BLM blocked a white baby from getting to the hospital in Chicago...

BLM blocked a white baby from getting to the hospital in Chicago. Now maybe you stupid whites will start figuring out we mean business.....nor do we need to shoot a few more white cops

>durr hurr blm


gr8 b8 m8


go ahead shoot more cops.
its funny kid, blacks weren't getting shot like this when Bush was president.
boy obammy really did improve your lives, didn't he?

message recieved
let the race war begin

just remember this when you're hiding from nigger hunter patrols
>you started the killing

enjoy extinction nigger faggot


>Asians will conquer the world and are master race:

1) They invented everything we use: rockets, paper, forks, guns, working vertical flight (unlike davinci), wheels, writing (Greece copied from Mongoloid Mesopotamia) and manufacture everything today. Chong engineering splodes German bs to hell.

>2) The Chinese never abused their absolute power over the Philippines, willing tributary States (Vietnam, Korea, Tibet); all was peaceful until Euraberica began mettling with failed proxy wars.

3) The Japanese were beyond honorable in how they treated their conquered subjects, even released and paid POWs for their labor... until they friended Germany in ww2.

>4) These 3 Chongs never unnecessarily nor independently decided to ravage/exploit the shit out of a foreign land like the Dutch in Africa or Spain, Portugal n USA in America's.

5) in Africa, China has been building schools, hospitals, infrastructure while employing Africans instead of shoving in bibles, taking their food, diamonds, etc.

>6) During natural disaster they all work together to make sure everyone lives; there's no price gouging Jews or Rambo thieves.

7) their marriage + infidelity rates are far lower than Euraberica, where lifestyles cause middleage men to commit suicide and die poor.

>8) Their media isn't as depraved as ours, e.g. tosh.o's 'black dildo fight' where a young boy got raped and In his other videos ppl get killed.

9) they actually get shit done instead of working 1 half hour or 2 half hour a day like in Ameroupe.

>10) Highest IQs, lowest crime rate. Their lit doesn't glorify murder, suicide, crying over destiny, cheating or wallowing in sorrow - respectively, Shakespeare, oedipus, and western poetry)

11) Never invaded the middle east for false flags like 9/11 and nukes (occupation kills 100,000s of innocents+created enemies RN)

>12) No Abrahamic morality or western laws to stop their already-made progress in human bio engineering.

I'm not racist but only Asian lives matter

for every one of ours, we take too of yurs

ITT: Racist white kid trolling other racist white kids with tired stereotypes he got off of Fox News.

Having been present at real BLM actions, I can assure you that the majority of activists just want black lives valued as highly as white ones, and to be treated with the same respect that their white neighbors take for granted. That's it.

Respect is earned. That's like seeing a guy who's worked hard to buy a nice car and saying "I deserve a nice car because he has one! Equality! I'll sit in the middle of the road so he can't get anywhere until I have a car like his!"

and a dozen of yourselves

Stop your bullshit talk and bring it the fuck on, niggers.


>muh car
nice metaphor, user. summing up the situations with cars.

When trash

Weeb trash

Top Quality

Jk, fucking nigger

Why Don't they simply go to a doctor?
The health insurence system Can't be so bad - Michael Jackson got cured too before he died!

micheal jackson was a proud successful black man so they fed him drugs to kill him off. keep any successful black man down

This is why id carry a gun if i lived in the us. Filthy niggers like you trying to prove a point that will never be proven. Whos up for starting a new petition once trump gets in to label blm a terrorist group?

for every two you kill of ours, you kill 90% of your own stupid nigger. keep doing our job for us, like you did when you was slaves. you are still doing the white man a huge favor by killing off your own kind. you are still slaves to us. whites do not like NIGGERS. so keep on keeping on dumb nigger! once us whites get tired enough of your bullshit we're gonna help you kill off the last 10% of your kind.


High quality bait. Nice job user.

back to the 6th grade you inbred trash

Trips has spoken also BLM kills more blacks than it helps

back to the kitchen fat fuck. you missed the crumbs at the bottom of your cookie box.

What makes you think doing shit like this is going to help you and your shitty culture in anyway? You apes kill people to get what you want and thats it. Rightfully claiming the title nigger.

None of this matters, WWIII is coming soon.



God it easy to get you redneck Americans all flustered up. LOL its like poking the big dumb bear at the zoo. Poke him with a stick and then stand back and watch him go nuts LOL Good old America, racism and guns......


Pick one. Niggers are less than gorillas, they exist only to steal and kill things. The mistake was trying to pretend they were equal. They proved they aren't, now being upset by that they must kill and steal to try and get there. And their primitive brains let them believe it'll work.


>German OP here

Dude you haven't been to america. Even if you have theyre fucking atrocious. Especially with that post you posted. Thats some shit that the niggers would do.

If I understand well enough, your Turks are like our niggers. Hating them does NOT make you racist, it just means you notice and remember things.

Did not believe, obviously you never met a chicago police officer haha

David Hasselhoff hates niggers.

Now what you german cucktards?


What is OP trying to tell us? Can anybody translate?

>BLM blocked a white baby from getting to the hospital in Chicago. Now maybe you stupid whites will start figuring out we mean business.....nor do we need to shoot a few more white cops
If it was my child and it died I would sue the fuck out of every nigger in the BLM and if the motherfucking liberal judges sided with them I would go to war and start killing every nigger I could find starting with their children.

>micheal jackson was a proud successful black man so they fed him drugs to kill him off. keep any successful black man down

Your trolling aside, MJ's doctor who pumped him full of the drugs was black.


>taking the bait this hard

try not to swallow the pole m8s

Hes speaking in his ape noises. Hes asking for the whites to give him his welfare checks. They get angry if you dont give them there monthly bananas.

I would have just run you stupid niggers over. it was an emergency, my child was dying, and I was in a tortured, overly emotional state. Temporarily out of my mind and didn't know what I was doing.

End result, my kid lives and a few niggers die. I win.


We all bleed the same color you simple-minded faggot. If you tried to stop me, your death would be imminent. Cheers M8 ;)

Black Matter lives

of course