Why is that Dota 2 players keeps on bashing players of Lol and yet Lol players remain quiet and calm...

Why is that Dota 2 players keeps on bashing players of Lol and yet Lol players remain quiet and calm. Also a discussion thread about dota and lol

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cuz dota players are old fags

^ and dota is like disney to lol's looney tunes

If they think LoL is too easy then why dont they get really good at it and then get into an eSports team?

bc lol is a pay to win model, runes & champs aren't cheap

well imo, they call lol for kids cuz of its comical graphics yet the gameplay is absolutely great and the skill concepts on every or mostly champs has different skill sets unlike in dota 2, you'll slow and stuns and start right clicking all the way.

> pay to win
well, you can get to dia 1 with normal runes. And you don't need every champ either so no, not a pay to win.

but. its not pay to win at all, what are you talking about...

Because LoL players are too busy screaming at each other instead of another game's playerbase

>LoL players being silent and calm

You never played it, right?

you can get literally everything from in game points, dont have to have all the champs at all. ive been playing for only about 2 months and im low gold already, dont have any runes at all and dont play bullshit champs.

they dont trash talk dota though, they just trash talk each other.

Because thre is voise chat in DOTa. Ppl
accustomed to express there emotions freely. So if they don't like something they sad it.

Their trash talk about Dota would sound like complaining about it being too difficult.

Thw one thing i like more about dota is how quickly you can go into ranked. My lol main was banned so leveling my smurf is a pretty shit process

And this is good for game. Not all banned people will come back so players will be cleaned from scam.

Totally! Banning someone for getting pissed at feeders is a healthy experience.

It has the reverse effect actually as youll be decreasing the amount of players spending money on your game, which is a crucial mistake when your games increase in players per year is decreasing. No one quits because of "buzzword" either

lol community is also scum, stopped playing when I went a month trolling > winning

because I want every champion from minute 1 completely for free

because I don't want shit from outside the game like runes or masteries

because a hard game can also be fun, whilst an easy game like lol is fucking boring.

Still you can't play any hero you like.

That's just bullshit and by supporting that shit business model you are fucking with the rest of videogame costumers.


yet you cant make it out of silver. lol. that is why you got bored.

I've heard ex lols saying dota is hard

I just don't like how dota looks. It's a preference thing. I did give it an honest shot to. This was a while back but at the time 3-4 years ago, it wasn't very noob friendly.


..what? youre a fucking retard. you dont have to pay a penny and you can still win just as much as someone who payed 100$.

>what is ip

Imo dota isn't hard, its just certain aspects are boring, but its over all superior in terms of skill, character balance and team strategy

this youtube.com/watch?v=5rEUb4semGA

What about jungling? With lol it's pretty straight forward. You've got several choices of strategy and pathing. But I've no idea what dota has in comparison. Is it virtually the same?

Dota is hard because is garbage compared to league. Lol just runs so much smoother, the maps are cleaner, the latency issues of dota aren't anywhere near as bad in lol. Anyway the top down view mobas suck. Smite and paragon ftw

Lol players just want a ez win at least good amount of them if things don't go to hot in the first 10-15 mins in the game they get toxic refuse to talk or afk dota players may call each other shit at the game but they try to win the game and suggest items

Smite was cool and all and the auto buying of items was super cool. Hell, even the special modes of play were fun but imo the normal 5v5 lane game mode felt lackluster.


LoL community literally most cringe whiny faggots on earth


Lol has one stratergy for jungling and pretty standard junglers, dota has a lot more layers and team strats to jungling that require coordination outside of ganking

because dota is an objectively harder game, and league is an objectively more fun game.

Cause league is better and we know it

Meh I'm only level 23 I just play casually and just started, I'd say someone who's never played a moba before league is pretty easy to get into requires mostly just really fast reflexes

Gee, I wonder why.


>If Tekken players think Street Fighter is so easy, why don't they just go pro in Street Fighter?

Could you go into a little detail about it?

Pleb, come play guilty gear with the rest of the adults

Leagues number one player is barely halfway up that list holy shit.

You can pull minions to the krugs to fight so that red aide pushes.

You can make camps follow you and then they will respawn, stack a lpt and then get your hard carry (think of a skill set as, flash, aoe srun, %damage and hella tanky) to kill them for gold and xp.

You also gank at night mainly.

Some champs can solo baron early on.


>Lol players remain quiet and calm.

Dl isn't on it?

It's because, as a LoL player, I know that Dota 2 is objectively a better game. I only choose LoL because that's what my friends play.

Because a lot of Dota players are actually former League players, and they are yelling at you because you play an incredibly bland and tasteless MOBA with little to no variety.

Former League player with over 3K games, the only regret I have is not switching to Dota 2 earlier.

k fuck the circle jerk let's get real discussion going.

Being carried to Diamond isn't that impressive.

How many seasons have you been playing?
What pros have you faced?

Whats that thing under d1?

>objectively better
>MOBA games

There is no such thing as better, MOBA games are like testicular cancer, you can remove one ball but it's always going to hurt remembering it happened.

>RTS elitist detected


Post your rank.

Since late season 3.
A lot. KFO/Rikara/QTPie/BunnyFuFuu/Dardoch/Fabbbyyy to name some.

Dynamic badge. I duo q mostly with my 150~ lp master friend.

Motherfucker are you serious? Are you suggesting the cheap champions aren't good? Lets ignore master yi, garen, ryze (kind of now anyway...), annie, poppy, amumu then i guess...

>Post your rank
Here you go bud. You can ask me for some tips and tricks on how to improve if you'd like.

That's actually pretty neat, thanks.

>Being carried to Diamond isn't that impressive.
>Being "carried" to top 1k isn't impressive
>Posts dota screenshot.
I'm no LoL elitest but could you kindly fuck off if you're gonna act like some superior cunt?

Only one of those is legit good, and another alright

Wait... There's a day-night thing too?

Pro tip:
>I don't like RTS

>70% idle fag detected

jimmies have been rustled

I dont even play dota so it was easy to make the comparison since i dont know the dota names, except roshan is baron nashor

Yeah every 8 minutes the game changes from day to night. I like that mechanic a lot, because it effects the vision of all heroes. Some heroes are based around getting more/less vision during night and day.

When you're a support main, you're carried to whatever rank you're at.

Your job is so incredibly simplistic and easy that as long as you follow some basic principles, you've done your part. Support mains are basically identical in skill from Silver to Diamond.

gr8 b8 go get diamond 1 playing support then friend!

Yes, it cycles and this affects your vision (kind of like graves smoke screen). I think diff champs are effected differently in terms of vision radius

lmao this guy have never made it past plat5. salty adc main

That's fucking cool.

you've clearly never played a game with a diamond support smurf. i'm only silver/gold but holy shit is it noticeable when there's a support pro, they literally run the whole game just based on roaming. hell one game our whole team got gangfucked by a 500 movespeed janna

>gr8 b8 go get diamond 1 playing support then friend!

I don't feel like grinding several thousand games and hoping I just happen to get the better teams.

>lmao this guy have never made it past plat5.
I actually was Diamond 4 at the end of Season 3. Wasn't too long after that I made the switch to a game with actual depth and complexity
>salty adc main
I didn't main anything because I liked diversity in my champion selection.

He's either trolling or bronze 5 ignore him

>made the switch to a game with actual depth and complexity

play both fggt. been playing dota for 12 years now. 5.5kmmr and am planning on grinding to d1 soon

>play both fggt.

Why? When I play League I can feel my brain begin to numb because of how mundane it is. I get more excitement and variation out of a single Dota match than I do out of 10 League games.

Awe the poor niggers want hand me outs literally just play the game to even be worth the right to use a good champ

>I wan't arbitrary restrictions on the playable pool of characters!
>Because reasons!

I tried dots for like a week straight and still couldn't understand how fucking bad the hit boxes were like they were worse than fucking Strife's hit boxes, then after I spent some time fighting the hardest thing in that game (the fucking hit boxes) I realized the timing of the game was terrible there was shit characters and all around looked terrible, sure league looks cartoony but fuck at least its not moving shit inside a dumpster like Dora's arena and characters


Did you even read the post? League is so simplistic and easy it's boring. Gameplay is literally just a formula of "Combine X champions with Y items and recieve your victory". Nothing to "git gud" at, just remembering some basic Algebra.

if its that simple, where is your challenger rank?

See even autocorrect hates dota

you are retarded.

this is a child's threat. everyone knows heroes of the storm is better than any of this.

It can get boring if your a pussy and suck or at least don't spice it up a little with nonmeta shit



Because grinding and luck.

One team is always better at replicating the formula than the other, it's very rare that you actually have a game where both teams pick and build what they are supposed to, and it actually comes down to skill.

As a casual player on your level you're right but once you get to the higher ranked tiers you'll be fucked with that attitude.

Blazblue you pleb

You clearly haven't played at a higher level (plat +) because I bumping into someone who is just boosted and shit or doesn't build right is 1 out of a good 10 games at least. Dota has the same amount of shitters. In both games you are able to carry games alone and win if you are good enough.

get good you beta fuck

You can't speak for the entire fanbase. I know a group of LoL players at my school and man do they love to shit on DOTA


If you think challenger is luck you're autistic. I've actually played in that elo and I can tell you it's far from it.

I have played higher than Plat, I was Diamond 4 in Season 3. Same shit.

>In both games you are able to carry games alone

Hahaha that's a good joke. In League it's all about who can pump out the largest numbers. Nothing more.

Dota actually has a heavily diverse ability pool among heroes that can heavily influence the game depending on what hero you pick. League champions have the same shit copy and pasted onto one another with only slight deviations and modifications to give them their own identity.

Post was meant for

Oh wow, I didn't expect to see legitimate criticism amongst all the bullshit

> LoL Players
- Noobs
- Haters gonna hate
- Izi game
- Full of noobs
- More noobs then u can even realise
- Funny moments
- Feel my tornment

- Skill require
- Russian
- Russian
- Russian

both games are a shitshow