Post the worst album you heard this year

Post the worst album you heard this year

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Kevin Gates - Islah

That Gambino shit

I defy you to top this

whats wrong with it? I think its one of the best. Its heavy handed but its honest.

His flow is on point the whole time.

I'd completely forgotten about this until just now. I'm a bit upset that you had to remind me of it. Truly, truly awful.

You win


Or Painting With, but I wasted money on the pre-order so there might be some subjective spite there.

What was the fucking point of this album

whats the point of any alvum

to really make you think


antony and the johnsons in general is one of the worst things ive ever heard

This was the only bad one that I listened to. Kodama and A Seat At the Table were boring as hell though.

antony and the johnsons AND devin townsend? lmao

run along.

I really enjoyed a seat at the table, but I can see how someone would find it boring. It's long and most of it is pretty low key lol

come back when you can express yourself intelligibly

come back when you stop listening to metal you fat body.

>post the worst album you've heard this year
metal is just about my least favorite genre ever on average

Are you illiterate?

an on point flow alone does not a good album make

no, are you?

You clearly lack reading comprehension.

I thought everything else was perfectly decent

the only possible criticism is that its heavy handed and I'll even concede super heavy handed but its honest so I think thats valid

really? are you denying then that he listens to metal?

or are you absolutely fucking retarded?

Read the post again where I supposedly said that I listen to metal you dumb fuck

correct, he posted devin townsend, metal, and i told him to come back when he stops listening to metal

you're a dumbass. you're a worthless sack of shit. i would love to beat your face in.

anthony's voice + lazy edm beats works oddly great to me
lyrics are awful, but other than that it's good

Nigger, the topic of the thread is
>Post the worst album you heard this year

holy shit! he's still trying to save face!

he listens to metal. are you seriously arguing this?

the overall lack of intelligence on this board is staggering.

To be fair that song is actually critical of Obama.

I'll never get over how bad this was. I love Antony and the Johnsons. Seriously, some of my favorite albums. Then this comes out and it's the most dumbed down, pandering bullshit I've ever heard. I can understand wanting to be successfuly but Anohni completely alienated his/her audience.

No shit you fucking retard.

Are you following this conversation? the other user doesnt understand this

pretty sure everyone understands what the topic of the thread is

point being if you listen to metal at all, you don't deserve to post here and if you do your opinion holds no weight.

other guy butted into a conversation trying to appear smart talking about "reading comprehension" (lmao over a thread topic) and got abused.

listen =/= hearing

because its just obvious that the album cover was posted as being that user's worst album of the year
like so

i could listen to any metal album released in 2016 and it would automatically be the worst thing ive heard all year. hence why i don't listen to it. at al..

>point being if you listen to metal at all, you don't deserve to post here and if you do your opinion holds no weight.

This is one of the most downright hilarious and pleb opinions I have ever seen on this board

This is a strange one because it features some of my favourite songs of the year (i.e. I Don't Love You Anymore, Crisis, or Hopelessness) but also some of the worst shit I've ever heard (i.e. Execution, Obama, or Violent Men).



Why does she look like the 7up guy

ancient strict matriarchy

the women chose mates

this sounded too... over produced? it tried so hard to be George Clinton. It has it's moments but I feel that Gambino can do better if he wasn't so insecure.



I would say corey feldman but I havent heard the whole thing

but holy fucking shit though I mean wow just wow

How is this shit nominated for a Grammy again?

Albur! - 0.02

Still nowhere near as bad as Neighborhoods.

that growlers album cant think of another one atm


Fuck off, neighborhoods was a natural progression from self titled. California was sappy pap punk 5 seconds of summer shit

I liked neighborhoods


>i don't like one thing so if people do they suck!
how's kindergarten workin for ya

first post gets it right again

>I don't agree
>must be bait
sure friendo


can't believe this was made by the same guy who made MBDTF, Yeezus and LR

This, such an enormous disappointment. It honestly made me ashamed to ever have been a kanye fan.

Also shit but Drone Bomb Me is a good track. His politics are so fucking uninformed and disconnected from reality and obviously just a charade for leftist good boy points. It's like he literally wrote his album based off of quotes he saw on tumblr

Painting with was really bad too.


That Anohni album was pretty bad too

Honestly not that bad
Very very bad but there's been worse
(not true, by the way).
Huge disappointment but there's a few enjoyable songs on it (Real Friends, Wolves, NMPILA)

Pic related isn't the worst but it's not good at all and it's overrated as fuck. The first song is the only good one.

HHH's rapping is fucking atrocious

The worst part of Painting With was honestly that I liked the concept a lot
MPP was great but fucking drowning in reverb and chorus and all this other bullshit and every song on CHz could have lost a minute easily. Listening to the Ramones? Stripping back all the effects and going back to the songwriting? Shit yeah I can get behind that. Golden Gal is still one of my favorite songs of the year too.

And then the actual album came out and its just

Oh come on. It was not bad. The worst album you heard this year? Fucking what did you listen to this year? It's a good record. Not 9.0 BNM good but still good imo. It was essentially Antony and the Johnsons but electronic. It's also blatantly political, which I can see would be a turnoff. The production is pretty stellar but it the album can be jarring at times. However, as an album it has really good songs. Drone Bomb Me, 4 Degrees, Watch Me, Execution, I Don't Love You Anymore, Why Did You Separate Me from the Earth?, Crisis, Hopelessness, and Marrow are all enjoyable to me. There are certain musical and lyrical moments that jump out and can be annoying but overall I like them. If this is the "worst album you heard this year" then you either haven't listened to much or didn't even like Antony and the Johnsons' music.

Really? "Execution" is one my favorites from the album. "Violent Men" is bad but it's just an interlude really. "Obama" really isn't even a song. Lyrically, it fits on the record but it shouldn't have been delivered in a awful spoken moan.


If it wasn't for some of the #woke lyrics then it would be pretty great desu

It's ok though because Ultralight Beam is Kanye's best song

they need to stop it

This a thousand times over




who is this girl?

Either Lemonade or Blonde.

stop spam- oh


Alright Sup Forums we can stop being contrarian now


I mean, same here. MPP has lost some of its luster over the years but is still quite solid imo. I think all that 'bullshit' were gimmicks I could dig/saw as effective. With dropping those and picking up the 'short, explosive songs' gimmick for PW, everything sounded OK on paper but was butchered in execution. Mainly because they picked up the hocketing gimmick as well. It was a sad day. Golden Gal turned out to be a 'reverse sleeper' for me, it does not hold up at all. The album is a lost cause.

You're on crack.

You're a really special kind of stupid.

haven't heard it but definitely the worst cover "art" good golly

I love how the album cover isn't even cropped properly

no one said it should be from this year, so fuck your dead mother cunt

maybe that desiigner album

Fight me.

Even from a leftist standpoint her politics are questionable with a sketchy exploitative undertone at absolute best

i'm a huge lefty and i fucking hate anohni

The superior contemporary anti-war track:


Tumblrcore for boys

fucking agreed, I do NOT get the hype for this generic sounding, uninspired album. It's just painfully average

HOPELESSNESS is my AOTY. I don't get the hate. The vocals are the same as Antony and The Johnsons and I love them, she really is one of my favourite vocalists of all time. The OPN produced tracks are 10/10. The anti-American lyrics sound fun. The album is short and simple and I love it for it.

not that their prior efforts were any good, but still... shit

song structures are pretty neat


Can't stand how fucking righteous people on Sup Forums think they are for not liking this album.

Fuck you
