Why did he kill Lil Ugly mane?

why did he kill Lil Ugly mane?

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He didn't want the fame

that and most hipster hang outs in general have probably become the last place he'd ever want to be these days. he can see through the bullshit too easily.

so he decided to go out on top.
best way to play it.

are you kidding me?
all he does is hang out with hipsters

hes a joke thats why

>are you kidding me?

it was pure speculation. i'm not declaring it like it is some fact that is known to me.

don't get incredulous like a woman over non-issues.

Except, you know, he doesn't. Dude fucked with Raider Klan and Spaceghostpurrp from day one, who were very much spearheading the memphis revival. That and his relationship with Nickelus F who is a real eternal nigga mane from the present.

he released two new songs last month u dumbo


all he does is fuck with ny hipsters lmao
you played yourself congrats

That doesn't somehow invalidate his hip-hop credentials, or whatever it is you're trying to do. Good for him for keeping a social circle, he probably met them through Orm and Dogdick - both of whom have deep running roots in NY music.

so hipsters and a bunch of weedcarriers?

i Like his music
but saying he "sees thru hipster bullshit" when hes a hipster himself is cringe.

raider klan and sgp are hipsters themselves are you not forgetting sgp disbanding raider klan over them getting "popular'
> he probably met them through Orm and Dogdick - both of whom have deep running roots in NY music.
wrong it was antwon

>you played yourself congrats

how did "play" myself when i was only speculating? i literally said "probably" in that post.

it was that woman line that annoyed you, wasn't it? don't be all catty like one then.



for someone who apparently hates hipsters as much as you do you really have been posting like the stereotypical angry hipster itt.

you literally post like a hipster does. it's all snark and modish passive aggression ramped up to 11.

Ugly was a bitch nigga

Old songs.

Except he didnt go out on top. That wouldve been the case if he quit right after mista thug, he ruined it by doing oblivion access

I hope shit like is why

OA is a rough diamond, dark and brooding release with a lot of ars poetic references. It's perfect as a farewell release.

t. someone who doesn't get it

>but why didn't he make more Memphis style hip hop I hate it when artists branch out!

uneven compromise was his peak
2nd verse on UC > everything on OA
OA wasn't good

UC is the bridge between MTI and OA. Especially the first segment.

except it objectively was. Some of his best writing on that album. Sorry your attention span is so shit you can't enjoy something if it's not a "banger bro!"

3 sided tape was underrated


yeah thats sure gonna convince me OA is better
i agree but everything on UC is perfect from start to finish.

Vol 3 is definitely my favorite. It's the most cohesive of the three and has a very distinct vibe.

Paving the way for Big Ugly Mane.

no one ITT is aware of forthcoming Secret Circle?

>it was pure speculation
>'he can see through the bullshit too easily, he's god. damn daniel'

>don't get incredulous like a woman

wew lad

i mean its a very cool concept for a hip hop album but the execution left quite a lot to be desired and its impact was softened by the fact it was essentially teased for years

I'm a sucker for good production, which is something OA delivered immensely well. I do feel some of the lyrics and themes could have been more refined, it's almost like Shawn Kemp decided to use the lyrics from one of his metal projects or something. Overall I think it has problems, but some of the usual criticisms people tend to make against it (monotonous, not heavy/intense enough, too gloomy, etc) are kinda unfair considering the change of pace in LUM's post-MTI style. It's a very "meta" album in the way that it addresses the entirety of LUM's catalog and works to undermine expectations to a degree. Again it's not perfect but I would still give it a very solid 8/10 with significant relistening value.

>I'm a sucker for good production
you're saying like that's not something that should be a standard for any good hip hop at all

Sure, but that has been LUM's forte since Mista Thug Isolation.

i think the point about it undermining expectations is fair, but i think if that was his true intention it would be more apparent and tracks like Slugs would have been a lot different

>post dipshit "speculation"
>gets his dumbass corrected
>wow, didnt know there were so many WOMEN on /moo/ amirite fellas :^D

>slugs are just snails without shells