Anybody ever smell a dead body? What does it smell like?

Anybody ever smell a dead body? What does it smell like?

I have during my deployment, they smell like sleepless nights :-/.


Death. Have you never come across a dead animal?


It literally smells like death. That's the only way I can describe it


ever been to the fish section in the supermarket?

This is what I was going to say. All dead things smell the same basically.

Except for skunks. Dead skunks are, well,

Has a cloying, sickly sweet odor. Not mistakable as anything else.

OP here,somebody said like a hog rendering plant or a mushroom plant, mixed with shit.

Alright Sup Forums, I've been watching shitloads of anime over the summer and this question's been on my mind since I saw Yosuga no Sora since in the end the guy ends up with his twin sister and fucks her:

What would happen if two twins had a kid together?

I know that if siblings have children it hurts the child, or at least has the capability to due to incest and alleles and shit like that, but what if they were twins? I know that twins have more similar genetic makeup than regular siblings (like, for example, my sister has blonde hair and I have dark brown, shit like that). I didn't put this on Sup Forums since this would end up going more into actual science and genetics than about the single anime

>pic related: Sora (girl) and Haru (dude), the twins mentioned earlier in the anime

Oh shit I didn't mean to I meant to post this as a thread god dammit well sorry for changing the subject. Anyone got an answer? My friend fucked his twin and she's pregnant since he didn't wear a condom

what the FUCK


Humans smell different than animals

Not totally, but yeah. Humans tend to smell a bit more...well, I thought it smelled if you mixed a dead deer and the scent of freshly mowed grass together.
technical difficulties?

yeah...technical difficulties

>sweaty sheets sun baked in a metal box for
10 months and poorly covered up with febreeze
I've smelled both
the sweaty sheets was second
thought my new room mate had died

I'd say a human smell is a lot sweeter smelling, not sweet in a good way at all but definitely different. My upstaris neighbor from my last apartment died above my living room and leaked his juices through the floor

Incest by itself does not cause genetic disease. But almost everyone is a carrier of recessive genetic disease. We carry them, but are not sick because the second good allele compensates. Closely related people tend to carry the same dud alleles, so there's a chance that the offspring will inherit two of the same dud alleles causing the disease to surface. Being twins doesn't really make a difference, it's just that if one of them has a recessive disease, the other has as well.

TL;DR: there's an elevated chance, yes, but not a certainty. Get a DNA check to know for sure.

> Sweaty sheets sun baked in a metal box

uh why?

Yeah I get what you mean, but to me it smelled a bit like when you mow the grass of a huge yard and go out in the morning when there's dew on the grass. It smells a bit sweet like how you talk about, but instead a bit mild, kind of like incense that's gone bad or got old

Incest and Smell of death.

Fuckin classy thread right here.

Like rotten chicken

Depends.. I've smelled rotting corpses which just have that general disgusting smell of rotting meat. I've smelled embalmed corpses and they smell like.. Hmm.. sterile death? I can't explain it. Have you ever dissected a frog or a pig fetus for biology in HS? It's kind of like that. You know it's dead, but it's preserved so it won't rot.

K thanks I'll probably repost this on the thread I just made. Today hasn't been a good day

Yea i feel you, i kinda liked the smell. Kinda like gasoline. The dude who died above me looked fucking diguesting though his skin was slipping and his stomach was so bloated and there was fluids coming out of every orface.

Idk. But I smelled dead dolphin once

This, it's foul, animals smell bad but they don't have years of shitty processed foods and whatnot ran through their systems.

I smelled a dead deer cut open and there was an old dude that died in my old appartments. It stanked up the whole block and ventilation was filled with maggots. The guy downstairs had maggots falling out of his air vents.

Really though it smells extremely foul. It's a smell you don't want in your nose. You know when you smell a smart or someone just sneeze and you hold your breath so you don't get any in your mouth? Well it's that but worse. Even if you want to you can't just smell it, you have a bad urge to go away.

It smells like garbage, puke, shit, rotten food all at once.

>Salty milk and coins, with just a hint of warm bags of sand...

just go outside into the woods or nature for long enough, and eventually youll smell a pungent smell, thats unlike anything youve ever smelled before and it doesnt go away.

I work in a morgue. You get used to it. Although the decomps are the worst. Even witht the vents going they stench up the place

Yes the smell different you fucking cuck, you ever cut someone open and fuck them and watch your dick penetrate them? I think not, gtfo summerfag.

from my experience its just a strong sour odor but not too rotting or foul, similar to spoiled food. It's going to be different if you expose yourself to one.

You should seek help.

Listen, I knew a guy was dead in the building because I immediatly remembered the smell of the dead deer.

Also you should seek help if you think fucking dead corpse and animal makes you a better person than me. With the infos you just gave me I can assure you that I consider you less than human.

nasty ass soldiers that never washed their sheets

Not the worst, but definitely something you don't forget. Helps if you're a smoker whose sense of smell is fucked anyway.

I only dealt with it during embalming, which tended to get rid of most of the smell fairly quickly.

I could never forget that smell.. when I went to my first funeral. Idk why the smell was so strong but it filled the room. It's like a weirdly sweet rotten smell. Very peculiar smell that is different from anything else. Rotten flesh with a hint of perfume or something. It's not a stinky smell like a fart or rotten egg or something. Just something very overwhelming.

It's a disgusting putrid smell with a sickeningly sweet rotten odor that does not easily go away. It reeks of death and you cannot mistake nor will you ever forget it.

I'm glad I won't have to undo the damage of rotten corpses to apartments ever again.

Military mortician here, I have a hard time grilling with my family now. The smell of charred/burning meat makes me want to puke. Just eating burnt meat brings back the smell of death so strong I can taste it. Feels bad man.

Dude are you my landlord?

My parents are morticians. The smell of death is quite hard to describe. Its quite gross.

I doubt it, I didn't manage shitholes with common return vents through a whole building and at floor level so everything got into them.

People die all over in apartments, user. From natural causes to murders to suicide. Somebody has schedule and quality check that apartment to look as new as possible.


It has a strange yet very unique odor of something that is rotting and noxious. Imagine a bag of diarrhea that's been left out in the sun to fester and boil...

It's entirely different than the smell of a rotting animal or even rotting meat.

If the body is particularly ripe prior to autopsy then the odor is very exaggerated upon initially opening the chest cavity. Even a seasoned pathologist may gag at this. It's wise to use supplementary oxygen if available.

The aroma never seems to completely fatigue your sense of smell either. It will stay with you long after you've left the room as well

A guy dies in my apartment in Perth.

The smell was around a couple months before they figured out dead guy.

It was really gross.

Was doing some work for a farmer putting up some fence. Came across a dead cow that had been rotting for a few good weeks, its skin was falling apart with a good amount of organs still rotting, maggots were coming out of every single hole and could clearly see bone. Smelled like rotten trash tbh