
> implying BBC hasn't been shamelessly far-left since before you were even born

Other urls found in this thread:


i still can't get over the fact it's called BBC

>paying t.v. lisence

Farrage when?

thank you england because after you do this, our shitty state-run tv stations in germany will do it, too

Didn't Mekrel, the chief of multiculturalism say it herself that multiculturalism is a lost cause?

Why are they still doing it? It's fucking insane.

Fun fact, blacked.com uses the same font as the channel's logo.

>Why are they still doing it? It's fucking insane.

Because Angela Merkel isnt actualy the one in charge in Germany and neither is David Cameron in the UK.

They started a new channel with the intention of providing multicultural broadcasting here in Australia and it's the best free tv channel by far.
Lots of great foreign movies and tv shows. A lot of Aussie kids grew up watching Inspector Rex because of it.

>oh hey guys, let's introduce our people to a religion that has a strong resemblance to Nazism.

There's a reason why Majiid Nawaz thinks you're full of shit.

Fuck off you sjw fucking cuck fucking retard fag

When are they gonna start making programming for tangerines?

this tangerine-phobia has got to stop, it's 2016

>inb4 it's Jews

>Christian country is "too Christian"

Muslims pay taxes too
They deserve representation if Christian get it


I am actually glad at this point. The worse it gets for these cucks, the happier I am.

>he pays his licence fee

Sad, but true.

if we give them a voice, we can see them for the fanatics they are, and thus ensure that the world realises that Islamism is cancer.

No they don't.

The difference is that Sup Forums doesn't control the UN and most developed countries.

But inspector rex is german.
That is not multiculturalism. That is just more white stuff.

>implying the UN has """"""power""""""

They're as useless as tits on a bull m8.

Actually that's a valid point.

how do you know?

>implying that different white people DONT have different cultures.

Are you high?

Ausfag here that's hilarious

>Aaqil Ahmed, the BBC’s head of religion

>Tits on a bull
That's called a cow.
They provide milk.

I think he's joking
I hope he's joking

I don't have a choice. They show up every day and are starting to threaten me to the police.

>our great grandfathers gave their lives in wars for this shit to happen

Yes, but citing the UN is often used to justify leftist rhetoric in the media and academia. Shit along the lines of
>muh hoomin rites
>muh durrmocracy
>muh egguality


>he pays his tv license

Please don't say you didn't see this coming.

This. The good guys lost in WW 2.

maybe yours did, allied-cuck.

>I'm tired of these bigoted, sexist, fanatic, delusional, anti-Semitic, homophobic, violent Christian retards ruining my country.


Can someone please explain this real-life meme to me?

You Brits deserve it. You're the ones who helped create the (((international community)))

dude, if you think all left wingers love the UN and spout their rhetoric, you are sadly mistaken.

A lot of their human rights are either soft law, or non binding law.

>good guys lost in WW2

You mean the good guys who idolised Islam?

couldnt have been done by anyone else but clapistan

That is not what I said.

liberals dont use logic, they just want to virtue signal and muslims are le oppressed le poor people

I can't take it any more lads.

Clapistan is probably the biggest problem right now because of their democracy-spreading efforts.

Fuck that image is so fucking funny.


Many people are often given different versions of Islam.

But I suppose in this woman's case she didn't like the idea of female sexualisation so she wrapped herself up to prevent people looking at her in such a way... Not that it matters because feminists are pretty ugly to average looking.


Seriously. apply yourself.

>implying conservatives didn't do the same.

Don't make me laugh.

feminists just hate their daddy (because he didnt buy them a pony) and take out their anger on all the white males
anything is better than a white male, no matter how bad it is for women

It'll be funny when the sandnigger filth get too much for the feminists and they beg the white man to save them.

German culture is not a culture that should be spread.

>"I like multiculturalism as long as it is just other white cultures"

Yes, it's also what your income tax, VAT, social security and healthcare payments are going to - the annihilation of western civilization.

>pretending to care about oppressed poor people

>this thread
>""""Sup Forums - Television & Film""""

>I like multiculturalism as long as it's just other white cultures.

Yeah, you're high.


Too late. German culture has already spread pretty much everywhere.

Also, what's wrong with German culture?

>But I suppose in this woman's case she didn't like the idea of female sexualisation so she wrapped herself up to prevent people looking at her in such a way...
This shit is the most provocative shit ever.

"I'm reserving my beauty for my husband"
"you're not worthy of gazing at my beauty"

That's the kind of bullshit they use when asked why they're dressed like trashbags.
And of course, it fits right into deranged braindead feminists.

Just saying german culture is not what people mean when they are talking about multiculturalism.

>m-muh Christianity
>these left wingers with their facts and evidence are making me m-mad!
>I'm being oppressed.


And you'll whisper "No", I take it?


Look at history. Germans are the cancer of this planet.

Ironic isn't it?

You know Islam is shit when you get people like Majid Nawaz, as well the attacks on Brussels sparking reformists to take a stand.

the people who installed the UN (the state department) who have real power also share its ideology

that will never happen
the feminists will happily marry some muslim who tells them what to do


I've never been more proud as a Turko-British citizen.

>stake & lube
You like that, don't you?

Yeah, because the veto powers held by the main members of the UN don't do squat!

Oh wait...

And yet you and all the world are talking in English. Because German culture.

Explain how everyone talking english has anything to do with german culture? If anything it proves my point that german culture should be eradicated.

I don't know who that person is.

But I'm talking about the mental gymnastics the muslim females use to convince themselves they aren't oppressed.
It's just super provoking.
And it's mindnumbingly stupid how some feminists actually buy into that exact same mental gymnastics.

t. Kurd

>English is German
It's a hodge podge of German, French, Celtic, Scandinavian and Latin.

>left wingers
>facts and evidence

To be fair, it's mainly a channel to cater to European and Asian immigrants. It's not full cuck like BBC. Although it is a little cuck.

We must resist on there'll be no tomorrow for our genetic inheritors.

It's all just a knee-jerk reaction to white Western society. Anything that is counter to that is good and 100% compatible with everything else that also takes that position. There's no rhyme or reason to it.


Germanic =/= German

English is a Germanic language.

Germanic tribes erected the cultural foundations for almost all Middle and Northern European countries.

True, but the grammar and structure is still very Germanic. Hell, Scandinavian languages and English is pretty much 1-1 in terms of sentence structure.

Oh I'm sorry. Should we only count modern German state and not the historical region? So only 90s onward then?

Muslim women are circumcised, beaten, tortured and raped all the time and yet they'd kill you quicker than the men would for their bullshit religion. In Yemen, mothers and fathers gives their 8,9,10 and 11 year old girls to much older men, men old enough to be their grandfathers, and willingly. So these people are not people but are demons and should be treated as such. But no, the left and the progressives has lobbied big governments to punish any of us if we even thought about disagreeing with the bullshit.
Liberalism is a mental disease and practitioners of it should be destroyed before they're allowed to destroy us all.

But IT IS the Jews


Germans are the worst white people.
Basically every time someone talks about how much shit white people have done in history they mainly talk about germans.

White people are a cancer on this world and germans are the quintessential white people.

>Start massive wars that kill millions of white men.
>import millions of nonwhites into Europe

Germany is the enemy of all whites.

Germans are just the first white people who get eradicated. You are next. You are no ally.

I can't wait until Trump is president and he bans all bongs from the u.s.

>this thread
>discussing Britains state broadcaster and what they will be broadcasting to 70 million people
Fuck off to tumblr

ally? The EU is dying and right wing nationalism surges in europe. The free ride is over ahmed.

>You're right that English is a mix
>But it's mainly german
I'd say German and French are equal high, contributors but if you're going to argue "germanic", well that term is so overused it's almost meaningless.

You mean WW1. Nothing of it would happen if germany and Austria won that war.

It's too late mate. Only the Eastern Europeans will be able to fortify themselves before it's too late for them.

The west Europeans are doomed. We can only hope other countries look at us as a useful warning.

Few months ago when we argued about multiculturalism my good friend who has lived 3 years abroad said that whites have no culture.

I laughed my ass off.

You are beyond retarded if you think the age of white people isn't over.
Germany is bowing down to Muslims.
UK and Sweden are just one step behind.
America is already gearing up for white to become a minority.

And the best part. White people are so full of hate that every group of white people is cheering for the downfall of the other ones.
You see no americans who have sympathy for germans or uk or sweden. They cheer while those countries are losing without realizing that they are the next target.

>it's a "Germans did nothing wrong ever" epsiode

Oh boy, they never get old

They are, vocabulary wise, I think it's around 20%/20%/20% for Germanic, French and Latin, but not in stuff like sentence structure is what I mean. The foundations of the language.

I just think it's odd to shit on the culture that so many countries share.

>You see no americans who have sympathy for germans or uk or sweden. They cheer while those countries are losing without realizing that they are the next target.
This so much. I think it's a coping mechanism. It's easier to complain about a foreign country and forget your own troubles instead of dealing with them.

That said, it's not all bad, I know it's hard to believe from only reading clickbait articles, but people are really starting to become angry at all this shit. Just look at Sweden, only a few years ago it was unthinkable that the National Party would become more than a blip on the radar, let alone the third biggest party. Ideas that were social/career suicide to even mention are now being discussed openly.

Finally a voice for moderate Muslims. America had a whole channel for us and it worked out great.
