According to local Munich news, this man, Sam Hyde, is behind the massacre at the mall. More to follow

According to local Munich news, this man, Sam Hyde, is behind the massacre at the mall. More to follow

Other urls found in this thread:

He targeted Muslim invaders, who gives a shit. German government won't take any action to serve its people, took matters into his own hands

looks like photoshop!

haha you neckbeards thought it was a muslim

ITT: kiddos trying to justify mass murder

>incoming brainwash in 5...4...

Is that a tiny rifle or a big man?

you're too snarky to be real. youre like... a caricature of a edgelord loser.

5th anniversary of Breivik.

you posted too soon. newfags

Fucking white males at it again

He's a big guy. For you

the same guys in the michigan and france?
thats cool

no, this is an edgelord loser

>wow killing unarmed civilians is okay as long as you add "muh government" at the end


That isnt the munich shooter.
Also kinda looks like me if i turned my beard into a goatee and bleached my hair

Muslim convert?


>that lack of trigger discipline.
Tryhard faggot

Not all whites are white supremacists, it'd be stupid to take this attack out on the millions of decent whites around the world.

i'm honestly surprised it's not a muslim. i thought white people only shot up crowds in america.

I guess we now need to deport all white men from Europe and build a wall until we find out what the hell is going on.

Itt retards will not realise this guy is fucking dead from Orlando shooting you retards

Get the fuck off of Sup Forums, Jay.

It's retaliation for all the shit the mudslimes have been getting away with in eurocuck. Your government let's them in to rape beat and kill like they are still in Islamabad goat fucker land. Yes I hate muslims, are they all bad? No of course not. But their religion is a virus much worse than any other.

The fact (if it is fact) a white guy shows we already have our problems and do not need to import more in the form of goddamn sandniggers.

Hey I was in your thread

My thread?

>implying mudslimes cant be white

Or it also shows that we should take race into account when talking about mass murders as it is very clear that anyone From any race has the equall capacity to be an ass hole

>trigger discipline.

Damn, Adam Savage looks pissed.

From before, the Muslim hate thread,
I was the user that misspelled muslilmens for comedic effect

Get out newfag



Wasn't my thread. But I do hate then. They hide behind a guise of peaceful while teaching everything but.

You here all summer?

The amount of newfags who don't understand memes ITT is ridiculous

>He can't keep getting away with it!!

Another crazy white dude.

He doesn't look Muslim

It was an anti-McDonalds terror attack. They hate our burgers.

I don't blame them.

There are more than 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, so if they are all evil mass murderers how come Europe deosnt look like mad max yet

kek its been a while...

im not surprised

>Europe deosnt look like mad max yet

The Mideast does, though.

you shoud get back to Sup Forums now




No, it's only ok if they're black or Muslim... pretty much anything that's not white is ok to kill because we make everything and do everything anyway.

Leaked new picture

Where is the tallest sky scrapper in the world located?


Anders B and Marty B would like a word with you.

This entire thread is b8 and newfags
muslim confirmed as attacker in mcdonalds

Ahhh, the heindensheiden strikes again

Thats savage bro

Dubai, Africa.

Plenty of countries in the region with wealth. A lot of them still wrought with poverty though, because capitalism bitches.

If they went full mudslime in the western civilization they would be exterminated with haste. They are infecting slowly until it's to late. Convert who they can they turn everywhere they can into the middle east. It's hilarious that the ones they hate the most are the ones that stand up for them eg liberals who are supposed to support gay rights and Trans people.

>still enters thread
>still posts reply
>not just ignoring it

If you didn't come here to shitpost, then get the f--wait a minute..!

People who've followed Sam Hyde's YouTube channel saw this coming a mile off. Crazy mother fucker


There are 3 shooters, dumbass

It's not like the goal of every religion is to convert people.
And as for the gay and trans thing, a few years ago gay marriage was illegal so you can't critsize a 3rd world totalitarian country for being behind in reform

lol this.

Wow, all this hatred needs to stop

Don't say it's capitalism, that makes me think about long term solutions! Use a buzzword like austerity to make sure people vent their frustration through the political system rather than thinking about societal structures.


here one of the last vid on MunichTv

I'm lovin it


First feminists, then mudslimes, then non-believers. He won't stop until the Aryans rise again. Samuel Hydeinrich.


> pic related


Munich, hunh?

Wasn't that where there was a hostage crisis with yids back in the 1970's?

And a whole lot of Nazi shenanigans back in the day as well?

What's wrong with that city?

OP here. All of you who believed that he was actually Sam Hyde are retarded. Fuck your leftist narrative.

That DOES look like the video of the McDonald's shooting.

Give peace a chance my fellow anons..
Also follow AKASAN on YouTube.

The same guy that orchestrated the Turkish coup? How can he keep getting away with this?

i wonder if he lurks

>Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, "Allahu Akbar," or God is great. "I know this because I'm Muslim. I hear this and I only cry."

"You thought it was a Muslim."
Yeah, even the Muslims think that it's Muslims at this point.


ITT: Dumb motherfuckers

I've been laughing for a while already
Also, some brazilian media site fell for the meme and posted him as the shooter


Knowing the media here in Sweden, they'll probably fall for it and persist it's correct.
Anything rather than admitting Muslims are guilty.