How does one figure out if they have autism...

How does one figure out if they have autism? I've always wondered why people were always so nice to me and I'm pretty fucking sure most people I know think I'm retarded. Does an autistic person know they're autistic? Help me out...

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Haha I used to think that Autisms couldn't be self aware too.

I just looked online at Autism and matched with a lot of the symptoms. I got it checked out and now I'm officially Autismo.

Do you find yourself under the same social circumstances repeatedly even though the people are completely different and you thought you could just fit in this time?

I clocked that i could fit in to a degree, but over a long period of time i slip up too often and drift away from people to the point where i couldn't stand them anymore.

I eventually figured i was the common denominator. Also bad with eye-contact. Prefer my own company. Have my interests as pretty much the only thing i care about.

Usually I can fit in incredibly well, or seem like up until a point. Other times I'm just spaghetti but I'm improving as I socialise more.

After too long I become withdrawn and I can't function and I need to isolate myself to recharge.

I guess so, everyone I know isa druggie so I can't really tell. I don't think i'm bad with eye contact but I don't really know I haven't socialized in 3 years tbh... and I don't know how to make friends. I did manage to pick up a qt at a coffee shop last week but after the first date she told me she didn't want to see me again.

so should I talk to someone about this, should I see a doctor er what? maybe i'm just socially rusty because I live in a town full of republicans and junkies.

They seem to hand out diagnosis's easily in the US.

You yourself need to be sure that a diagnosis would help you. You might just be going through a rough stint of depression.

You do you.

Well I saw my GP with a list of reasons why I think I was Autistic. From there they referred me to a clinical psychologist and I was diagnosed within 6 months.

At that time I was very depressed and I was hoping that the diagnosis would magically make things better.

Up to a point it gives you answers to the questions you might have. But a diagnosis doesn't really change anything; but you can get extra support with studying.

yea i think your right Sup really depressed atm and i don't know how to handle it...
i dont think i even want a diagnosis... maybe i should just go outside and try to socialize and maybe make a friend...

I've recently been wondering if some of my issues stem from ADD. I've always been a gifted student, but when I hit 13, I immediately began having issues with school. Not that I didn't understand anything, I just never did the homework or studied. I'd basically learn the material as I was taking the test, and pass with a B or C. At age 15 I fell into serious depression that lasted 2 years. I always thought I was just going through long term depression and dealing with the fallout from it, but after learning about the symptoms of ADD, I think I may have that. However, this thread is making me wonder if it's autism instead.

OP here... I was diagnosed with ADD when I was 17... my doctor prescribed me adderall but all i did was abuse it... after about a year of abusing adderall i quit cold turkey and just now i realized that I havent been the same since.. fuck

What do you mean you haven't been the same? I am about to talk to doctor friend of my dad about this, and it's likely I'll get a prescription. I just want to use it to get through college, then I'm done with it.

idk man its hard to explain... its like i don't get pleasure from anything nowadays

Is there any point to getting diagnosed as autistic as an adult? If you get to kids early you can help them, but I think once you're an adult it is what it is.

They get seen by a qualified professional and get diagnosed.

What happend exactly at the date

ADD and Autism can be co-morbid. Meaning if you have one, you may have the other. Or at least you may experience symptoms of both, but only be diagnosed with one.

I'm currently trying to get an assessment for ADHD. It's stressing me out to the max because I'm scared I can't function without the diagnosis.

I'm trying to get on with an accounting position but I'm scared I'm gonna fuck it all up.

People even in their 60s go through the trouble of getting a diagnosis, but it's really up to you if you want to go for it. Personally I didn't see the point once I got it, but gaining an insight to possible ADHD might just be a silver lining. For me at least.

Basically all posters of memes on Sup Forums are autists, ask them..

He's on Sup Forums. He's asking them....

Now are you gonna share your Autismo or not?

It's to the point where it's affecting personal relationships and school. I completely blocked out a class last fall. I just pretended it didn't exist. I'd see some sort of email from the professor, and immediately close the window and find something to distract me from it. Got to the point where if I even thought about opening my school email, I would immediately drop what I was doing and shift my attention to something that isn't a source of stress

Whatever it is, it's definitely interfering and affecting your day-to-day life.

Getting treatment can be a source of stress in itself, but it's for the greater good.

OP here... sorry i went and cried in the shower. but I thought the date went well, I guess I just didn't have much to say, considering I haven't done anything with my life. It ended with a kiss so atleased im not a kissless virgin anymore (i think she knew, because of how bad I am at dating) ...but its still shitty how she texted me the next day saying she didn't want to see me anymore.

So you basically had akward moments of silience or you two didn't find common interests

Answer please. No chemistry?

pretty much. still new at the dating thing.

I'm rather sure i have aspergers syndrom. What would getting a diagnose mean? i can see you aren't allowed to serve in the military in my country if you have aspergers.

Extra support in education and 'work' although I've never heard anything back from jobs I've mentioned my Autism to; so I don't disclose it.

>now I'm officially Autismo.

its actually super easy

Do you watch lots of anime, and if so, do you feel intense emotions from it? If both are yes, you are autistic. Not even joking. Has to do with the way autists process facial cues and expressions.

What do you think of My Little Pony?

Kek'd and checked. my friend.

you might want to take a look at whats happening lately with democrats/lefties. Repubs are the good guys now.

i guess its something that i'll get better at the more I do it. ( i hope ).. if i got into shape i would be a chad 9.5 so its not hard for me to get numbers. I just have a hard time holding convo's because of how bland my life is.
what makes you think you have aspergers?

but does it hinder you in any areas to have an official diagnosis? also do you get like a print out paper to "prove/document it" if necesarry?

I'm fairly certain that if I were to go see a professional, I would be able to diagnosed with a plethora of different things. But seeing as I've already understood that even if diagnosed I wouldn't take medications, are there any benefits of trying to get a diagnosis, of let's say aspergers or another mental disorder. I'm primarily curious, only because I want to milk the system and get disability benefits. Does anyone have experience doing this?

Do you read any books or articles to help you?

no i have never been into anime. i just took an autism test and it came back negative so i think im just depressed.

Other than joining the military, no. If you don't tell people they won't know. (Unless it's really obvious with your JNCO jeans and running like Sonic.)

You get a report with certain aspects on which you were assessed on, however different people assess Autism differently.

But essentially you get a piece of paper that proves it, but it'll be on your medical records anyway.

no i have not... do you have any recommendations?


Sad thing is most people aren't nice to autistic people

>Implying autistic people like everyone else.

Pretty sure toleration is the most anyone can ask for.

>I don't know how to interact properly with people, often think "what would a normal person respond to this" while just replying directly yes or no.
>if i am around people too long i just shut down, sit and stare into the air. ie go to family birthday, goes ok first 2 hours but then its downhill
>if i get interested in something i research it endlessly.


basically if you make eyecontact with people you're not autistic, might be some other social anxiety problem or whatever

Why does black dick always look amazing?

i read a lot of manga and often cry, i thought i had aspergers but that this contradicted it. when i read about the diagnoses one of the things is you lack the possiblity to set yourself in others' shoes and show emotion that way

I think you should see a professional about your , but in the meantime, read the book How to Succeed with Women, visit a site like, look up dating advice for your situation on Google, and check out this woman on YouTube who serves up some fair advice with a little sex appeal.

Gary Numan is Autistic and he does pretty well considering.

Autism is a spectrum, not everybody can't make eye contact and is only interested in train timetables.

The last one is absolute bollocks. You're retarded if you don't spend time researching stuff you enjoy.

thank you user. much appreciated.

i had to buy a pencil the other day, i spent 4 hours researching brands differences and stores.
same with bag. im starting university next month i've spent probably 8 hours researching which bag to buy how well they organize what the weigh reasing review etc

I've honestly never experienced one that was smaller than 7 inches. They're always thick as fuck. White people vary way to much to even give a fuck about but mostly 5 inches and under with weird shaped dicks and thin

Lurker here.
Plenty of stuff ringing true.
Anyone stammer/stutter?
Anyone restless leg syndrome?

Fidgety, sometimes strange sensations in my legs when I try to sleep.

Stammer yes. Probably more than I realise.

And could you diagnose youself 'a tad autistic' from the described symptoms in this thread?

I don't need to; I'm already diagnosed.

So it turns out im a fucking autistic
Thanks user

She would look great with a black dick in her


I sometimes do weird things with my hands when I get excited but I don't do it in public and it feels normal to me. Austism? I will even randomly scream when overly excited.

Goat every time!

Yeah. I change my chose to the door on the right. Because I want the goat, ever consider that, faggot?

Are you black?

You go to a doctor and get diagnosed. I'm pretty sure I'm autistic but my doctor won't diagnose me as such and so I can't claim that I am (my son, however, is true blue diagnosed ASD).

No. I just know black dudes have god tier dicks

It would be so good to fuck that goat

Actually laughed at that. But there was someone in my school with autism. Annoying sometimes but one of the nicest people in school but people took the piss out of him

it depends how much anime u watch

What exactly does that have to do with figuring out if your Autistic or not?
>Also I choose to stick with the door I chose the first time.

Would you want to set one up to do that?

>tfw autistic looking eyes or face?
I notice people are always laughing at me when Iook at them. Anyone else suffering this much from their Autism?