What should i buy? pic shows all the ones i can afford

what should i buy? pic shows all the ones i can afford

no idea what I expected.
pic related.

Kage the Anomaly


Stan the T-Rex

Buy the sleep tonight and shove it in your ass


If you don't is pretty good.

can save her

fkn hell

fuk u

All of them

Get the no immunities

r u kidding? that literally the worst 1
get the guardian

im thinking aboutg etting a fleshlight from them, hows the dragoness? is that duke's butt? im curious about your experience

It's OK I guess, I'm not really a big fan of penetrables. I've used it maybe 10 times. It's a bit tight and I find that I constantly have to add more lube.

Def can save her

I just bought an XL Dragon's tongue and it is 100x more fun than my medium chance and large gryphon


Pic related. Get a soft tho for most large and XL toys in my opinion


I fucking knew it


No imunities

What site is this


shit that's a nice collection
