USA isnt really going to elect this fucking clown right?

USA isnt really going to elect this fucking clown right?

No. We won't. But the fags here think so.


Of course we're not gonna elect him to be the US President.

We're electing him to become the World President


Nice samefagging, retard.

0/10 bait.


>underestimating the stupidity of the average American

When will you learn?

If the American people elect him then we will respect their right to choose their legislators earned by their forefathers and you can be butthurt all you want

Only Sup Forumsfags believe he has a legitimate chance to win in November.

Most satisfying vote I'll ever cast

I hope so, purely for entertainment reasons.

I hope so. I'm British but I'm trying to convince my American family and friends to vote Trump.

>there are still people who scoff at the notion of a Trump presidency

You underestimating him and not taking him seriously only makes his followers more devoted. You're the reason he has gotten this far.

this? or hilary?

God-Emperor Trump to you, user

Trump: "is that a fart I smell?"



Not really. Him winning the Republican race was mainly due to the fact that his speeches, while not inherently racist for the most part, appeal a lot to a good chunk of racist Republicans and his anti-establishment vibe was really appealing as well, but his run is over. Democrats are voting for Shillary en masse even because Trump getting in is their worst nightmare, and some Republicans might not vote for Trump because of how much of a fucking joke he is.



This is really the only time Trump would ever be considered mainly because white people are mad and because the world has gone to shit because Obama turned out to be such a pussy when it comes to handling foreign affairs. Nobody really takes women seriously so if Hilary gets elected, Russia will end up being a bigger power than us only because she'll let them.


this is pretty much how i feel about all politics

Doesn't matter. He's getting Kennedy'd anyway if he gets elected.

Im voting for him because I want absolute chaos in this world

>his run is over
>fucking joke

Yeah, yeah, yeah. This just shows you know nothing about it, people have been saying this since day one. The people who actually have their finger on the pulse are scared shitless.

Yeah, we better elect the most corrupt liar EVER to run for president who's been in politics for decades than a guy that isn't a politician.

>it's 2016 you guys, do you really think the UK would leave the EU? fucking racists, Islamic extremists are a small minority

Stupid fucking cuck. Bet you're french

Where did your reading comprehension go, boy?

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

Presidents are selected not elected, America isn't really a democracy, they just let the world think it, much like their citizens, so the general public may take the blame when shit hits the fan. Unless you understand the government, don't vote. When you do understand you'll realize how pointless it is to vote, then you won't. Go back to your video games clown boy, intelligent people nationwide are working on the problem as we speak

are you excited for 9th grade after the summer is over?

hes our last hope.

You're saying he appeals to racists. What in my post are you taking issue with?

This election will be an interesting one, where third party candidates get more votes than before, but I think ultimately Trump will just win it.
Hillary and the DNC had to collude just beat Bernie. Bernie was a nice guy, but still foolish, and rarely fought back. They have no chance against Trump. He will tear her apart during the debates like he did to Jeb, Cruz, Rubio, and the others.
For whatever every shovel full of dirt she has on him, he will have a dumptruck full on her.


It's not that I want him to win. I just REALLY want to see Hillary lose. To see decades of backroom shady shit fail hard is too great of an opportunity to miss.

yeah as we all know, nobody lies ever
oh wait everyone lies all the fucking time
trump fans are the biggest fucking retards

Big man with the plan eh?

I really can't wait for the Presidential debates, they're going to be absolutely brutal.

Appealing to racists is not the same as being racist.

Never said it was.

And then he becomes the ultimate martyr and you have open revolt.

For want of a better alternative, Hilary.

so pumped

The idea of him winning makes me want to expatriate, preferably to Western Europe.

Nah, the majority of people are like you will vote for Hillary solely for the fact that she's a Woman despite her being a crooked bitch.

Male feminists will do anything for a scrap of female attention.

Go away, work on your English, and try it again, eurocuck.

Hopefully Hillary won't just somehowa void doing any debates like she did with Bernie. She hadn't done press in nearing 300 days. Shes been banking on her name the whole time

vote for Trump maybe he will cuck you

Which only shows how little it takes to persuade gullible people. Trump was a hard sell for me, but I came around.

Oh fuck off, lack of sleep so I don't care about reading my posts before posting.

Yeah, 'cause Trump is such an honest, noble guy himself.

his plan is to win the popular vote, but lose the presidency to hillary. either way he wins.

Trump would CRUSH her in a debate. She'd probably have another seizure.

>Trump wins election
>He comes out to make his winning speech.
>He looks bored.
>As he gets to the mic, he stands there for a second.
>All is quiet.
>He begins to adjust the mic.
>A cough is heard in the audience.
>The mic is almost touching his lips now.
>A smirk slowly but surely appears.
>Obama, you're fired!
>The crowd goes fucking nuts.
>Wetbacks begin running back to Mexico.
>Liberals and faggots start blowing their brains out left and right.
>Hillary has a stroke.
>Jews start immediately burying shekels.
>McCain is sitting in a bar sobbing while getting blown by Karl Rove.
>Karl is sobbing as he does so.
>Jeb complaining to the Jews this wasn't how it was planned.
>The First Lady causes boners across the USA.
>All is right with the world.
>No more niggers.

>vote for Trump maybe he will stop Pablo and Mohammed from cucking you

FTFY little baby tampon boy

Uhhh.... yeah. Compared to the alternative, that's exactly what he is.

Same. I was a Bernie supporter until like April. All it took was me watching a few trump rallies and not getting my info about him from clips on the MSM.

Now he gets me all fired up every time he talks. Bernie is a weak piece of shit.

>He doesn't know that Trump is friend with the Clintons and that he BTFO the Republican candidates just so he could give Hillary an easy win.

>And then I woke from my dream and realized I was still homosex

Seen this and this theme before, but it still gets me all giddy imagining Trump firing nigbama and hillary's disgusting sour face

this guy knows

That may have been believable when he first announced his candidacy. But now there is no way it's true.

He's already threatened to speak publicly about Bill Clinton's sexual exploits, I think being friends is off the table at this point.

>implying Trump is not a jew puppet

Excuse me, Hillary has made a careen in government at it and peoples lives have been lost. Go wack off to your mommy you little bitch.

I grow increasingly worried everyday, we have way to much downhill momentum to elect a climate denier.
How can people be so short sighted.

finish the sentence .....who cares about his country and family, and will do anything to defend his country.

Go to hell, pussy.

We do more to protect the climate than china or india who account for MUCH more pollution than we do. Again, fuck off.

People keep saying this, as if the Clintons were masterminds that somehow knew Trump would get the nomination. This isnt House of Cards.

lol, no

>literally thousands of fraud accusations
>pushing debt of atlantic city casinos off onto share holders
>successfully sued twice for racist housing practices
>retweets white supremecists
>financial ties to vladimir putin
>refuses to disclose taxes
>trump "university"
>tenant intimidation
>four bankruptcies
>undocumented polish workers
>anti-trust violations
>threatens to sue journalists critical of him
>refusal to pay laborers and contractors

what about any of this says he is even remotely an honest or noble man?

he's as crooked as hilary is

No. They just had to get the RNC to accept the most batshite stupid candidate possible so that Hillary could win.

>climate denier
Like climate change is a pressing issue. Who fucking cares?

So just elect a basketball that has scammed people out of their money and forced them onto the streets to suffer and probably kill themselves
yea thats better

No. Probably not.

Imagine You're sitting in a plane up in the air. The pilot and co-pilot pass out for whatever reason. The crew go back to the cabin and ask for someone to step up and safely land the plane.

A woman stands up and says she's a qualified pilot. She's been flying for over 20 years. She got into some trouble with the airline pilots union or something similar but she knows how to fly.

Then some guy in first class stands up and screams about how she can't be trusted to fly the plane and how he's driven lots of cars and only crashed a few of them. That the passengers need an outsider to safely land this plane.

This is essentially the choice.

This. We have people wanting to blow us up and we're worried about how hot next summer might be.

Actually per capita we emit much more than both.
But I'm not sure if the study accounted for all Carbon emissions such as those released by setting concrete, or anthropogenic carbon sinks.
Regardless pointing fingers isn't going to change a fucking thing, grow up everything that can possibly be done needs to be done.
Americas collective apathy is dooming the world, if we came together the rest of the world would follow.

Are you a self-loathing white male OP?

The scary thing is that republitards are so brainwashed by the anti-Hillary propaganda (ironically) that they actually believe Trump is a viable candidate.

"He speaks his mind lol. He's never been explicitly racist lolol."

97 doctors tell you that you have cancer and that it needs to be operated on right now. 3 doctors say it can either wait or that you don't have cancer at all.

You've apparently gone with the 3 doctors. Enjoy your cancer.

Here's hoping you live in Florida or somewhere similar.

Hillary however was supposed to be acting in the best interest of the U.S. not her own

Trump was a businessman using whatever he could to make a buck

Not even close to the same. Hillary has done way more damage to the country.

I need a small loan of one million dollars

Sadly they are....

zoz listen to this fagot

I feel like OP is constantly responding to his own post to make it seem like there are a lot of supporters for his political views. All in all, Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8 Almost got me ;)

I wish there was more tenant intimidation. Why don't you take your white ass and family into a black neighborhood and walk around. Just walk around and let me know how you fucking make out. There's a reason why landlords (who with present laws are fucking helpless) "steer" tenants away. THEY DON'T WANT THEIR FUCKING INVESTMENTS DESTROYED. HAVE YOU SEEN BALTIMORE, PHILLY, OAKLAND, DETROIT, OR ANY BLACK AREA'S LATELY??? Look at them PRE RIOTS. They are fucking disgusting. I used to clean out apartments held for years by niggers and they are FUCKING FILTY. He threatens to sue journalists who are BLATANTLY DISHONEST about him and demonize him. "Refusing to pay people." He is a businessman and he's not going to allow people to take advantage of him.

You are a liberal retard and should move to inner city baltimore so you can relieve your retarded duties on Sup Forums with a nigger's bullet to your head.

So what? I like racism.

except for pay taxes to fund the military or not cheat on his wife

yeah, real family guy right there

three marriages in, god he must care so much

Why shouldn't we?

It's possible. We elect actors like Schwarzenegger and Reagan. Why not a reality-star? Kardashian 2020?

Stop putting things in parentheses you fucking liberal twit. That's literally the easiest way to tell a liberal from normal people. They write as if 2 sides are arguing in their heads. Hillary is a CANCER to this country.

Fucking right they are you commie faggot.

Look at the cities like Johannesburg that white people built ifor niggers and what they did when the Brits left

Since my choices are that fucking clown and Hillary Clinton, I am voting for the clown.
And I voted for Bill twice and Obama his second time.


And hillary enabling bill's countless affairs and standing by that sicko makes her any beter. Get the fuck out of here you fucking retard! What's your IQ? 78?

If you vote for Trump your mother will die in her sleep tonight