PC bread? PC bread

PC bread? PC bread.

Building a stupid overkill build partially because I'll make use of it, partially just because I fucking want to. Share some Sup Forumsuts, talk some tech. Discuss calmly, and civilly.

>Sup Forums
>calm and civil

Picture related, was an old build of mine.

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I just built a rig a few months back, have SLI 980tis, its great. Got a 144hz 2560x1440 monitor with gsync, everything fucking runs like butter on max settings. Makes me cream myself haha.

Oculus rift runs perfectly too, its nice. What you looking to spend all in all?

I've already spent most of it. Quite a bit. Got two 1080's today. How do you like the occulus?

Gtx 1080 16gb ram 4790k h100i v2 700-800watt s340 case

Sounds like a nice build. Any over clock, or just keeping it cool with the H100i?

Jealous, made my build back in January, wish I waited for the 1080 release but tbh I'm running everything max as it is now at stable 120+fps.

Oculus is great but you need to manage expectations. Its a first gen product without a huge sea of content, but there are some pretty mindblowing experiences. Cant wait for motion controllers

>Made your own PCIe support.
I love it.

The build looks good.

I kinda want Occulus for first-person cockpit games really, like racing games and flight games. I think using an occulus and a racing wheel or my flight sticks would be an awesome combination.

Here's the new one so far. I had a GTX 980 in there, but, I'm removing it for the new cards, obviously. The 1080 performs so well, I just got those instead of SLI-ing my 980.

Anyone have any experience with the NZXT S340 Mid Tower Case?

It has a small gap up the top front with the fans behind it and has started building up dust, is there a way to remove the front panel without breaking anything to clean it?

I got 2 1070s myself. Just don't see any benefit with 1080s. 1440p? 1070 can do that?
4K? SLI 1070s can do this too.
So where's the benefit with the extra cost?


Yeah, those asus cards sag worse than grandma titties, still need to find a more permanent solution.

Elite dangerous is amazing on oculus I wish I had hotas, would be awesome.

Your build looks great, What cpu you running, 6700k?

I'm in 3,440 x 1,440, which is a bit less than 4K. I wanted something a bit "futureproof." I got a discount on the 1080's because best buy fucked up, and, if I can sell my 980 for what I'd like to, with the discount and selling the 980 it's really going to be like I only bought one out of pocket.

It pulls off, then you can snap it back on

It's X99, and I ordered the 6950X actually. lol

I love Elite Dangerous. I have the Saitek X-55 Rhino HOTAS, and it works so well for ED. I use custom controls though, not the preset ones.


Thanks man, I managed to get it off, well overdue for a clean I think.

Anyone want to take a quick look at this build.


I'm about to pull the trigger and buy some of the expensive stuff.

Looks pretty darn good.

No problem my dude

17 4570k
gtx 970
16g ddr3 1333
250 ssd
1tb hdd
corsair 100i cpu cooler
hero vii
windows 10 / steamos


The 1080 FTW is like an extra $700 so this thing is turning out to be pretty pricey.