Any ideas on how to do a quick, painless, OTC suicide?

Any ideas on how to do a quick, painless, OTC suicide?

>inb4 acetaminophen

Lonely as fuck, just made a fool of myself at work after being rejected by a girl who I thought liked me.

It's been 2 years since I left the girl I wanted to marry and I haven't found anyone who will put up with me.

Will stream if you guys want to watch me OD.

Are you that faggot I talked to last night?

you should go on a walk in nature and get away from the computer, life is hard but its beautiful

I hope you find some peace my brother


Op you aint gotta kill yaself buddy. We all make mistakes and hell, ive been rejected numerous times
>Being a 4chanfag doesnt help
But now i have a beautiful wife, a good business, and a kid on the way

Dont dew yourself in friend

>Any ideas on how to do a quick, painless, OTC suicide?

Sure. This same thread is posted twelve times a day.

Burn some charcoal in a closed bathroom. The CO will suffocate you. Why do you want to kill yourself?

Well, I guess that's good. I hope he changed his mind on suicide.

Sorry you're lonely. Why not spend all your time/latent fury with some weights and get absolutely jacked? Better to die in a blur of violence than a miserable pharmaceutical cocktail

Make a suicide bag.
Google it they're really good, painless, very pleasant.
Sources: I've done it loads of times.

You're a fucking retard if you are gonna kill yourself over a girl.

Nigga... get a grip, girls will come along, you dont need to pursue sex all the time despite how "great" it seems. Its not.

Go out there and make something of yourself first, make some money and push yourself to be the best.

The best grills come when you least expect them.

reincarnation, nigger.

keep eating tendies until you choke

check em'

bleach and ammonia
make sure you mix in the right amounts
do it wrong and it hurts
do it right you get tired and dizzy and then you are dead

Tank of helium and a tube. Breath normally though the tube painless death

>Well, Better to die in a blur of violence than a miserable pharmaceutical cocktail

Lol so true

That requires too much thought.
I need something that I can do quick. Something that I get fucking shitfaced, down a bunch of pills without thinking about it and then wake up dead. My roommate has a gun. Do I go for it?

Quit being a pussy, you fucking faggot.

Go to a vitamin store and buy the highest strength of immediate release potassium you can find. Take a ton of them and then take a handful if benadryl so you fall asleep. The potassium will stop your heart without causing tons of pain.

Get a new job and move on. We all do dumb shit from time to time so just suck it up and go kick life's ass. Taking your life wouldnt help anyone or anything. Work on yourself and become what you want to be.

I'll be looking into this. Thanks.

not worth but if u rly wanna

>wake up dead

Sorry bruh I believe in the afterlife. Not Heaven and Hell, but something.