Looks like Islam has won again boys. When will you realize you cannot defeat us?

Looks like Islam has won again boys. When will you realize you cannot defeat us?

We destroy the Western Crusaders with handguns, trucks, machetes... we dominate you in every single way. All you have to show for it is pregnant German girls carrying Muslim babies.

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All we have to do to defeat you guys is throw bacon at you

Lol no. Omar Mateen was gay and drank alcohol all the time... forbidden items are legal when you're using Taqiyya.

>b8, because you're implying that somebody has to have brown skin to be a muslim, and that anybody with brown skin is a muslim. Saying that an unborn brown skinned sandnigger child is a muslim baby before he's been born is like saying that an unborn white hitler youth looking motherfucker is a Christian baby

he's not a muslim


thank mr bok


Now where did I say anything about race? Looks like somebody is projecting... or you're mad that Jamal tok m'lady frm you.

Islam is not a race and is not a racist idelogy. Unlike whatever sick culture the westerners have.

He definately is. He shouted Allahu Akbar and killed an enemy female.

also duckU mr box

I will stand and applaud the day we bomb your dumbasses back into the ground. You had 1600 years to figure this out; yet you still attack civilians. For the sake of humanity, fuck off.

>sick culture westerners have

>When Muslims do this shit daily, rape children in their shithole country, don't let womyn wear normal clothes, did 9/11, can't abide by other countries laws because they don't appeal to islam, need a mosque every 2 miles, won't let Christian, catholic,or Buddhist temples allowed to be built in their country.

I could keep going


I want so bad to dissect a live musim

There is no such thing as "civilians". It is an invented term to pretend rid yourselves of blame. Where do soldiers come from?... the civilian population, obviously.
Soldiers want to kill Muslims. Civilians want their soldiers to kill Muslims. You are all part of this hostile western mentality and by Allah, you will be defeated.

>happened outside kebab shop
inb4 preggo woman killed is also Syrian.

Keep raping goats


Good luck

If not letting incompatible cultures have their ways in your lands is a bad thing, why do you want to do it so bad?

I think you are just jealous of how well we keep yu fuckers out while you are stuck with 'democracy' and 'tolerance'...