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The new Dead or Alive movie? Looks a little different than I imagined it would look.

200 million opening weekend.

Screenshot this.

Only if its decent and word of mouth gets out.

The lack of Tina still pisses me off.

200 million in Pesos.

>people still think this movie will fail and won't spawn a trilogy and spinoffs

lmaoing at your life, OP

>implying it won't spawn an entire cinematic universe

Are you prepared for one WotA trilogy, one WC1-WC2 trilogy, one WC3 trilogy and more? I sure am

this movie looks so cringe

I've been prepared since 2008

it will make big bucks in the Asian markets.


And based off this it will get a sequel.

>mfw this is the dawn of vidyakino

China alone will save it

This entire board must be purged.

vidyakino is gonna be comfy as fuck

Hopefully we get more vidyakino like command and conquer or starcraft after this success.

>You shall be the fellowship of the ring.

Fucking really?

the green girl looks pretty good

No she doesn't.

>command and conquer
fug yeah
Yeah... about that



Lich King movie get hype

Her makeup and hair look awful, especially the teeth, I like Paula Patton but they did a really shitty half-assed job, she looks as bad if not worse than Rachel Nichols in Star Trek as an Orion alien chick

She works well enough for my dick, and that's all that matter

call of doody next for sure, assasins creed soon too

so they showing the opening of the warp gate to whatever?


I'd be genuinely hyped for a CoD game despite not playing a new one since MW3. I could happily watch some high budget, Clancy style action with borderline superpowered SAS guys.

It's going to do well in Russia and China regardless. There's a reason that they're marketing it more over there than here in the US.


This is just a running gag by now, but Garona is a half breed, full blooded female orcs aren't as small as she is.

nature is sexist yo

Hope they make an Overwatch film

More like reverse sexist.

Apparently they analyze social media now and more people are talking about Now You See Me 2 and The Conjuring 2. Both those come out the same weekend as Warcraft.

>Apparently they analyze social media now

What's social media and how does one analyse it?

Warcraft female demons beyond the Katy Perry-ish succubi are giant, six-armed monstrosities that scream like banshees. Or plain, giant spider-like things.

>movie starts
>david bowie starts playing


Yes and its one of the most symbolic and important events in all of warcraft lore. In the russian leak a few months ago we saw the whole scene of the opening of the portal and it looked stunning

source pls

>even the elves are CG

the fuck, what kind of gargantuan budget does this movie have?

Just look up Pharah on pornhub



its just damn lazy. I dont really care if they are just different, stronger or weaker. But that every disgusting creature has female topmodels kills this whole genre for me.
but its based on a 90s fantasygame, why even expect some creative shit

Burning Legion confirmed

>CGI is expensive neme

People are still acting like this is 92 and they are making Jurassic park?

does this fucker has 10 legs? jesus

Arthas alone will be a whole trilogy.

>first part includes orcs, the plague and ends after stratholme (teases a thrall movie by adding all those prophet scenes)
>second part includes northrend, frostmourne and ends with arthas killing his dad
>third part is a combination of WC3 scourge campaign and the frozen throne and ends with arthas becoming the lich king

more like 200 million zimbabwean dollars

>implying an Arthas trilogy wouldn't end with his death

Do you even greek tragedy faggot?

the last human parts of him died when he merged with ner'zhul

Irregardless, from beginning to end that would have to be 6 movies like Star Wars. You can't fit Darth Vader's origin story into the original trilogy.


Hey. HEY.

You stop that.

Except not. It stayed alive in his mind until the beginning of WotLK when he killed it

>Northrend has enough material for an entire movie
Wew lad.

Movie 1: Stratholme at halfway, King is killed at the last scene
Movie 2: Scourge campaign + additional something to make ending more Arthas -centric rather than just Burning Legion
(Warcraft universe equivalent to Avengers with Battle for Hyjal)
Movie 3: Frozen Throne campaign with race to Icecrown and a major subplot of the war in Plaguelands weakening Arthas

>Northrend has enough material for an entire movie

To be fair it would also include lengthier segments of Arthas getting corrupted by Frostmourne, something which was quite abrupt in WC3. You go from Arthas hearing whispers from the sword to him murdering his father and genociding his own people.

Plus you could expand on the Nerubians and even the Troll mercenaries he hires since WotlK introduced Zul'Drak.

I think you could make it work.

I just hope they don't try to adapt that shitty book by Christie Golden, which threw all that relevant stuff out in favor of MUH HORSE.

i hate the character design in warcraft so much.

wtf i hate warcraft now

can you feel it, Sup Forums? soon there'll be dank memes back on the menu

i-it's gonna be great.

I'm not a big fan of the magic we've seen so far, but it's not as bad as Saruman spinning Gandalf right round baby right round.


Are you sure about that?

oh I am free from doubt, my brother.

with great shoulders come great memes

>insert /tg/ joke here

all spiders have 8 legs and 2 pedipalps for feeding

how many legs and pedipalps do you have, user?

ask you're mom about my pedipalp


Nah, the Marvel audience will love this.

You do realize massive shoulder armor like this is perfect because then it entirely protects them from arrows hitting their face etc

>watching warcraft
>this happens


Twitter, youtube, facebook...
The companies search for keywords.
Very few people know this flick exists.

haha these are fucking epic
gonna write an article about them in know your meme

9gag is the best

I'm sorry but this half CGI, quarter real actors just doesn't make it look really realistic

The entire movie should have been animated.
The CGI is not good enough to pull this off.
Some shots look SyFy-tier.

some of the wideshots are good like pic related but then other shots look too cheap

Where do YOU get your daily meme intake?

>Rated PG:13
Why do they do this?

It's obvious they want the movie to fail.

star wars flicks bar ROTS and TFA were PG, dunno why it's so bad

Warcraft/WoW has always been Teen rated.

>Parents "Strongly Cautioned"

we don't expect blood and guts in Star Wars. In Warcraft.. YES we do

>despite a New Hope having burned corpses, a bloodied lost limb

Glad you could bake it, Uther.

Watch your tone with me, boy. You may be the waiter, but I'm still your superior as a chef.

As if I could forgetti. Listen, Uther, there's something about the plaguette you should knead. Oh no... It's too late. These peopleroni have all been infectedanana. They may look al dente now, but its a matter of thyme before they turn into the unedible.


This entire citrella must be peeled.

How can you even cook that? There's got to be some other whey.

Damn it, Umami. As your future chef, I order you to broil this city!

You are not my chef yet, boyardee. Nor would I obey that command if you were!

Then I must consider this an act of seasoning.

Seasoning? Have you sauced your mince, Arthas?!

Have I? Lord Umami, by my right of succession and the sovereignty of my crown of roast pork, I hereby rehydrate you from your commandard and suspenderoni your pepperoni from service.

Arthas, you just can't...

*Ding* It's done! Those of you who have the will to taste this flan, follow me. The rest of you? Get out of my kitchen.

You've just tossed a terrible salad, Arthas.


I'm sorry, Arthas. I can't watch you cook this.

i'm crying

this is low tier humour but i'm laughing like a retard over here

>Uther: Glad I could make it, Arthas.

>Arthas: I watch my tone with you, old man. I may be the prince, but you're still my superior as a paladin.

>Uther: As if you could forget. Yes Arthas, there's something about the plague I should know. ...Oh no, it's already begun. These people may look fine now, but it's only a matter of time before they turn into the Undead!

>Arthas: What?!

>Uther: This entire city must be purged.

>Arthas: How can I even consider that? There's got to be some other way.

>Uther: Damn it, Arthas! As my future king, order me to purge this city!

>Arthas: I am not your king yet, old man. Nor should you obey that command even if I were.

>Uther: Then you must consider this an act of treason.

>Arthas: Treason?! Have I lost my mind, Uther?

>Uther: Have you? Prince Arthas, by right of succession and the sovereignty of your crown, you must hereby relieve me of my command, and suspend my paladins from service.

>Jaina: Uther! He can't just--

>Uther: It's done! Those of you who have the will to save this land, follow him. The rest of you... get out of his sight.

>Arthas: I've just crossed a terrible threshold, Uther.

>Jaina: ...Arthas?

>Arthas: I'm sorry, Jaina. You can't watch me do this.

OMFG she is so HOT!!

Arthas to be played by ben affleck

Will this be the Lord of the Rings of the new generation?

I get second hand embarrassment every time something new from this shit flick is posted. Did these actors know they were ruining their careers?

>there are people in THIS VERY THREAD who are playing World of Warcraft in 2016
If you still play that game you are either;
a) clinically addicted, and cannot stop yourself
b) a teenager trying it for the first time

There are NO exceptions.

I hope so

>wanting to watch a movie where a white country get destroyed by NOBLE SAVAGES and the plot says they deserved it

what if you just pvp a bit here and there while missing tbc

or a normie who plays it with his friends, that's the audience it pulls in nowadays