come and eat my curry poo.

T. Purdeep from calcutta.

no, just quads will do sir


I see u have a pancake.
Stinky man-cake.

U get a little cheeky when i come and give you sand cake.

listen here purdeep pajbeeb from kashmir or whatever the fuck

ill kill you

quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack

is this the ylyl thread?

Found it cute but not fappable to :v

so much good NSFW from Shantae, sometimes I even wish I could make a vidya with a good female character myself just to get that attention

quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack

U want to try u son of Bastard bitch?

You cannot come to calcutta.

If u do i feed you poopoo butta.

This is quality Sup Forums

okay listen here you little indian chinese mexican american fatso lardo skinny ass white ass bitch ass mother fucker cock sucker duck lucker quackalackin son of a gun




Hypnosis is one of those fetishes I could never understand.

Don't get me wrong. I am totally into BDSM and female submission.

But first, those hypnosis porn always depicts the girls with a blank stare which looks really unerotic to me .

Also, it seems to me like a method to dominate a woman which is just so easy it's boring. Like there is absolutely no effort in breaking her will and turning her into a slut.

who the fuck are you?


Still too many colors. 32 or 64.

why does captcha ask me to select all images of rivers and give me half a selection of rivers and half a selection of lakes

what the FUCK

Suk my cok Benji.


Just another anonymous pervert.

I think your problem in not understanding it is that you are comparing it to BDSM and submission. Additionally, it's rarely pulled off effectively.

It's something about which I fantasize, but I never end up watching hypnosis porn because it so rarely delivers fappable, non-autistic material.


well thatsn ot waht i eant to upalod


So it's not about domination? Can you be a bit more specific about why you find it hot? I would really like to understand that fetish better.


why do you like tits?







Like the digital aspect or that it's hypnotic fetish




only on Sup Forums could this be a compliment


