Ask a married man who regularly has sex with these three prostitutes anything

Ask a married man who regularly has sex with these three prostitutes anything.

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no takers?

More pics faggot

How do you keep it a secret?

Ever worried about STDs?

What'll you do if you get caught?

How much does each cost?

This is the girl on the right.

What country? Any problems with law enforcement?

More of left.

How often do you and your wife have sex?

Can I fuck your wife? Fair is fair.

I have a career that has me out at all different hours of the day. I arise no suspicion by leaving for a couple hours here and there.

Yes. These girls are either low/0 tat, insist on protection from everyone, and don't superficially appear to be druggies -- that's the best I can hope for.

If I get caught? Probably this will end our marriage. I love my wife, but she is wildly insufficient in the bedroom for me needs. We tried to fix this many times, but we just can't fix it. As much as I hate cheating, I'd probably hate it more if I were to either die or get divorced while having years, perhaps decades, of unsatisfying intercourse.

$150 for half an hour, full-service, including fetish.

Which one is your favorite?

Why is the fat cow in the middle included?

How does pricing work?

Where do you meet up?

Who are you voting for?

What's your career?

Can you elaborate on the issues with your wife?

How often do you fuck them?

Where do you meet them?

United States. Always a fear, yes. Though I do sleep with other prostitutes as well, I've returned to these ones in part because I know they're not LEA.

>Pic related
About once or twice a week.

No. However, I'd consider -- not necessarily agree to, but at least consider -- doing a swinger thing if she was down. I'd probably abstain if not greatly reduce my visits to hookers if that was the case.

What's your wife's FB so I can fuck her since she's up for grabs and I probably have a bigger, fatter cock than you

How do you explain the money spent?

And what things are fulfilled with the hookers that aren't with your wife?

How much is the one on the left?

>drugs are bad but I regularly cheat on my wife with literal whores

What fucking moral spectrum are you on you hypocritical piece of shit

I like all three about equally, honestly. They each have their own quality I appreciate.

She is the youngest, at 20, with a baby face.

She also satisfies my fetish the best.

They normally have their prices sort of set beforehand. Either a call or text to make arrangements including "donation."

I require incalls -- so their location -- every time. A few times I had what is refereed to in their industry as "car dates," but I've never had an outcall (out for them, so they come to my locale).

You know I haven't really decided. At first I was going to vote HC mainly as a measure to say, "hey, this type of rhetoric is unacceptable and the unintelligible blabbering embarassing," but HC has plenty of her own embarrassments, too. Maybe I'll write-in someone like Jeb or Biden.

Won't elaborate on that.

She is very plain and vanilla in the bedroom. Not kinky at all and I do most if not all of the work.

On the seldom end, 1/2 a month; on the frequent end, 1/2 a week.

Their place. See above.

What city are you in? You must be in a big city to have 3 hookers to bang whenever. Out in the sticks it's a different story...

Pics of the middle one?

Do they work for themselves? Or do you know if they're being pimped out

I make ATM withdraws weekly and make sure I buy most things in cash. So instead of filling up for $30, I put $20 and $10 goes to the hooker fund. Like that.

Exitement of another woman in of itself is pretty damn awesome, but they're kinky, hungry for the D, and they satisfy my particular fetish without flinching.

Checked. Also, see above.

I've no moral qualms whatsoever about people that decide to use drugs. However, there's a correlation between drug usage and STDs. To lower my chances, statistically anyhow, of contracting STDs, I prefer girls who don't appear to use drugs.

married fag in the same boat here

constantly told that my wife is smoking hot (i agree), and honestly we have great sex but i'm addicted to variety

What's your particular fetish?

how can I hire one?

What was your method for finding these girls without the fear of a sting op

That's retarded logic. You're already a complete scumbag who's in denial of who he really is.

Just get AIDs and fucking die already

I've screenshat this thread a few different ways and it won't take me very long to figure out who your wife is. You're a piece of shit and I'm taking you down.

Do you ever feel bad? I don't know what would be worse for me the fear of being caught or the guilt.
I don't even know if I'd have guilt.

Curious - how'd you feel about it?

I'm afraid I'm not willing to elaborate, however, I will say that I'm required to travel 45 min to an hour to see them.

>Pic related

They all do yes, though the one on the far right, Heidi, has someone manage her adverts for her and, as you can see in other pictures, has a somewhat professional photographer. She is the only one of the three that offers the Girlfriend Experience (GFE) as well.

where did you find them? Where can I find equally quality clean hookers to fuck instead of my wife?

glad to hear it - we all know that different 'screenshat' methods is the key to doxxing someone

The screenshats are obviously to show the dude's stupid cunt of a wife once she's figured out. Are you slow?

If you're not happy, which you obviously are...why not get a divorce?

moar on left. preferably pussy spreads and face shots

spotted the woman

What's the fetish? Is it really something to flinch about?

do you ever stick it in their bum?

quick enough to realize that:
1.) pictures from some backpage ad are not going to lead you to anyone but maybe the hooker
2.) even if you found the right wife the guy has said absolutely zilch about himself so why the fuck would she believe you

It's hard to stop when you start.

Urophilia. Video related.

Go to backpage or asexyservice, find one in your area, and get in contact with them.

I grew up in an area with prostitutes and have slept with them before. I guess I just got used to feeling it out.

At first, wildly bad. Like, "go kill yourself" bad. But the more I talked to myself to try to rationalize it and the more I did it, the less guilty I felt. See an above comment about not wanting to die never having been fully gratified sexually.

I like TER, theeroticreview, to get reviews of prostitutes. So use backpage first to see girls that you are attracted to, TER for the review, and move forward from there.

>Pays to have sex with THREE prostitutes


1) Because I'm good at this sort of thing. Kek, nothin personell kid
2) Because she's a woman

What country and what service do you use?
Where do you fuck them?

>i'm good at this sort of thing
then prove it
>because she's a woman
found the guy who has never had a conversation with a woman (nothin personell kid)

Financial reasons, soon to be a child (I haven't done it since she's gotten pregnant; I'm now having mixed feelings about all of this), and there's plenty of other things about her that is great, just not sex.

That's Lexii, the petite one at just 5" tall. Pic related. No pussy shots, etc, sorry.

Nope, not my thing, but they're all cool with me ejaculating out of the bag and on their tits.

To be fair bud, you seem like a massive autist.

Have you told your wife to get tested yet? Or do you live in a place where prostitution is legal?

no idea where the fuck that image came from. here's a real shot of lexii and the best face-exposed one I have

>implying women ever use logic, ever
found the guy who has no idea how woman operate. chances are she's a skag and getting blacked anyway

>reverse image search

>implying women are going to trust some NEET they have never met emailing them without any proof from an email address they don't recognize
yep i must be all mixed up about how women operate

That's Kristin Stewart, fucker....

This isn't very impressive, OP.
If you had those three as girlfriends sure.
But full on whores? Anyone could do that.

Whats funny is, I probably own one of the websites you use to find providers lol. :]

Read this

It doesn't really seem like he's trying to impress anyone.

Also, here's a screenshot of my folder. Again, no fucking idea on how that Lexi image went to that. I don't even have that image in my pc anywhere.

>people believe this
Also do you like scat

I understand if it was a mistake. I've seen that happen before, just didn't want you pulling a fast one.

post the mp4

Why do you feel it is okay for you to lie to your wife on a constant basis instead of letting her find someone else who will treat her better?

I imagine you would be pretty pissed if you found out she had been getting gangbanged and jizzed on by 20 black dudes a week, so why do you feel it is acceptable for you to do it?

Serious questions, even though you're probably just lying completely.

I think you need to google urophilia.

Why dont you just have sex with your wife?

This thread is one big "look at me, I got four women I fuck, three of them are whores. Aint I great guise!".

I'm not trying to impress anyone, that's for sure. Here, I'm just simply here to engage with people that have questions or comments about this kind of activity. There, I'm just trying to get pissed on while having some crazy sex.

Can you say which one? Struggling to find providers in my area

And to top it off, they aren't even impressive whores. They're Backpage trailer sluts who probably have HPV.

Like damn, just keep some shit to yourself. It's stuff like this that you HOPE they're lying about because it's a little less sad.

Doesn't really seem that way to me. I could be wrong, but it really seems like he's just using this as a topic for conversation.

if it's TER or P411 can you hook me up with an account? getting tired of BP shit

Why are there so many virgin autists white-knighting this guy? I don't think Sup Forums is for you friends.

What wrong with your wife?

Because deep down they wish they had the courage to call a Backpage whore but they know they're too socially retarded and the thought of embarrassing themselves in front of a hooker makes them want to cry.

I'd be more impressed if he was at least fucking proper escorts and not random skags from BP.

Do you take off your wedding ring when you are with them?

Do you ever think about what your wife is doing while you are out cheating on her?

Would you want your son to behave the way you do?

You don't deserve those trips retard. I was making a about peoole who like squirting. Fucking summerfag.

That was another girl, not listed here, pissing on my dick. I'm afraid I don't have the gumption to both convert it to webm and remove the part where my wedding ring is exposed.

You're right. I would be very upset, however, I doubt I would be irate. Sex, to me, is simply a mechanical operation to me; there's no intimacy to it at all for me. I feel more intimate when we're snuggled on the couch or she's telling me how she feels. So, with my feeling that sex is decoupled with intimacy combined with my aforementioned sexual desires not being met despite trying to fix it, if the rolls were reversed, I would try to either please her or open up our marriage.

Covered in great detail.

I'm sorry you feel that way. My intent was not to boast. Anyone can get sleep with a prostitute so I'm not sure how it's boasting, really.

So you admit you'd be pissed off but you still do it.

Congratulations, you're a hypocrite. Enjoy your herpes.

But come on, we both know you're probably just lying. This was good bait though you have quite a few chronic masturbators chomping at the bit in here.

you sound grumpy, have a cookie

You're in denial?

how hard would it be to find a male prostitute? I want to feel a man inside me

Why pay someone? Why not just pick up some sluts at a bar and fill your car up with $30 instead of $20?

Stop posting.

Lol just because I'm not sucking off some dude who claims to be getting pissed on by girls who are only a step above crack whores, doesn't mean I'm upset.

Nice bait.

I, for one, applaud this thread. As a man in a committed relationship who also pays for sexual gratification, I found it interesting and entertaining.

Also, I wish you were in southern California because I would be very interested in retaining the services of
>pic related

>I'm sorry you feel that way. My intent was not to boast. Anyone can get sleep with a prostitute so I'm not sure how it's boasting, really.

This is a boasting forum, you're here for the attention. Just admit it and enjoy it full on, you dildo.

>not OP

It's different for me because that requires more emotional investment.

Hookers are a contractual means to an end and everyone is on the same level.

>stop posting
>when you don't know a better comeback
>fucking casual

Again, I'm not trying to impress -- at all. I simply wanted to engage with people who had questions or comments about this activity. I thought it might be an interesting departure from the normal trap/brony/banana threads of late. Again, my apologies if I somehow came across that way.

You're correct. Thank you.

lol thanks. I was wondering the same.

For the tl;dr version: she's low energy (trump.jpg); she won't pee on me; she does nothing fun.

The one on the right, Heidi, is most certainly a "proper escort." Pic related.

Most of the times.


Not entirely. I wouldn't want him to have an underwhelming sex life, the bigger regret is not having addressed that first before putting a ring on it.

>implying a woman won't hear "HES CHEATING" and blindly follow

KQTM (kek'ing quietly to myself) :^)

What would you do if hookers were no longer an option?

Perhaps, but on the other hand, I would do almost anything to make her happy in bed. She does nothing and doesn't seem terribly bothered by it. So... whores!

No idea there, mate.

It's actually easier to retain the services of frequent escorts than to court females, even easy ones, at a bar. Furthermore, it's harder to "pick up a slut" with subterfuge by spending hours at a bar than it is to leave mid-day to see an escort.

This guy gets it.

no, but your hasty assessment does.

as a married man whose wife was told that by someone she knows (when it was true btw) and she didn't believe it because i told her it was false, gonna have to call bullshit on you here pal


btw, i thought you were "good at this sort of thing"
still waiting for you to put your money where your mouth is

Would you fuck her?

Thanks, mate. That one, Krystale, is 20 but with the baby face. The one on the left is the petite one and the one on the right is the chillest/best attitude one. The one you like, Krystale, is the only one who is dancing around the room because her bladder is so full when I get there. She's a great sport.

better than tinder, plenty of horny cheating wives of your city on

In a fucking heartbeat.

I'm not that guy, I'm just pointing out that you're retarded if you don't think a subhuman with a fuckhole won't blindly believe everything she is told

Nice trips btw

Also your story is obviously bullshit. You're posting on Sup Forums, that alone is evidence that you aren't married.


My thoughts are: more pics, how old, have you tapped that, what's your relation to her, and do you think she'd be down to pee on me.

if "a subhuman with a fuckhole" will believe everything she's told, it would follow that she would believe me when i tell her it's bullshit and her friend is just trying to create drama

married guys post here all the time, at least 3 have chimed in in this thread alone. i mainly just stick to Sup Forums anyway