Thoughts on Pitchfork's top 100 songs of 2016?

Thoughts on Pitchfork's top 100 songs of 2016?

The whole list is an abomination in my opinion but this here takes the cake. Work was easily one of the laziest and shittiest hits this year and Drake was completely forgettable on it, as he always is on anything. Somehow this is a top ten track.

work is a banger m8

Why aren't you more annoyed that Drone Bomb Me by Anonhi is at #6?

Work and Black Beatles being in the top 10 is just throwing the poptimist crowd a bone. Don't know how you could see that coming

this. work is great

work work work work work badasldghserkrrh work work work work work semidhglishgkseg durr durr durr durr durr

>Drone Bomb Me by Anonhi is at #6?
Not OP but trust me. I am VERY annoyed by that.

The album clicked with literally everyone but me and it's getting on my nerves.

That track is actually pretty okay but the album was just not good

I'm more disappointed in OPN than antony, honestly

Work is trash, I couldn't agree more

Have you heard Antony's earlier stuff?

some of it, hope there's someone is a classic

have the write-ups always been such cringey left wing fag shit or just the last two years? i don't remember it always being this bad.

>TFW Antony and the Johnsons may be over for good and this shitty new style is taking it's place

i don't normally complain about [insert current pop song of the month], but this track is one of the worst things i've heard in my life

recent but pitchfork have always been pretentious and put a lot emphasis on contextualizing the music

pitchfork is the reflection of le right generation kids who were brainwashed by shitty edm and aesthetic nigger music

ITT jaded retards who listen to prog rock garbage shitting on popular music

>Car Shit Furfag is actually on the list

A lot of pop is fine, good even. Work is just expectionally annoying and lazy. I don't know how anyone can listen to it and go "Wow, this track is a banger."

I'm actually quite shocked about how bad Pitchfork's taste is. I opened the list and the first thing I saw was fucking Lil Peep.

I like Drake, but I agree that Work definitely shouldn't be that high, if even on the list at all

Beyonce at #2 is worse

Most of the list isn't worth much

Really disappointing

I've called #1 now 6 years in a row.

Check the archive for some user calling "Round and Round" by Ariel Pink in 2010.

That user was me.

>read through the list
>trans nigger
>dead white man

Really made me think

t. whitey who can't handle people that aren't white

Yes I can't handle crime, violence and laziness

these lists have been revisionist history 'looking back' on the year and have little sonic merit.

pitchfork died after the whole blogwave era around 2009 and they realized that they were the only content farm with critical mass

MPP killed music, and the following year Kanye West really fucking destroyed music journalism

every list since then has been pandering, including paid promotion

they really turned into rolling stone 2.0, except instead of shilling U2 and Bruce Springsteen, they worship Beyonce and Drake.

fuck conde nast
fuck (((ryan schreiber)))
fuck all the retards who eat this shit up

>people are STILL reading pitchfork in 2017 - 25/366

>anonymous whitey complaining about things that trigger them over the internet

really makes you think

aww its Sup Forums mad their shitty little indie bands aren't getting their cock sucked

3 frank ocean tracks in the top 25 is a fucking joke

you have to admit its a real shame they exist

agreed. In fact its my number 1 best song of 2016.

it's a real shame you exist desu

what a thought-provoking comeback

This ain't about thought provoking comebacks. its about making fun of some retarded whitey

can't really say your original comment was any more thought-provoking now can you?

continue being a piece of shit though


if you were presented a button that would make every black person painlessly disappear/go somewhere else tomorrow, you're telling me you wouldn't press it?

Sure you lose some high end scientists, musicians, etc, but they are very obviously a minority, among their people, and among their profession

you know that if that button was pressed all the ghettos would be empty, crime rates would go down, we wouldn't have to waste our time on lost causes in africa

>continue being a piece of shit though

discontinue browsing this site and head back to tumblr, they're probably more your speed

if that button also means people over 21 without an job get taken away also
I'm fine with that

>allow me to ignore what he said, and present my own hypothetical where I would press the button

I like where you're coming from, but it seems like you're avoiding the main point

>all the ghettos would be empty, crime rates would go down, we wouldn't have to waste our time on lost causes in africa
nope im helping you address the main point. get rid of the lazy bums and non college graduates also add any male under 6'0

Work is great because is the most addictive song of this year, and i love that. Besides, is a GOAT for twerking, and everybody loves that.

b-b-but that would mean i have to go!

back to facebook fags

>non college graduates
>he thinks being a college graduate really means all that much


I had to go on his first addition to the hypothetical, I don't really care, probably would be better for the world, but he does seem to be afraid of acknowledging the issues with blacks

I thought Work was terrific.

t.high school dropout

nah senior in college, just about done now, but if you can't see what a racket college in its modern form is, you're legit retarded

>Lose friends
>Lose a number of important thinkers, artists, advocates, scientists
>Lose people because I decide that, for some reason, they're worth less than everyone else
>Lose people because I, for some reason, decide that genocide is moral
>Still stuck with mouth breathers like you

Boy, what a hard choice.

That's some serious cringe.

As far as Pop goes, Work is good

That being said, you shouldn't care

so if there were two hypothetical buttosn in front of you, one that makes all the whites disappear, and one that makes all the blacks disappear which would you press, no bullshit like "i wouldn't press one"?

I'm fairly certain you already realize what point I'm making here, and you have some idea of what the world would look like after each button was pressed

doubt you listened to most of these, I didn't either

grow up and stop reading pitchfork if you don't like their shitty content

you looking for a quota white boy? I thought positive discrimination wasn't a thing. accept defeat

are there any places with good end of year lists now?

i dont really follow music during the year but like to listen to the best stuff at the end of the year. pitchfork used to be okay for that years ago but now it's just embarrassing shit. are there good places to go for end of year run downs that will give me good song/album recs?

the quietus

rym because you can go through genres and the lists are endless even if the first page will just parrot pitchfork

>Lose friends
Those Black people aren't your friends. They hate your guts.

you got no taste fag

also pitchfork was never ok

probably not a quota, I think he's just looking for representation that's actually reflective of the of the demographics of western countries

that said meritocracy is probably inherently racist, but since this is music that's not much of an argument

As a Sup Forumsmale, I thought the list was spot on.

>Sup Forumsmale

that's some good bantz, will remember when arguing with cucks here in the future

why do you insist on speaking in hypothetical terms? that can never happen. what can happen is educating, punishing and generally reducing the underperformers. that applies to all races. ghettos themselves are already a place of containment

>The album clicked with literally everyone but me and it's getting on my nerves.
Yeah just you and half the people in this thread . Drone Bomb Me is one of the best songs of the year by the way, they got that right.

Ultralight Beam is not that good at all. Not even up there with the best on TLOP.

>the main point
which is what? that black people are the only ones who can be bad? if we're gonna come up with a nonsensical hypothetical where black people can just disappear, why not come up with one where all unproductive people disappear and the productive blacks get to stay? emasculated white neets are a stain on society too

its end of year lists reliably gave me a lot of songs i liked for a while now, until may 2 or 3 years ago.

>Yet another perfectly good thread derailed by a faggot Sup Forumsack

The mods need to start doing a better job.

too bad
obama was one of the worst songs of the year

ok, just be aware that the variable there was almost certainly that you started visiting Sup Forums between now and then

pitchfork has always been obsessed with image over everything else

>caring about anything pitchfork posts
>caring about anything Rihanna produces

As least you don't like either of them


The song blows. Literally dozens of other pop songs could have been on there that would have been way better choices.
Like that one about "We ain't kids no more" at least could be considered a banger

I'm fine with their #1, the rest of the list is stinky poop.


you realize that no one will ever desire you in your entire life, right?

Where'd you get this webm. of me?


is he aware he's a meme yet? he has terrible friends to let him continue like this. they probably all laugh behind his back

>The report feature actually worked quite quickly

I'm sorry I doubted you mods

What's his name, by the way?

jimmy neutron

They should've called this their top music memes lost

I like Work. Why do you give a shit what pitchfork thinks anyway lmao


Yeah, it's about what I'd expect form Pitchfork.

Pseudo-intellectual hipsters that are ubiquitously contrarian with the only delimiter being how profound they can make themselves feel so they can stave off the crippling insecurities they have from never having any artistic merit or interesting qualities.

It's just amazing that they're able to write that crap all the way through and string together enough ambiguity and irrelevancy to constitute an article and also at no point realize how utterly full of shit they are

Really I hate this website so much that I promise if you if I ever find a way to get offered a position at that "publication" I'm going to work my way in and then completely do away with all the pseudo-intellectualism and completely lambaste the horseass that they expect me to give positive reviews

I mean what are they going to do, fire me for not having their opinion?

So yeah that's Pitchfork. Representing all the worst that this generation of people has to over and will age like sour milk.

>the worst that this generation of people has to offer

that's buzzfeed man, by a mile

>6 of the top ten are by black artists
>top 4 are black artists

makes you think...

>and also at no point realize how utterly full of shit they are
oh, they know

wtf are you talking about Drake's verse in Work was his only good verse all year

white guilt

Black Beatles is actually a pretty good song, but Work is abhorrent.

Poptimism is fucking cancer by the way.

I didn't know Wayne Static had a son.

>No Elseq
>No Bottomless Pit
>Work that high
>Ultralight Beam #1

Last year's was way better

reminder that if you're white and praise black music you're an sjew cuck

The worst I've seen is Complex. In their review of Sremmlife 2, they put asterisks over Trump in the title of "Up Like Trump" as if it was a cussword.

Mates cmon

It's 2016

(((Pitchfork))) isnt Pitchfork anymore

Seriously, is it just the majority of 12 year old on Sup Forums that give a fuck about pitchfork? Why do you need to rely on a list to decide what is good or not?

pitchfork tries and fails to assimilate as much music as they can into a top 100 list. when they see good music, they do a good job of calling it.

their problem is that they try to compare good music across genres. this is impossible. they do such a shitty job because they prop rap and r&b up above the rest. it doesn't seem like they're capable of judging on an even playing field. this is probably because rap and r&b is interchangeable with pop music today.

you know what lists they make that are good? album by genre lists. find the genre you like, and you'll give p4k a lot more credit.

they are still a good source for music, you just have to tune out all the shit you don't like.

>work is fucking terrible
>AMSP is album of the year
>black beatles is a really good song and deserves to be up there
>ultralight beam is a great song, but not number 1

Lil Peep is good

Father Stretch My Hands would've been a better #1

I expected Your Best American Girl or We the People... to get #1

P4k dropped the ball hard tbqh

>Drone Bomb Me
>Even making any sense as a political statement against the assassinations carried out by Obama