Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.

Other urls found in this thread:


Mean smugs

Heya prinz!
>falls with your hug

>claiming yume



oh wow i want to get manga books too. it's just too difficult to get them.

also stella claimed

Yume claiming the cumdumpster


Its difficult to get them??

Aww that sounds depressing o.o
>heres more

How have you been~?
>more hugs


Claiming boatie.


oh shit. i meant this boatie.

This isn't a cumdumpster claiming thread you damn heretic.
>but I appreciate seeing new characters here

And you are more than welcome to do so.

But I would still consider anyone who fucks androids and never had sex with a human a virgin.

Want me to pots more?

either way still cute

yeah. i keep confusing them.

always all the time everytime everywhere
Well I just wanted to do that not going to do this again cause now she hides back in my folders and then I fap to her
>Homu legs

Akiko claimed

>Is it human?" And no. Androids are not
I agree that they are not, but is it a problem?
The problem with fucking kids and animals and everything else is that one party cannot consent. An android would be able to consent


Quads confirm
Also, what would be the difference in personality between an actual person and a perfect robotic mimic? In the end both are made up electrical impulses
>I would be able to fall in love with an android
Hyperrealistic waifubots when?

>can i see it then?
Of course, I always deliver them here in the thread
>just been chilling here watching some shows and eating sushi.
Lazy days best days

>anyone who fucks androids and never had sex with a human a virgin.
Kek, granted


Horray! So what have you been doing since you were away from thread?

Ive been alright! How have you been?

Uh oh she is gonna explode

I dont blame ya. Both arepretty cute it would only make sense

>triple dubs ayyy

Hm.. I've been busy with vacation and other boring shit. Nothing much. You?

I've been great! Glad to hear that :)


Remember that time Homura killed herself?

yeah, i know. you know since they're both cute.. do you think I could.. ship them?

If Mami posts legs now I am going to cum without even touching myself

also nice booty.

The argument is if they are human, stop moving the goalpost.

I even admitted that I would fuck a Tomoko android. But i would still consider it a toy. A fuck doll. It isn't Tomoko. It isn't human.

Alive? Doesn't matter.

That is my argument.

You guys fuck your waifubots and pretend it is human if you want. I'll fuck my waifubot and realize it is an upgraded daki.

What's up?

>Touka claimed



Hmm... I dont see why not

Work, wedding stuff, birthday stuff and chilling out


Watching weeb shows then take a nap. You?


Thats fantastic

Dying because there's a heatwave

Do you think the world is ready for boatie x b0aty?

Sounsd like fun.

Hmm... Nothin much for me right now. Just thinking about what to do later.
>more hug

Hell yeah dude

I would love a tomokobot like it was real

Best magical girl did it
can't deny these legs

Can't sleep


Interesting point of view, I would certainly respect more someone who had sex with an android through legit methods than someone who lost virginity with a hooker.

Exactly, there might be a lot of physical differences, which don't matter that much since they look human. But when it comes to personality they are the same.

No, I remember that time Homura outsmarted Mami.

Was the argument ever specified? I remember it started because you said the only robotic tits worth mentioning were cyborg ones.

I agree entirely with you on that, androids aren't human, I wouldn't pretend it is one but I wouldn't look at it as an upgraded daki.

>A person is a being that has certain capacities or attributes constituting personhood
Doesn't have to be a human to be a person that can love and receive love in return.

yeah i mean the real books. in finland there's just a couple of books in stores and here in spain every book is in spanish so
Lazy days best days boi

should i get more sushi

I'm headin off. Gonna go watch some anime and stuffs. I'll cya all later!

>goodbye hugs

nice. :3
sigh. anyways, bye.

ALriiighty have a good day talk to ya later

Glad to help ya

Ohhh okay I see the problem here I gotcha~

Sorry to hear:/ are doing stuff thst involves outside stuff?

It's alright. Bye huggles

No we can't lol

>sex with an android through legit methods than someone who lost virginity with a hooker
What would be the difference?

Buy the Robot/Whore
Fuck the Robot/Whore

>Doesn't have to be a human to be a person that can love and receive love in return.
You are splitting hairs.


Well, that's you.

I can't do that.

Taking a break from threads for a little bit

That wouldn't be a legit method. I was imagining a futuristic setting where androids would be integrated in our society and live like humans, not just mass produced fuckdolls.

It's just hot as balls and no A/C because they don't build houses up here with A/C

How does one solve damning boredom with a 15€ budget?

Go read a book


That is a recipe for disaster.

Cause you'll have idiots like me trying to widen the gap between Humans and Androids.

I'd go full species-ist and push forward laws keeping Androids in ghettos and slave conditions.

They are tools to make our lives easier. They shouldn't be the delusional fantasies of already deluded people.

Buy rope and tie a noose.

Have fun

>implying you have the power to push laws

I know you live on the east coast but may I ask the name of state?

i could try to find if there's any comic store here where i am right now. The one in a big mall had loads of mangas but not a single one in english

Which one?
Thanks, but too much effort. Don't know how to tie a noose.

We ARE talking about the future here. Or do you plan on staying static for the rest of your life?

Oh hello mio how you doing

>implying that you will ever have the power
No one who is attracted to Anime characters should be able to pass laws

Then buy bleach or something.
Your choice.

Why dont you try ordering off amazon, you can get them online

It's in New England

GoT is p good.
The Martian.
Red Sparrow
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

Those are the most recent ones I read

Oh hello, I'm okay, but I could be better. Just thought I'd jump in the thread since I haven't been in here much. You?

ey yo mang waddup

If you meant the ones in that pic, I'd go for Iron Kingdom

What brand do you reccomend?
K, thanks.

you should get more creative and destructive with these suggestions
maybe someone would be interested then

Oh damn. What's the temp? Texas here

No ambition having scrub.

Cheaper but as effective as Clorox

Sharpie in peepee?

>tfw First Lady is a pillow

Any of them will do just fine.
Its not meant to be interesting.

i don't think that's fatal but it's worth a try

>using any bleach other than Clorox

>implying there's qt anime girls on tinder

It's like 95F with 70% humidity

>not using off brand as its cheaper but equally effective as Clorox

QOTT: from any gen up to 7th gen in pokemon. Who's your favorite starter?


Would hydrogen peroxide work as well? It would save me a trip to the store.
Time to read about some Prussians I suppose.

35° that's hot yo

I'm an elitist so I only use name brands

You're onto something, I can imagine a couple of story lines that revolve around racism toward androids.

It wouldn't be able to love an android that was made as a simple tool, because it wouldn't portray a mind as complex as a human. If it did it would probably hate itself and it's purpose of being.

Unless for example sex bots have nymphomania.

Oh damn :/

I'm loving the actual interesting discussion we're having here

Argument wasn't really about just that as far as I can tell but I joined halfway in so I wouldn't know
>The argument is if they are human
objectively no
But I wouldn't consider them just a toy either. If they were able to have simulated feelings and thoughts based on experiences like us I'd consider them something inbetween animal, machine and person. Not a human but about as close as you could get

Of course they'd still be androids but the processes going on would be perfect replica's of our own thinking process

AKA the plot of Overwatch

Objectively yes


bond checked?

Bulbasaur I guess

Squirtle, because blastoise is a fucking badass.

nice to have you here.
i'm cool decided to hang around almost all day if don't get too energetic.

Cyndaquil because Typhlosion is a baller

Chimchar is cool but Piplup is my favorite starter but I love Blastoise as a final evolution pokemon

Charizard. Hardest to play as because its the least effective against many types.
*spits on ground*
Elitist scum
Overwatch has a plot?
I thought it was Hat Simulator Revamp
By the way...
Hats in OW when?
Fuck squirtle
Charizard > Bulbasaur > Squirtle
