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Religion of BEACE brothers.


have more?

hahaha, enjoy your raping dumb do-gooder bitches.

the religion of peace spreading pieces of people around again. fucking sandniggers

that happend today?


It will happen literally everyday until the white western infidels are all dead retard

Why do you think the (((government))) keeps allowing muslims across the borders?

he did nothing wrong. pregnant fucking cow deserved it.


Religion of peace

being autistic about it on Sup Forums wont help anything OP

Griffith did nothing wrong

Do not worry she was just Polish

Man, this shits just sad.

Deport all of them, let them fuck each other over in their own country.

Gassing jews and blowing up muslims would make it all stop though

Poles are the best Europeans right now.

Our best people were a rare polish-silesian-austrian-mix. So. It does matter.

ist das dein ernst?


Only ones not listening to jews

>muslim trying to stop a secular tank that doesn't give a fuck about allah

Poles ARE Jews, but retarded.

You don't fuck with nazi Sean Bean

christians are still holding the highscore

The shitskin done us a favour, I'm sick of these Polish untermenschen on every street corner

would you please stop this shitposting, SAM?

And people keeps on sucking their dicks and bringing in more.

Let's say some kindaMasterRace, if IgotUrite?

Fucking sandniggers

They haven't done it in the name of religion in a while though

Allahu ackbars are fucking up countries from china to Britain to the USA and it is going to get much MUCH worse

All the shitskins should be gassed like the Jews




I used to own 'Morals and Dogma of the Scottish Rite', by Albert Pike. Which publication are these quotes from?

At least Polish people work and don't do the whole terrorism thing.

dikke bmw

>Polish people

Not all, they can be lazy drunken benefit-sponging inbred mongols when they want to be



This whole picture is a lie.
Poles are literally niggaz.

>hologram-dennis gabor
>walkie talkie-alfred gross
>rockets-wernher von braun


thanks liberal pussies!


needs to happen

Lies Bullshit and Fibbery.
No such THING as Nazis in
1871 you fucking tard.

Shitskin spottet

This is literally the funniest thing I've seen all week.
Is this what poles actually believe?

Gotta thank these muslims for showing white people, in no unclear terms, that our media is out to fuck us up the ass as hard as they can, and rob us of our countries under the guise of "peace"

>yurops defending their women

kek. muslim refugee cuckporn is becoming more and more popular among yurop

I guess I'm thinking of Polish-Americans. The stereotype is that they're stupid but hard working here. At least in my corner of burgerland.

Why? What was his reasoning?

I love how this always gets thrown around, forgetting that the first crusades were almost 1,000 years ago. Keep in mind that Muslims are doing this "holy war" bullshit TODAY. The first crusades were still over 400 years before the printed word was invented for fuck's sake! Yet, twit's throw it around like it's a vis-a-vis comparison.

They don't talk publicly about this stuff retard

You're missing the point:

Islam is spreading across the world through jew manipulted politicians which will result in chaos and destruction on a scale you can't believe.

The quote is not in "" quotes for a reason. He never said it, it's just going to happen and all you can do is watch or try to join Sup Forums's movement to wake up the world before it is too late.



i meant the US under G W Bush, breivik and the german kids

Nazis in 1871...
Only if they went back in the Tardis with
Dr. Fucking Who!

So many of these are wrong... What the fuck.

LOL yes bro haha

that guy just looks like the average american too us



Muh nigga

tbh, this WILL happen in not too long. i guarantee it. germany taking in 1 mill refugees can only radicalize germans.

a machete can kill a person?

better ban machetes in germoney

Knowing Germany, the driver of the car will probably get time for using a lethal object for self defense.

>more and more

I see you

>can read
>brings up other inventers
Rocket FUEL retard.

>rockets-wernher von braun
*Chinese. Is this what they teach you in school?

The Chinese invented rocket FUEL centuries ago, Ivan

Hurrrr Durrrr read BETWEEN the lines user...
My bullshit isn't meant to be taken literally user...
Of course my Nazi propoganda isnt "facts" user...

Fuck off back to Pol and be with pin heads
who all miss Hitler!

>, Ivan

Did von Braun give his tech to ancient chinks? That's amazing

top kek

>the men of Europe

Like the vikings who would constantly rape their victims? I always wonder how monkey like you solve that dilemma of knowing that those nordic men your kind hails as pure were a gang of rapists and thieves?

Probably by responding with some "kek..." bullshit, like a true imbecil.

>their women

Spoken like a true sandnigger who considers females his personal property.

He wont he was muslim.

It's the message that matters

Watch it unfold before your eyes and ask why all these jews try so hard every single time to discredit a meme that literally doesn't even use quotation marks. It's just words attributes to what a man likely knew back in 1871

Next they will tell you that the holocaust wasn't exaggerated

Europes getting what it deserves
Enjoy every death fags

I can't wait for Trump to turn the Middle East to glass. Then the world can just get on with existing.

Is that tinytrip?

That picture makes me want to get off my American ass to go and support my EU brothers and fight these damn Islamic bastards

They used powdered chemical reactions, not modern liquid fuel you sperglord

Terror in ANSBACH as well


Islam is a religion built on lies and taking credit for other people's achievements and making shit up as they go along.

Ban fists

No goyim should ever need a closed fist

>Implying you need rape when your fit, tall, and gorgeous.

We were the ones that were raped by the women.

Better believe it

They work harder than literally every other yuropoor besides the germans

who did he punch and why?

When are you fucks going to deal with this? "oh, they just need a place to stay, their war torn country isn't safe for them". Has anyone actually addressed the fact that THEY are the reason their homes are ruined from war?
Now they are bringing that shit to civilized countries. AND YOU FUCKING LET THEM.


Upstanding white christian men would never do anything like that!

>Islam is a religion built on lies
unlike every other religion

lol no, they steal

Every other religion isn't knifing people, running them over with trucks and butchering people.

Having absolutely nothing to do with you euroshits and ameritards fighting the sandniggers these posts on Sup Forums make my day.

Christianity is just happy to sit and bitch now, while the mudslimes can't let go of raping, killing, and beheading.

Watch the documentary.