what's the key to happiness?

Souce to this

Being content with what you have.

fucking a chick on a food truck.


OPs tight ass around my dick, in a straight non-sexual manner of course.

A cold beer, San Miguel in particular


To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!

Dopamine. Just get your levels checked and you should be alright. It amazes me how people still hold christian beliefs even on Sup Forums. You'll never be happy if you don't know how your brain works.

Do exercise, eat well, sleep well and meet new people. That's all you need. That's the secret yet people don't do it and are still fucking wondering why their life is shit.

Cringe compilations and lets play videos and cringe compilations of lets play videos

Avoiding sobriety

If you watch cringe videos there's a good chance you were a cringy dude in the part. You still are btw just by reading what you wrote. You look at other people playing videogames? How much more lazy and easily entertained can you be.

>Do exercise, eat well, sleep well and meet new people. That's all you need.
good advice
and nice trips

self love and acceptance and the understanding that you are what you are we there it's good bad straight gay racist a cuckold whatever yo. and this applies to the other humans on this planet as well. the understanding that things just are the way they are and the universe eventually unfolds as it should.

until then there's sex, drugs and money to numb yourself

>the key to happiness is to give up

Retard alert.

Getting a fucking kill in a line battle


Playing age of mythology on easy, drinking beer and eating chips with your gf after work.


None of you have got it right so far.

They key to happiness to is to get /comfy/

wanna stick her big toe up my bum