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wheres the sex tape

I hope they are in a healthy, happy, relationship, and live a long, full life together in total bliss.

single mother in

He ain't light-skinned enough to do the light-skinned face.(emrm)

Rare twin couples...

i want a trophy nigger too so my dad gets mad and buys me that new car out of fear

He's hot

no kids tho

Won't last. One will cheat on the other. Maybe even cheat on eachother and stay in a cheating relationship. Too young anyway

Good way to stir up this sexually-depraved forum



Their vanity choice is shit; the color of the bathroom doesn't complement the tone of of the lights and they have an outside doorknob as an interior knob. These idiots do not know how to house.

Kill all niggers.


Wouldnt mind watching his black mamba slide inside of my wife

Oh god, harambe moved onto white girls now

In 5 years she will weigh 250+, smoke 1 packs of Looks a day and have three mixed kids (all will walk around in nothing but diapers).
They get extra credit for not having visible tattoos of each other's names.

the rest of her life is poverty, watched my neighbors go through it. both single moms with niglets now living back with mom and dad

I like you, man. You cool.

Mom where is my daddy?


feel pity for her father

People behind these mad white boi, blackmaster race threads.

Look at the girl in the second picture. Her eyebrows are down. This means anger. If you look close enough, you can even see a hint of disgust on her face. Anger and disgust are the language of hate.

probably has a thing for that rapper guy tyrone the crater



Looks like a mudshark

wish that was my gf

Niggeresses are such hideously ugly that niggers only dream of fucking a white woman

I think she has a strange hairline. Otherwise I hope they're a happy couple and wait until marriage to have sex.

Where have dem blue eyes gone?

I think there's something on the wall and she needs to look away from her fucking phone. He looks scared.

Did they die immediately after this, user?
I hope they did.

Fucking snowbunny...

That just gives me the tfwnogf feel

She will cheat on him, I never trust girls with that hair style.

Seriously? as a white guy...

Why the fuck does that nigger look like Tyler... the creator, do all niggers look-a-like?.. I'm hungry... i would fuck her sideways round times square

That young woman will regret her actions later in life.

Bred out of existence.

He's a curl bro, and a shit one at that.

Same with blondes.

>upset at dad

sex offender register/list, there should be one for bitches that fucked black dudes...shes lost for humanity




She'll be a single mother on benefits and he'll have a DV charge on his rap sheet within two years. Just like every other fucking time.

has to be from europe

why is rakim's name backwards in the tatoo? did she do it herself in a mirror?

fucking europe

no, recessive blue eyed genes can be inherited from two black parents even. like, black americans not africans. they're all a little mixed

He'll be gone once she's pregnant.

Pretty much this...

i don't think about teenagers fucking 11 states away faggot

i'm not racist. not in the fucking least. even though...

i'm a crack and heroin addict due to black dudes from london driving to my town, living in junkies' houses and vending hard drugs.

i was once forced to drive them 200 miles to pick up. there was a 12 inch fucking machete under my seat, which they'd put there. i was pulled over. the police found it. no prints. the dudes are saying that if i don't tell the police it was mine, they'll stab me.

i was once buying some at their place. i made the mistake of verbally defending a friend of mine with whom they had some kind of issue. two of them held me still, while another held my hand on a table with a meat cleaver above. i was one fucking comment away from having my hand chopped off.

they once kicked down the door of someone i know, held him down and raped him up the ass with a spoon.

these people are motherfucking hardcore. if i wasn't so high i'd be terrified.

why don't i hate them? because it's inevitable that there's gonna be a backlash. white people are cunts too. we've fucked them pretty hard historically.


She'll fuck niggers till she's 27 ish then marry a desperate white with money and probably still fuck nigger on the side

Please keep her, we don't want her back. Sincerely, all other races.

You are a broken individual and I can't feel anything for you but pity.

Typical leftist.


only the peaceful can hope to achieve peace. blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.


stay mad, whitey


tfw no white single mother with mixed kid to help support


who be europa?

It's a brave new world. One that unfortunately won't include white "men".

You posted this yesterday



Don't feed the nigger lovers.


Which one is it?

JIDF right on cue.

better than tinder, plenty of horny ebony girls of your city on


We should begin defining interracial dating as cultural appropriation of black men by white women to make the SJW's lose their shit.

>ad related

If she gets pregnant chances are she is gonna be single mom. Nobody wants a woman with child to begin with but woman with black child would just be untouchable


single mom

better than tinder, plenty of horny white girls of your city on

Plenty of cucks in the world.

My thoughts is i'm a nihilist so I don't fucking care.

quite a hard decision, hmm?


He is busy working.

you're a desperate teenager who's fishing for replies

a race traitor and a nigger...I see a bright future for you both



You don't normally see etching like that in trailerhome doors. They got a nice one.



why isn't she allowed to enjoy her fetish? wouldn't you if you could?




strong enough to survive a shotgun blast to the head ?
