Why is this cunt such a big part of the show?

Why is this cunt such a big part of the show?

I don't understand. At first, I thought he was just a character in Theon's storyline but somehow he's so ridiculously capable and lucky that now he rules all of the north and is shaping up to be the great antagonist of this season?

What makes the writers think he is such an interesting character to devote the whole later half of the show? He's a literal cartoon villain for fuck's sake.

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Maybe he's good for ratings. Who would've thought flaying was in such high demand.

Agree with you op this character is very 1 dimensional

Is he legitimately the most edgy character on television ever?

You're giving the writers too much credit

So Ramsay has Ramsay Sue but Jon has Brienne. Who wins Bastard Bowl?

well he is warden of the north you know

If only that fat fuck had finished his books on time instead of dicking around with his finger up his ass and fucking Sibel Kekilli, D&D would've been able to adapt it like they had the first 4 seasons.

They're literal fucking retards without source material.

Oh my god

it's real

He is a fan favorite as well as edgy comic relief, which this show needs. Game of Thrones is a boring show. Say what you want about Ramsay, good or bad, whatever, but at least he's not boring.

He's a full blown Gary Sue. His only contradiction is that no one likes him. Other than that he can do everything without struggle.




like every tv show, GOT shills blatantly to women, and women like

1. mary sues, and
2. remorseless sociopaths

so ramsay and dany get to do whatever they want, and you have to deal with it

Literally agree/identify with every word you said, thanks

It's kind of galling for the show to kill off Robb as a demonstration that poor political choices have concequences, only to shove this guy at us who can't be taken down no matter how psychotic and untrustworthy he is.

CIA is almost as bad.

it's not even a meme, he really did fuck Sibel

He's one of the few characters that's actually entertaining.

They can't into subtlety. You could have noticed that every single character has been viciously flanderized this season. All hidden motives, secondary traits, psychological nuances were thrown out of the window for everyone. Varys personality revolves around being eunuch (the fact that he is one of the smartest people of the show is not acknowledged, mentioned or shown). Tyrion devolved to quipper with his internal conflicts entirely gone. Jaime regressed to incestous apathetic fuck throwing all development away. Of course they want to keep Ramsey as simple as possible, they do that to everyone.

He just GoT's version of a Joker


Because he's Jon's "Evil Twin" analogue archetype deal person. He's just an alternate reality version of Jon Snow.

>Born a bastard.
>Father actually kept him around, found use of him.
>Never had aspiritions of being some Honorable cunt.
>Becomes legitimized, so no longer a bastard, aka GAINS POWER

Every single action he makes is the opposite of Jon Snow.
>Completely ruthless
>Good strategist, doesn't allow himself to get betrayed/stabbed to death by his own homies.
>The only Northerner (aside from his own father) who isn't some weirdly loyal to-a-fault dipshit.
>Complete sociopath. Not really in touch with his feelings like lovesick puppy Jon.

He stays alive this long because he's NOT stupid.
Just because he's edgy as fuck and a sociopath doesn't mean he's pure chaos. He understands how terrible the world they live in really is. Even if he's a major part of why its so awful. He plays by the real rules or Westeros-- Cruelty enacted on others before its enacted on yourself.

He's the most predictable character on the show probably. To me it's not entertaining to think "yeah now he's gonna do/say this edgy shit" and have him do it. Maybe if they got a better actor that doesn't look like Mr Potato

Ramsay dies this season

>sjws hate ramsey
>Sup Forums hates ramsey

my god

Ramsey would be cool if he wasnt chaotic evil. He is.

Eevry other "villain" in the show is somewhat grey., but he is just pure evil. So fuckign boring.

I hope not, I can't stand the other characters.

He's really underdeveloped. They should've had a few episodes where he talks to the lords of the north. It's just way too unbelievable that he'd have any support at all. The way they're building him up is pretty ironic considering the rest of the whole series in book and TV show alike is a takedown of the jacked up superhero protagonists.

If I had to gamble I'd say they cut out something that turned out to be critical to the plot in the later parts, and now have to wedge this in so they can hit a critical point. Lord Manderly's support for a Stark claim in Winterfell is gone, so now they have to jerk around a bunch of characters into allying against this dickbag so they can get a Stark into Winterfell and move forward with the next plot. Now that I think about it Theon going back to support his sister could be them trying to replace the Manderly's with the Greyjoys.

Or maybe they're just fucking shit at writing sympathetic villains, and have accidentally killed all the ones with some characterization from the books.

This so much. Varys is a complete joke now and jaimie is just nothing, years of character build mean nothing to these hacks

No doubt, but it will be in a big epic battle of good vs evil, not because of political consequences.

In the real world Ramsay would have caught a knife in his back by now, because no sane person would willingly fight for him.

Because Barry is based as fuck.

That's why.


>le epic villain sue man xd

True, he should have suffered a similar fate to robb

The thing is, he isn't like the book character.

>bu...but the books aren't the same buut

The essence is changed. In the books, he's a creepy manic, but rash. He's actually freaked by his dad, and wants his approval (whilst Roose DGAF).

Here they've made him even-more-ruthless Tywin 2.0, in order for Jon's victory over him to feel "better" or some shit. Basically, it's HACK WRITING.

>the rest of the whole series in book and TV show alike is a takedown of the jacked up superhero protagonists.

No idiot, it's a takedown of hero protagonists.

It loves superpowered villains

>He's really underdeveloped. They should've had a few episodes where he talks to the lords of the north.

It's like in the Wire, Marlo had to get control of the greek connection before he killed Prop Joe. In a better show Ramsay would have to check whether anyone would support his power play vs. cutting his skinny ass open and feeding him to the dogs but game of thrones isn't that kind of show.

He is irredeemable. But so was Joff. Who was also a chaotic evil. Joffs final sin was stupidity. And being so naive to not understand that even if he was a Good king that still means having a target on your forehead. Joff was 1 dimensional and paid dearly for it.

Now Ramsey is chaotic evil. But he's not a political player. He's a desperate evil. He started at the bottom and once he got a small taste for victory (pleasing Roose, + getting legitimized) he's on a power hungry ascent. He is interesting to me still because he doesn't waste time accumulating as much as possible. He seemed to care for what Roose thought of him. But the second Roose threatened back to take away all his new accomplishments, boom, Dad has to go too. He fucked up Stannis entire campaign, without breaking a sweat. He's formidable, actually crazy, and now against the wall.

Jaimes character developement was so great for the first 3 seasons. Now its like it never happened. Hes a complete asshole like in s1 but more retarded

he's one of the only character that make this shit worth watching t b h

>Jon's victory over him

Except Ramsay is based as fuck

I don't want to appear to be some pol level retard assblasted by female characters, but things are getting a little whack, honestly. Jaime has done literally nothing this season except follow his sister around like a bitch, and they haven't even been fucking... Not that they have to be fucking, but shouldn't their be some kind of tense conversation between them? So now it's Tyrell, basically Lannister, and greyjoy that are all run by women (of course danaerys too). Not only that, but they're splitting up the allegiances waaaay too much. It's no longer game of thrones; it's game of individuals-of-clear-moral-standing. The fun part about the show was that guys like vaerys and baelish were IN kings landing despite not necessarily being totally on the lannisters side. Now they're all right where they want to be. High sparrow is annoying as fuck, so no ones rooting for him and thus he's a boring character. Ramsay is basically the de facto bad guy now. What happened? Everything used to be so entangled. Now it's just individual standard knight stories of revenge.

My main question is why Ramsay didn't fuck the shit out of Sansa until she was pregnant while he had her. That would have been a little more realistic if you ask me.

I didn't watch episode 3 but did watch 4. I think I'm done for good now though. It's just not as fun.

Agreed. BookRamsay is at his heart insecure, which is why he hates handsome, noble born Theon and murders women who think he's disgusting. It's not the best characterization in the world, but at least it's something.

Show Ramsay has no reason to be a psychopath other than because D and D needed someone to replace Joffrey.

If we're going with realism, Sansa never would have gone to WF in the first place.

"Marry your enemies to get revenge" is fucking retarded and Sansa and LF should know that.

Didn't baelish get something out of that, though?

Also, I don't believe Sansa knew exactly how bad Ramsay was at that point.

>people still watch this after the shitfest that was last season

Literally why would you do that to yourselves?
It was obviously going to be shit.

Fucking Barry.

Honestly every male character that isnt a complete evil asshole is a fucking bitch.

>jorah is a cuck
>tyrion only used for quips
>varys and grey worm are useless dickless faggots
>tommen is a whiny kid
>loras is just a gay stereotype
>jaime follows his sister around like a bitch

its fucking sad when jon is the only likeable protag and i hated the shit at the wall in earlier seasons

He's far more edgy in the books, show Ramsay is a fucking faggot by comparison.

I've said this so many fucking times. We get it D&D, he's evil. Don't keep fucking tell us that. Move the fuck on and give some interesting characters some time

This episode


2 out of 4 of those are shit and should be excised from the show (Dany and Ramsay)

Joff was actually a good villain because his motivations were understandable. He was a product of incest living in decadent royal family. His "father" Bobby did not give a single fuck about him and his greatest influence was morally bankrupt mother. You see exactly why he is unstable, pathetic, cowardly, spoiled, cruel, egocentric little shit. And he works perfectly as a villain because of that.

Ramsey is just your generic slasher psychopath who needs to be put down like a rabid dog.

>He's actually freaked by his dad, and wants his approval

No he doesn't, nigga had to stop himself from killing Roose when he tried to take his Reek. And book Ramsay is incredibly ruthless, he killed Ser Rodrick, Lady Hornwood, and blatantly tortures fake Arya so that everyone is aware of it. He has no impulse control at all.

>and murders women who think he's disgusting

He just rapes and murders women indiscriminately m8, there's no real reason behind it


Joffrey was well portrayed too. There were times he had me laughing. I actually enjoyed his presence because he was such a great character.

Ye hes really fucking edgy but at least he isnt a master of guerrilla warfare

Also Joff wasn't a Mary Sue

Joff was a villain you loved to hate. Ramsay's just a boring villain you hate.

That poor wildling girl he stabbed this episode, she looked a bit pregnant ;_;

Show Roose was also shit
Book Roose had all of Ramsay's men in his pocket and knew each of his moves

Joffrey was extremely well-received. The showrunners wanted to create another Joffrey, and they sacrificed good writing and believability in the process.

At least she had an ending and she's not rowing to China on Gendry's boat.

Exactly. Ramsay's line is basically: and here's Ramsay doing some ugly shit. My problem is they've killed or ruined all the good characters. I don't care for anyone in the show now. Especially the holier-than-thou lot

>High Sparrow

All just dreadful. Cercei isn't even fun to watch anymore.

>let's change Asha's name to Yara because it sounds too similar to Osha and may confuse our retarded audience xDD
>also let's have Osha disappear for seasons only to get killed off when she comes back, rendering the Asha/Yara name change completely pointless xDD

This show is the epitome of shit.

Joffrey was also incompetent and stupid. Things he did ended up going wrong, which is something that doesn't really happen to Ramsay.

Not really. He used word of the marriage to get Cersei to give him permission to invade the north, but he could have done that in multiple other ways and he has the men to do it without her help anyway.

At the very least Sansa knew the Boltons were cruel and treacherous. Even if they were pussy cats, nobody marries into their enemies to get revenge.

I was just trying to put a bit of analysis on his character. He's got mommy issues and daddy issues out the wazoo. TV Ramsay doesn't.

The writers actively dislike grey characters because they aren't as easy to write. Instead they keep trying to shoehorn in generic good vs evil -- it's just laziness.

Also why the fuck do they still call the mountain ser gregor? Did they forget he admitted killing kids and raping elia in front of a crowd? Did the king pardon him

Ramsay worked in the books because he was fucking nuts, but not a "le invincible wacky Joker XD" kind of nuts, and was implemented in small doses. He also worked as a good device to develop Theon, which is supposed to be his main purpose.

It amazes me that they managed to utterly butcher one of the best plot lines in the books.

I also helps that proper "Ramsay Bolton" only appears in ADWD and his alter ego Reek has cameos in ACOK. Anymore than that and he would get obnoxious.

There is no shortage of crazy people in power.

If they kill off Ramsay, there is still that deranged little cunt ruling the Vale.

>Theon getting shafted in favor of Ramsay and Sansa in his own damn story line
>retreading Sansa's season one story all over again because they were too fucking dumb to include Jeyne Poole


And baelish and vaerys were fun when they had to maneuver. Now vaerys is with Tyrion, and they they're just chilling with no worries, and baelish essentially commands an army at this point. There is simply no more maneuvering anywhere. The only interesting parts are the fighting. No one's stance is unclear any more. Boring.

>have a good villain in Joffery
>have a god tier "villain" in Tywin
>now stuck with Ramsay "20 good men" Snow

What a massive downgrade.

i literally only watch the show now to see how ramsay is going to fucking everything up like the gormless retard he is and yet still come out on top, this entire show is like watching a bugs bunny cartoon, i'm in hell and GOT is a demonic apostle of satan sent to torture me

Pretty much. It's too loose. The shit thing is that I believe the writers are huffing their own farts. The obnoxious fans blow smoke up their asses.

The dialogue lately has been terrible, especially Tyrion's. I can't remember what it was verbatim, but talking about cocks and alcohol. I'm so bored by the scenes, I've actually picked up laptop lately and browsed Sup Forums it's been that bad.

>Show Ramsay has no reason to be a psychopath
Real psychopaths have no reason to be psychopaths. It's largely genetic. They also tend to be boring when you see past their charm because they don't have any deep and complex feelings, opinions or motivations. Accurate portrayals of psychopaths in media will almost always be dull and two-dimensional, which is why there are so few.

Doesn't excuse his magical powers in the show, though.

Showrunners love Rheon very much. He is also an actor who is very enthusiastic about this project and apparently stupid enough to think that his character is impressive. Also hacks need the character for shock value (because they think it's the whole point of the show) and to simplify conflict into glowing white and "feed newborn to dog" black morality

It's like the endgame in grand strategy games. Nothing to do and no one worthy to kill off. Only options are to let it die violently or wait it out.

At least Robyn has weaknesses. He's a spoiled, bitchmade kid, not a TWISTED FUCKING PSYCHOPATH who effortlessly gets what he wants all the time.

Maybe this is why the fat man is taking so long to release the next book. He's written himself into a corner, and, unlike D&D, is determined to find a satisfying way out.

Anyone else tired of TEAL AND FUCKING ORANGE

Why do girls like Ramsey? Mostly really young ones.

My 12 year old niece really wants a husband who is like him and "will treat her right"

Who can stop him? Endgame he will sit on the iron throne and there is nothing you can do about it. Stay mad faggots. Lord Only Son of House Good Men is invincible and he shall prove to be the prince that was promised. He literally has no flaw, and that is before he takes off his shirt. Accept it ass blasted Stannis fags, your king is dead.

The language sounds too modern and its totally out of place. Just go watch the first 3 seasons and compare the dialogue

Not only is the guy a one-dimensional wacky psychopath, they even made him take the stupid evil overlord rulebook to guide his actions.

>Hello, Osha. I know you'd kill me immediately if given the chance so let me leave this knife within your reach while allowing you to come very close to me with no guards in sight. Oh, and I have already decided to kill you but a simple and safe execution is definitely out of the question, so please come closer to me and that knife and let me inform about killing you which should in no way hinder my plans because what could possibly go wrong when a person is right next to me, has a knife within her reach and realises she's about to die unless she does something radically violent. Nope, not a single thing about this plan conserns me, it's perfect!

It wouldn't be the first time.
>hello theon, a character who has every reason to hate me, please shave me with this straight razor just because

People don't seem to be phoning it in in the earlier seasons, but here it's like they're just reading their lines.

I've heard that it's nature and nurture, but I take your point.

The dude gets off on fucking with people and risk. He likes watching them have hope of killing him and enjoys the power play. It's no different to Jamie enjoying fighting some cunt with a sword.

The show has heaps of problems, but this isn't one. He's not having the option of being killer there as an oversight. He enjoys the risk.

Then how come tyrants and wacky roman emperor ruled for so long?

I saw a glimpse of decent dialogue from Tyrion when he was walking and talking with Greyworm. About how he doesn't trust the masters, but he trusts their self-interest. That felt like something Tyrion could have said, but most of it was awful.

dany will stop him by locking him in his castle and burning it down

Greyworm is another fucking dreadful character, along with Missandei (sp?). Fuck off D&D

Since we have no more Tywin show needed a human villain, pity he's a cartoony villain who made evil things just because he's so evul (and apparently unstoppable, Roose was equally ruthless but not dumb and naively evil like Ramsay is, I wish we had Ramsay executed), Tywin was an interesting counterpart who had his own reasons who happened to being in opposition of our heroes reasons, Ramsay is just a character that seems to be written for some anime.

1. Girls, especially young ones, very often have a fantasy which can be boiled down to "power of my love will turn that cold-hearted alpha asshole into sweethearted jelly". The more monstrous the man is the more is "the reward" for turning him "to light";
2. Some are just sexually attracted to him for whatever reason
3. Rheon is considered attractive among females
4. Girls are generally stupid enough to think that if they were in Theon's situation they would not be suffering that much
5. Young Western girls generally have no moral compass to realize how monstrous Ramsay. They completely gloss over that part of the character.

So it's one of the above or combination of reasons

thats a really trendy haircut for being an outcast.

>implying he wouldn't skin her alive to make a fire resistant targ coat and walk out like he just got out of the sauna.

Varys was great too but now its nothing but eunuch jokes. Also hes apparently fucking retarded too because his little birds will just spy for someone else when you give them a box of candy.

Meereen story is literally sandsnek tier at this point

I zone out when that shit's on. Get the fuck off my screen. Dany's story in season 1 was okay. It's been awful ever since though.

Varys was my favourite, now he's just lame comic relief. I still can't believe I saw a fart joke in the fucking show